Not Your Fault

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What is it like? You may ask... what is it like to lose a child? Well, it's like if a part of your heart died.  It's like you've lost a part of yourself, something you could possibly replace. Yet never fully recover what could've been. Sitting across from Klaus,  he just stared at me like if I was going to explode.  "You know I'm not going to explode, right?"

"I know." He replied, whilst I took a sip of wine.  Watching his facial expression change from a smile to worried eyes.

"You know the doctor said to take it easy, wines not the best thing to continually have."

"Klaus, I just lost our child. So I think I have the right to grieve and wine!" I held up my glass to the air. "Is what's helping me." I smiled, taking another gulp.

"Luc, you're borderline drunk." Hearing a knock at the door, Klaus going to get up. I bet him to it.

"I've got it." Walking over and opening the door, I smiled seeing Jug and arch at the door. "Archie! Juggy!" I cheered.

"Hi Lucifer, you Ok?" Jug questioned.

"I'm getting sick of people asking that question." I spun around on the balls of my feet, heading straight to the kitchen. The king with a prince by his side and a knight on his other, they all looked to the queen with worried eyes. The prince was the most scared, he knew where he's seen this familiar situation and manner. His older sister and their father shared the same coping megunism. Alcohol.

"How long has she been like this?" Archie questioned the king.

"Last night, a few hours after we came home." The two younger boys saw how tied Klaus was, how exhausted he was. They knew he didn't sleep last night, he would've been to afraid to shut an eye while she was back from her fantasy world.

"We'll look after her, you get some air. Get some sleep." Archie stated, Klaus looking between the two boys. They knew he was grieving as much as Lucifer was, but he kept it to himself better then Lucifer could.

"No-." Klaus swayed.

"Yes, go." Jughead shoved his brother in law in the direction.

"Fine, but if something happens you ring me." Klaus changed back to his soldier tone, Klaus left the building. The two boys looked to one another, Jughead headed towards the fridge. Seeing him bring a bottle of water out of the fridge, Archie took the glass and bottle out of my hands.

"Arch, What are you doing?" I looked up to him, seeing Jug walk over.

"We're getting out of the house and getting you sober, clear headed. Drink and take these." He passed me tablets, doing as he said. I gulped loudly, struggling to get the tablets down. Archie started shoving me towards the bathroom.

"I don't want to have a shower." I acted like a child, trying to walk up the stairs. Archie wrapped his arms around me, picking me up.

"It'll make you feel better, come on." Archie closed the door behind him, placing me down. I knew Archie was trying to help, sighing. I hand gestured for him to spin around, him doing so. I got undressed, turning on the hot water. I hoped in, closing the door. Archie left to get me new clothes, I looked down to the two scars on my stomach. Tracing over them, all I wished for in my mind. That sometime in the future that I would be able to have another baby.

Outside the bathroom door, Archie waited to no longer hear water run. Jughead walking over to him, Archie saw he wasn't wearing his classical beanie. "You ok Jug?" Archie asked his long time best friend.

"I'm worried, Arch. Last time I've seen her like this is when Penny and Klaus had their fling. She's... not like that." Archie could see from the look in his eyes, that jug shrunk down to his childhood self when his sister was in the mess she was in. Archie placing a hand on his brother like figures shoulder, he done him a solid.

"I'll take Lucifer to clear her head, you stay here and clean up for Klaus." Jughead nodding looking at the ground, his eyes looked up to Archie.

"Thanks man."

"It's fine." The Queen and the knight, leaving the prince at the castle. They walked hip to hip down a trail, talking about memories when they were younger.

"I remember when you were younger, you told all your lunch time friends that you were dating me." I exposed.

"What are you serious?" Archie tried to laugh it off, looking down to me as I looked up to him.

"Yep." I laughed. "You wanted to be the cool one, as then it was cooler in your year to date an older woman."

"Oh my god, I was a retard." Archie facepalmed himself. "Oh, wanna hear something Jug done at school?"

"Oh god, what?"

"Every time Jug would be in trouble, he would tell that person 'if you touch me, my sister will hurt you'." He put on a young juggy voice, bursting into laughter. I wouldn't surprised. We both went quiet, being around Archie and laughing. I pulled away a part of my brick wall. "I hate myself for allowing Penny and Hiram get inside my head, I would've still had a baby now and would've been able to tell you guys... the serpents... mum, dad, Jellybean and Jughead." Archie stopping us, he swung himself in front of me. Holding my face to look at him, he told facts.

"Lucifer, this is not your fault. You went to save your brother, to save Jugheads life. To save the serpents. Klaus is alive, Jughead is alive. Most importantly, you're alive Lucifer. I'm not going to allow you to tear yourself apart, Ok?" Nodding, Archie pulled myself into his chest. Wrapping my arms around him, he placed his head on top of mine.

Walking back to the castle that over looked the land that everyone called the Southside, Archie and I walked through the front doors. We stopped, to see Jughead and Archie talking at the dining table. They both looked towards us. "Archie and I will leave you two be." Jughead walking towards me, kissing each other on the cheek. Arch squeezed my shoulder, Hearing the door close. I walked and sat where jug sat.

"Klaus? I know you probably don't want to talk to me, I'm sorry. Ok? Klaus?" Him not responding, I stood up and went to walk away. He grabbed ahold of my wrist, he pulled me towards him. Wrapping his arms around me, I wrapped my arms around his head. Shushing him as he sobbed into my chest.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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