The Price of Your Greed is Your Son and Your Daughter

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The serpents gathering around, I leant into Klaus while rubbing my temple. In the corner of my eye, I smiled inside seeing Toni and Cheryl. "It's time we end the Ghoulie scourge, and that traitor Penny Peabody." Fangs begun, walking around like he owns the place. "Permanently."

"Sweet pea, two hours ago, your fight was with Reggie mantle. Now you want us to go to war over territory we don't even control anymore? This is Hiram Lodges problem, not ours." Oh juggy.

"You're gonna hand over sunnyside trailer park, our home! To penny and the ghoulies?" Toni stepped in.

"Toni, I don't want us to die. A rumble with the ghoulies? It's a suicide run." Jug walked towards Toni and Sweetpea.

"Better than a cowards death."

"Don't call me a coward!" Jug yelled at Sweetpea.

"That's enough!" Dad's loud voice made my spine stiffen, everyone's eyes landed on him as he walked towards everyone. "I just got a call from the sheriffs office. Fangs... uh." Klaus's grip tightened around me, knowing something bad happen in dad's tone. "He didn't make it. He's gone." My hand automatically came straight up to my mouth, my heart ached as tears formed in my eyes.

"Fangs is dead?" Jug and I quizzed for reassurance, out of complete misbelief.

"And we will mourn him. We will." Dad promised, placing a hand on my head while he walked passed Klaus and I. "But first, we will honour him." Jug turned his back to the group. "From what I just heard, we need to put it to a vote. All those against going to war wit the ghoulies?" Looking around, no one put snake fangs in the air. "And all those for giving the, hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" Klaus and I putting our hands in the air in the form of snake fangs, everyone's went up besides from Jugheads.


"This is a mistake. You two can see that, right?" Jug started, dad and I sat at the table. Dad staring at me, I stared down at the tabletop. "We'd be going in blind, dad and Luci. Dad, Lucifers listened to me. Will you listen to me for two seconds?" I leant back as Jug threw the newspaper off of the table. "For all we know, the ghoulies outnumber us 100-To-1."

Feeling the pregnancy emotions run threw me. Dad slammed his fist down on the table, storming to the sink. Yelling. I slammed my hand onto the table. "Don't you think we know that?" I growled.

"Boy, your sister and I have been doing this a lot longer that you have. And we voted. If we're going down, we're going down fighting. As far as being outnumbered, I'll rally the reserves. They'll fight." Dad walked to the door, grabbing his jacket. "Lucifer Maria Jones, you coming?"

"I'm coming." Getting to my feet, I walked past Jug kissing his cheek. I grabbed my jacket as I drove dad and I both back to the whyrm.

Hours went, where the little prince never showed to help her sister, her sickness sitting in the bottom of her stomach made her feel uneasy. Walking past her king, she whispered to him that she was getting air aswell as having some water. Feeling her phone ring in her jacket, she pulled it out to a no caller ID.

"Hello? Lucifer speaking." 

"Lucifer Jones." My heart dropped at the voice.

"Hiram Lodge." I replied, walking a little further away from the whyrm. "What do you want?"

"Oh Miss Jones, I heard that your precious Jughead is missing?" My heart begun racing.

"Where is he, you son of a bitch?" I growled.

"I'll tell you, if we make a deal." Of course, always a catch.


"Your life, for his."

"Seriously, are you that afraid of me?" I huffed.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Where is he?"

The dealer giving the queen the location, she jumped on the closest motorcycle. Hot wiring it, taking off down the road to where her little prince was. The old hideout, where the bitch who ruined a part of her life. Penny Peabody. Pulling her bike up next to her brothers, her phone buzzed. A message from her king, questioning where she went. The queen knowing what she was risking, her own child for her brothers life. She couldn't think of a life without her little sidekick. All she replied with to him was three simple words. I love you.

"The sacrificial lamb arrives." Penny begun, while jug walked towards her. Him not knowing I'm here.

"I'll remind you of the deal that I made with your boss, Hiram Lodge." Jug placed down the order. "I hand myself over to you and there's no bloodshed tomorrow."

"Apparently getting you and your sister out of the picture is more important to him than a All out serpent annihilation." Jug was confused on why Hiram wanted me as well.

"Why Lucifer?" Soon as Jug questioned it, I walked around the corner.

"There She is!" Penny cheered whilst I walked around the corner. "You are actually here." She was impressed. Remembering what Klaus told me, when I was stressing.

"Klaus, if Penny comes back. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"No more running, Queen."

"Or Maybe I just stopped running." I sassed.

"Lucifer!?" Jug exclaimed.

"Till the end of the line, remember?" I stated, standing beside him. I looked to Penny. "This was supposed to be only me."

"Change Of plan." She evilly smirked.

"30 to 2. Are you that afraid of us?" Jug snickered, watching as the ghoulies surrounded us. The leader stood in front, saying.

"The scary thing is what we're gonna do to your girlfriend and boyfriend when we find them." Jug and I clenched our jaws, jug and I took a swing at him. Connecting, the whole group came in at us. Kicking us down to our knees as punches were thrown, when trying to fight back. I felt a knife go threw parts of my body.

"You're a true hero, you two. Let your dying thoughts be that your sacrifice was for nothing. And that Come morning, Riverdale as you know it will cease to exist. Don't finish them off yet guys. I want my two pounds of flesh first."

At the whyrm, Klaus's mind was quiet. He was on the phone with Archie. Hoping that his soon to be wife was with him. "Archie, is Lucifer with you? Are you and Fred Ok?"

"No klaus, yes we are. Betty's on the phone with Fp, jug rung her and it was weird."

"Lucifer messaged me, it was strange as well."

"Klaus!" Fp called out to him, Klaus Hanging up the call. Klaus looked to his father in law. "I know where they are." The pair took off on the bikes, to where Penny hid. Taking off their helmets and stepping off their engine creatures. They looked around only to see a bin fire with blood around it all over the ground.

"Lucifer!? Jug?!" They both called out for a response. The kings took off in a sprint, searching. Coming across a old run down church, Klaus looked to the older man.

"I'll check in here, you keep searching around." Fp giving his son in law a nod, Klaus pushed the heavy doors open. Freezing as he saw his other half, limp on the stair well at the end of the corridor. Him approaching her, he sat down. Pulling the so called lifeless body into his chest. His eyes flooding, he looked seeing his fiancées stomach slashed. In one quick fit of emotions. Klaus screamed to the top of his lungs in agony, loss.

"Klaus!" Fps voice came into the room, him freezing aswell. Seeing his daughters lifeless body in her lovers arms. "No... no no no." He rushed over, falling to his knees. Fp hesitated to touch his daughters face, slowly doing so. He brushed her blood covered hair out of her face.

Klaus looking up to the roof, he blinked so he could see through his tears. "D-did you find jug?" Fps eyes filling up with tears himself, he shook his head. "Let's go find him." Klaus standing up and holding Lucifer in his arms bridal style, they left the church. Rushing around, coming to a bush where an arm stuck out from. "Fp!" Klaus pointed it out, Fp checking. He looked like he was about to throw up, more so when he saw his daughters body. Pulling the limp body out, the amount that Klaus was crying. Made his heart physically ache, Fp lifting his sons body. They both headed back to the bikes, Fp leading the way.

Through the entrance, seeing Fangs, Toni, Cheryl, Betty, arch and a few other serpents. They all stood shocked as Fp and Klaus stood beside one another, holding the bodies of two rulers.

To be continued...

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