Secrets and Sins

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"Jug, I'll be right back. I need to go and see if Klaus needs my help, you're gonna be ok with the dog?" I asked him, getting to my feet from the ground.

"You go, I'll be ok." He stated, leaning down and kissing his head. I almost collided with Archie leaving, heading inside. I shook my head as I saw the mess of what this has become. Looking around, the so called demon that laid in the bottom pits of my soul. My eyes scanned the area as I made my way into the living room. I gripped onto Betty's arm, like a hawk gripping onto their pray.

"Heads up for the future, listen to what jug likes and wants on his special day. I know you're his girlfriend and all, if you ever hurt him. You'll regret it." I gritted my teeth, her nodding. Klaus took her off of me, Betty continuing into the kitchen. Klaus took me to a corner of the house.

"What's up with you?"

"What's with me? What's wrong with Betty? She's supposed to be taking care of my brother and dads alcoholic, but-." Feeling his hand cover my mouth, he stated.

"I know I know, but you need to calm down ok? I know you're trying your best to protect him, you've got me here. I'm going to help you."

"Mm-mm-mmm." The hum begun, looking to the doorway and seeing dad leaning against the door. Klaus took his hand away from my mouth.

"You can cut the sexual tension in here with a knife."

"Dad, I hate you. Excuse me, I'm going to go and check up on Jughead." Walking last my father, I pecked his cheek as I continued my path. Seeing him and Klaus get into a conversation.

Going back to my brother, I sighed heavily. Jughead knowing I feel like crap and all I need is a cuddle, seeing a small smile come across his lips. He opened his arms up welcomingly. Plopping myself next to him on the chair, I had my legs over his. "We'll get through this night...hopefully."

"Till the end of the line." I said in a western sort of tone.

"Till the end of the line." Jug replied with a slight huff. Both of our heads snapped towards the door as a little tap, tap accord.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Betty asked as she came in, allowing jug to get up. He leant against the wall next to me. Him asking one simple question.

"You know our dads an alcoholic right?"

"Of course I do. I didn't think people would drink tonight." She stated.

"Betty, it's a teenage party. Of course there's gonna be alcohol." I explained.

"I didn't plan on chuck and Cheryl and the rest of the school crashing, ok?" Betty stood her ground, watching Jug turn his back to her. "This was supposed to be your friends." Jug then spat the metaphorical dummy.

"You and Archie are my friends, ok? So are Klaus and Luci! Everyone else, including Kevin, including Veronica... are people two months ago I would've shunned." Jug said turning back to her, having one arm to his side. His finger tips brushing against mine, as if the electrical shocks of energy were transferring to him for rights against himself.


"In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in, and I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this hat on? That's weird?" Deep down I know he loves the beanie, it was a gift from me to him. He was simply trying to explain facts to her.

"Why are you getting so upset?" Betty quizzed, seeing sadness in her eyes. "It's just a party, Jug."

"It's not just a party." Jug begun, turning his back to her once again. Looking down to me, wanting me to finish this for him. Even though I would gladly do so, this is his girlfriend and he needs to talk to her. I gave him a look to continue it himself, hearing him sigh. He turned back around. "It's the fact you don't know or even care that this is the last thing that I want. You did this for you, to prove something." That's my boy.

"To prove what!?"

"That you're a great girlfriend? I don't know. Doesn't it ever occur to you how different we are? Like, on a cellular, DNA level? You're a straight A student. You're a cheerleader. For gods sake, you're the perfect girl next door."

"I hate that word." Betty's eyes slowly became redder.

"I'm the damaged loner outsider...from the wrong side of the tracks. Who depends on his sister. Betty, come on. Who are we kidding? We're on borrowed time."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Betty asked, feeling more and more awkward as I just sat there.

"Betty, I'm not one of your projects, ok?" Jug rose his voice. "Like solving Jason's murder."

"No. You're not my project. You're my boyfriend." She held his face, jug taking her hands away.

"Until you're sick of slumming it with me... or until Archie changes his mind and he says he wants to be with you." Soon as those words came out of his mouth, my hand immediately came over my mouth. The silence grew more, watching Betty leave with the slam of the door behind her. He looked to me with realisation of what just came out of his mouth. He helped me to my feet, following him inside to the smell of B.O. and cheap beer. We ended up in the kitchen, spotting dad and Joaquin beside one another. I joined my fathers side.

"Hey jughead, lucifer."

"Hey Ethel." We both replied.

"What's going on?" Dad questioned leaning down to me, his voice low. Whispering back, I simplified the story.

"He kinda messed things up with Betty and said some things." I explained.

