I Dare You

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Pickens day... a day that is suppose to represent and for us to remember the blossom ancestors. But the way I always saw was as a Memorial Day for the serpents who were killed by the Blossoms all those years ago. When everyone gathered around in the park, with Lodge not inviting the serpents. We all just stayed at home, or otherwise all gathered around for drinks at the bar. I sat across from Klaus with soda water being placed in front of me. I groaned, him knowing how much I despise this liquid.

"Klaus, you know how much I hate soda water." I said, sounding like a spoiled child. "I'm sorry." I apologised, I kissed his cheek as he sat down with a beer in front of him.

"It's fine, I know. But apparently soda water rests your stomach while pregnant." He explained.

"Klaus, we've been trying and there hasn't been two lines." I stated, playing with my fingers. Having that one thought in the back of my head I've been worrying about.

"Luci." He begun, as he held my face. "We both don't have any family history in that problem, so there is no need to stress. Ok?" I nodded, smiling. Klaus pecked my lips, our heads both snapping towards the door. Seeing Toni and Jughead, in front of all the young serpents. "Jug, Sweetpea, Toni, Fangs... what's going on?" Klaus asked, seeing some of them holding signs and duck tape.

"Everyone listen up!" Jug yelled, getting everyone's attention. "We're going to expose the truth." Klaus and I exchanged looks, getting to our feet. Everyone gathered around, people putting on tape around their mouths. People gathering signs, we all left on foot down to where the festival was held. Walking through the crowd, I stood beside Toni. Knowing about her grandfathers history. Klaus stood by Jug, whilst Fangs and Sweetpea stood either side of Toni and I.

"Toni? Lucifer?" Veronica whispered, as the music stopped. "Jughead, Klaus What the hell is going on?"

"We're here representing the dead and the silenced. Pickens day is a lie." Toni begun saying into the loud speaker. "General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe, my grandfathers family, and this land, the land that were standing on, that will soon give way to a new Southside, was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back. But we can and we must honour them."

"Hey, folks, hi. Uh..." Mr Lodge cut Toni off. "I think we can all be proud to live in Riverdale where young people stand up for justice. Where a young woman can defend the honour and legacy of her grandfather. And where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktena, who contribute to the rich tapestry that is Riverdale, that is the Southside, and that will be SoDale. So, let's hear a round of applause for that, am I right?" Whilst the crowd cheered, I brought Toni into a side hug. "That's right. What do you say, people?" Glaring towards jug, Klaus and Toni's grandfather. Jug in anger ripped off the tape from his mouth, about to make a fool of himself. They both grabbed ahold of the back of his jacket and pulled him back. Watching as everyone went back to their business, Mr Lodge walked up to Toni. "I would like to say Miss, how impressed I am of your spirit." He said to her.

"You can shove it up-." I covered my hand over her mouth before she could say anything bad.

"I'll just like to take this off you, don't want you to make another scene." He went to grab Toni's loud speaker, seeing him grab her around her wrist. Forcefully, I grabbed onto his arm. Pulling him off of her, having him still in my grip. I lowered my voice threateningly.

"Touch her again, I dare you." He lowered his voice in return.

"Be careful Miss Jones."

"Don't test me." Not realising how red my arm was going, mr lodges grip released when Klaus shoved him away from me.

"Just leave mate, before I do something worse to you." Klaus threatened, Watching as Hiram adjusted his suit. He left, Klaus spun around. Holding my face.

"You ok?" I nodded.

"I'm ok Klaus." I reassured him, Klaus brought me into a hug. Whispering.

"You're such a Mum to these kids." I huffed at his comment, all I could do was buddy myself more into him. Sighing heavily, hearing Archie's voice with the group that were a bit behind Klaus.

"Is Lucifer ok? I saw Hiram-." He started, Sweetpea snapping at him.

"She's Fine, Klaus got him away before he could hurt her."

"I need to know-." Fangs grabbed onto Archie's arm, keeping him still.

"Leave them be."

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