She Would've Wanted You To Know

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"Dad?" The young prince woke up, making the king jump awake. The older man in the room got to his feet.

"Jug." Fp was relieved.

"What did I miss?" Jughead tried to crack a smile. The king sitting down, he started explaining to his son the massive war he missed.

"What you and Lucifer did, brought every serpent out of the woodwork. You would've been proud of them boy." All the young prince could do was look over to his sister, who hasn't awoken and to his brother in law. Who's head rested on the bed his sister laid on. Klaus's hand in a bruised mess."It looked like we were gonna win, but in the end, there were just— there was just too many ghoulies. It was like shooting snakes in a barrel."

"Why?" He looked to his father, all stitched up and bruised. "Why did you and Klaus go?"

"To avenge you two."

"I had an agreement with Hiram, so did Lucifer." Jugs voice cracked.

"There was no stopping the others. They were churned up about you, Lucifer and Fangs. Even though Fangs— he's alive."

"Fangs is alive?" Jug asked is misbelief, the older man nodded. "But I thought... a deputy told you he was dead?"

"Yeah, That was a lie."

"A ploy, you mean." Jughead corrected. "To goad the serpents into a fight they couldn't win. All of riot night was a Hiram Lodge orchestrated mousetrap. The serpents and Lucifer followed me into it."

"Sunnyside trailer park fell. Our trailers still standing, along with Klaus's house. Most of them burned." Fp leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Jug. After the rumble, some of the serpents defected. They—they joined the ghoulies. Others were arrested. More went into hiding. The rest... they left town." The young prince lowered his head. "The serpents... they don't exist anymore."

"Ar, Madonna and child." Klaus said as he walked over to Dabria and I in the front garden on a blanket of toys. Holding her sitting up.

"Hardly, I think Madonna knew how to put her baby down for a nap." I looked up to him.

"Maybe she's suffering from nightmares?" Klaus suggested, placing his hands behind his back.

"What could a little baby be possibly be having nightmares about?" I quizzed, looking back to Dabria holding a rubber toy in her hand.

"Well I don't know, big bad wolves." He begun slowly crouching down beside me. "Evil step mothers, things that go bump in the night." He gave me a look, which made me smile.

"Hmm." I nodded, looking back to Dabria. Klaus asked.

"Have you told them yet?" Referring to my father and brother. Watching as blossoms of flowers fly past his face from the giant oak tree we sat under.

"I'm still working up the courage." I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well, knowing your father. Taking the awful news of leaving him in the dark, he reply with his characteristic stubborn father figure."

"Not helping." He huffed in reply. "We've hurt a lot of people to keep her safe."

"And we'll continue for as long as we need to." Dabria leaning towards Klaus, she opened her arms up for a hug. Klaus smiling, he took her out of my grip.

"Hello darling."

Klaus walking up to a squeeze on his shoulder, he woke up to Fp passing him a cup of coffee. "Thanks." Klaus rubbed his eyes.

"Klaus." Jugs soft voice called to him, Klaus's eyes widened seeing his brother in law awake. Klaus got to his feet, walking to Jugs side. Jug said on repeat saying. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm extremely sorry." All Klaus done was being the young boy into a hug.

"It's not your fault, I wouldn't be able to stop her. She cares about you the most in the world, I'm just glad you're ok." Jug cracked a small smile, hugging Klaus back. Klaus was beating whether or not to tell the young prince the secret of that he was going to be an uncle. Standing back up, Fp and Klaus exchanged looks. Fp giving Klaus a nod, Klaus reached inside his pocket to give Jughead a note.

"What's this?" The young boy curiously asked.

"She would've wanted you to know." Klaus said as they heard a knock at the door. "Hi Betty. We'll leave you two be." The two men leaving, Betty was confused at first seeing Jughead holding a letter.

"Who's that from?"

"Lucifer, apparently." He replied, whilst Betty placed a bouquet of roses on Lucifers table side. Jughead unfolded the crinkled piece of paper, tearing up as he read.

To my dear Jughead,
If you're reading this... that means I've reached the month where my stomach
popped. My precious boy, I didn't know how to tell this to you in person. But,
you're going to be an uncle to a beautiful little girl or boy. I wanted to wait to
tell you, knowing you would be as bad as Klaus. Not allowing me to do certain
things. I know you're going to an amazing uncle and I cannot wait for you to
meet the little one.
I love you forever and always,
Lucifer and baby Jones.

"Jug, what's wrong?" Betty held his face in concern, Jug was putting the pieces together.

"Lu-Lucifer risked her life and her baby for me... I I was going to be an uncle."

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