Angel of Death

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Love. That word has many meanings, the love of an animal. The love for your friend, or your family. Yet, the feeling of when you know you're going to spend the rest of your life with that being. Where you'll risk your life to keep them safe, it's when they are the one keeping you on this earth. The one pulling you to the ground, yet when they're in pain. It feels like your insides are ripping at one another.

The kings rushing through the hospital, they screamed for help. Fp placing Jug on a stretcher, they took him straight to the emergency room. One coming for the queen carrying a future heir, the king placed them gently down. Klaus popped out a piece of information that the older man, the father of his love wasn't supposed to know for another two weeks. "Please be careful, she's pregnant."

"What?" Fp couldn't process the information.

"We will Sir, please wait here." Klaus Watching his life being taken down the hall, his facial features changed like the snap of his fingers. Klaus spinning around, he headed towards the exit point of the building.

"Klaus! Niklaus!" The older man called to his son in law. "Niklaus, where are you going?!" He swung Klaus around to face him.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! My baby is possibly dead! Lucifer and Jughead might not be ok! I'm the one that is suppose to take care of her!" Klaus ripped himself apart.

"Klaus, you're not going anywhere." The older man grabbed ahold of his son by his leather jacket sleeves. "She needs you here, they need you. It's always been like that since you two were younger, you're stronger together." Klaus broke down into tears, Fp Jones being his closest father figure since his father went to prison. Fp brought in the broken king into a hug, a hand placed on the back of Klaus's head. "Shhh."

"You know Dabria, your mother. She's quite a unique creature, you just never know what's going in that mind of hers." Klaus said to our daughter while he held her up standing on his lap at the dinner table.

"Already telling her stories, I see." I leant against the doorframe.

"Well, I just want her to know everything before she can speak her first word. Don't I?" He looked to her smiling.

"Here." I begun, placing down a pen and a piece of paper.

"Lucifer, I'm holding a small child. This letter is going to have to wait."

"You write, I hold." I raised an eyebrow, tilting my head with a smile.

"Lucifer, you know I'm not the kind of husband you can boss around." He looked back to me.

"You know I experienced horrific pain and almost death birthing the child you're holding." I one upped him.

"Fine." He gave in, I walked over smiling at Dabrias cheeky grin. Picking her up, I looked back to Klaus.

Watching him write the letter to dad and juggy.

"Dear Fp and Jughead, just to let you know. Lucifer had our baby about a month ago, sorry for not telling you. Since we've not been in contact for a while, Fp when you arrive I'll pour us a scotch. Klaus." Him folding it and passing it to me, giving him a non impressed look. I scrunched it with my free hand, throwing it in his face.

"Lucifer and Jugheads family?" A doctor walked over to the pacing pair.

"Yes, are they ok?" Fp questioned.

"Is my baby ok?" Klaus was begging for god to be on his side.

"They are both in stable condition, we've placed them in the same room. Klaus can you walk with me please?" The doctor quizzed, Klaus nervously nodding. He followed the doctor away from his father figure. "When Lucifer first came through, seeing that what looked like a stab wound. It went right through her stomach, the amount of blood she lost while she carried-."

"Wait... what do you mean by carried?" Klaus's hands shook from fear.

"I'm sorry, but your baby was dead in the womb. The only way to save Lucifer was to remove the baby." Klaus dropping to the floor in a crouch, he held his temple. Trying to process more grief, Fp rushed to his side. Bringing the boy into his chest for comfort. The doctor left the two alone in the room with the Jonas's siblings laying in beds next to one another, a metre apart from one another. A machine helping them both breathe.

To be continued...
Sorry, but you knew this was coming.

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