Sleep Deprived Eyes

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The doctor directing Klaus towards a room, he opened the see through doors. Heading towards a box on a silver table, he hesitated to open it. Knowing who rested inside of it, he didn't want to do that to himself. Slamming his hands onto the metal table, it echoed through the room. The hard shelled ruler, looked up to the roof. "Mum, if you hear me... please please. Bring Lucifer back to me, allow her to be able to have another child. Please mum, I need your help."

Walking into Klaus's old house, I walked passed a mirror. Seeing I was back to my 7 year old self. I walked into the lounge room, picking up a old photo of Klaus's parents. Observing and seeing that Klaus's mother was pregnant with him at that time. "You're a new face." A voice startled me, turning around I saw 7 year old Klaus standing in the door way.

"And by your accent, your Niklaus." I spun around to face him.

"Klaus is fine... by your features, your Fp and Gladys kid." He stepped towards me. "Lucifer correct?"

"That's right." I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, girly. Tell me something." He stepped closer and closer. "What's your deal?"

"What deal?" I questioned, keeping my ground.

"What makes you the daughter of a king?"

Coughing awake, feeling a tube down my throat. My hearing slowly coming back into play, I heard several voices come around me calling my name. Feeling someone grab my hand, I looked to my side. Seeing Archie standing over me. "Take it easy, a doctors coming."

"Lucifer!" Jughead.

"Jug, stay on your bed." Betty.

"Doctor! We need a doctor! Fp! Klaus!" Veronica yelled out the door, trying to settle my breathing. Yet coughing still, Archie brushed my hair out of my face with his hand.

"Luc, squeeze my hand if you can hear me." Arch told me to do so, him smiling as I squeezed his hand. I heard doctors and nurses come rushing in.

"Miss Lodge, please stand back." A Doctor instructed Veronica to do.

"Ok, Miss Jones. We're going to take the tube out, I'm going you to cough on three, one, two, three... good girl!" The nurse cheered.

"Lucifer!" Klaus's loud voice bursted into the room.

"Excuse me gentlemen, please stand back."

"I'm her fiancée."

"I'm there father." Dad.

Feeling my fingers becoming entwined with Archie's, I rubbed my thumb against his hand. A woman moved, allowing me having a clear view of Klaus. Who's eyes found their way to mine, smiling at him. All he could do was smile in return.

He looked like a mess, his messy hair, dirty clothes and sleep deprived eyes. Keeping an eye on him, I looked to dad. Who ran his hand threw his messy gelled hair, he smiled in relief to see me finally up and awake.

Later into the night, Jug was asleep. As well as dad in the chair beside his bed, Klaus laying with me. I cuddled into his chest, feeling him play with my hair. I was quiet, thinking of everything when I was out. Our child. "Hey, are you ok? You're quiet, a little to quiet." He said softly, so we wouldn't wake up the other two.

"When I was out, I was living a life where we had our baby." I teared up, rubbing my stomach where the scar was from Penny. "We had a baby girl, we moved out of Riverdale. We had a house similar to what we have, but a massive garden."

"W-what was her name?" Klaus chocked.

"Dabria." Looking up to Klaus, his facial expression went from wanting to cry to a oh no expression. "What?" Klaus rubbed his temple.

"Dabria... is the angel of death in my family's belief. You know how we're not catholic or anything like that, but we believe in the supernatural and all that?" I nodded. "Dabria has been taking members of our family close to death for centuries." He cut his sentence short, being exhausted myself. He looked away, rubbing his hand around his mouth. I placed my head back on his stomach, I closed my eyes. Feeling tears fall down my face, soaking Klaus's white shirt. I sighed heavily, feeling my heart ache.

All I wanted to be was a mother.

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