"This whole night is bad luck." Jug said to Ethel who offered him a piece of cake. Jugs eyes glanced over to dad, Joaquin and I.

"I'm ghosting and could use some sister company. Ill see you at school. Coming Luci?" Jug asked.

"Yeah I'm coming." Standing back up right from leaning against the sink, dad ruffled my hair as I followed my brothers tail. Trying to slither through the crowd, I stopped seeing Cheryl and Chuck get in his way of leaving. Beginning to forcefully move my way through the crowd, chuck shoved jug away from the door. Watching as chuck took a step towards my brother, I used all my strength to make chuck hit the door. His back clashing with the wood, making a loud clang go throughout the house.

"Touch him again, I dare you." I wanted him, a cunning grin formed on his face.

"God damn you're hot." Looking up to him with my eyes showing off the emerald affect within them. Showing my purpose.

Jug tried to jump at chuck for his comment directed at me, gripping the front of my brothers shirt. I kept him behind me, all of doing this. I kept my eyes on chucks. "You're going to let us leave."

"Oh you two can't leave yet." Cheryl joined in the stand off.

"Why not?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"We haven't played our game yet. Listen up, party people! Everyone has their secrets. And we've all done our share of sinning. That's one thing my dear brothers death has revealed. So let's play a little game to get those secrets out on the open."


"What the hell is 'secrets and sins'?" Jug asked Cheryl, as everyone was gathered in the living room. I sat on the ground beside Klaus, who sat up on a chair. I looked over to Jug who leant against the window frame near chuck and Cheryl.

"It's a variation on 'truth or dare'. In which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I'll start the game with Veronica Lodge."

"Naturally." Veronica replied with, not surprised of Cheryl's choice.

"Let's begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town, for a so called fresh start. Tell us, Veronica, what's so freak about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?"

"That was your doing." Veronica added, surprisingly calm like. Looking up to Klaus, he looked down to me. Raising both eyebrows, knowing there's going to be worse drama.

In response, I hid a smile. Shaking my head as I looked back to Cheryl talking. "Moving on to dear daddy lodge. Isn't it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive in land?" Jug and I exchanged looks, unaware of this new information. We glanced over to Veronica. "Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing behind bars?"

"Well, I cant speak for my father but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her own very brother." Wow, just wow.

"Everybody knows how much I loved my brother."

"Exactly. But did you love him maybe in ways that a sister shouldn't love a brother? And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your fathers many hunting rifles."

"This is intense." Klaus whispered.

"Don't talk, either of us could be next." I warned.

"This game is sick." Dilton begun.

"That's the spirit, Doiley! What secrets do you have to reveal to us?" Chuck chanted.

"I saw ms grundys car by sweetwater river the day Jason went missing. I told Betty and jughead, and then ms Grundy quit her job and left riverdale two days later. Also let's not forget that Archie was also at sweetwater that morning." Oh no Archie.

"Oh, my god, colour me shocked. Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four eyes were pulling a Mary Kay letourneau?" Cheryl quizzed him, hearing Veronica whisper to Archie. I stood up for my little brother.

"That's enough Cheryl." I stated.

"Oh I don't think so Luci. Andrews was banging a teacher? Damn, I wish I would've known. I would've added you and Ms. Grundy to the book of conquests."

"Classy, chuck, as always." Veronica told him sarcastically.

"Wait a second." Here the red head goes again. "That also explains why Archie can't seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He's got serious mummy issues." As I went to get up, Klaus placed a hand on my shoulder. Looking to him, he shook his head. Knowing begin in a house of intoxicated teenagers, it'll only come into the result of this becoming messy. "Anything to say for yourself, arch? Were you a victim of a perpetrator?"

"Dilton Doiley plays with guns." Betty added, trying to take some of the attention off of Archie.

"Big whoop, Betty. So Doileys a psychopath. Everybody knows that." Cheryl stated.

"Well, I guess it's my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty cooper." Chuck started, looking to my brother who's ears perked like a cat.

"Leave her the hell alone, chuck." Archie told him.

"Shut up, Andrews! Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn't even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you don't know...she dressed up like a hook, in a god awful black wig...drugged me, handcuffed me in the jacuzzi and, Well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you know all about this, right, jughead?" In that moment of time where I didn't look anywhere besides from my brother. I quickly got to my feet, as jugs fist connected with chuck. Jug going in for another hit, being blocked by chuck. Chuck punched back, making Jug fly into a piece of glass furniture. Standing between chuck and my brother, I saw blood on a piece of glass.


Spinning around, without thinking. My knuckles smashed against chucks nose, him not thinking himself. He punched me across the face, making me slam against the wall. Knocking my head hard, everything slowed down. People gasping at the fact chuck hit a girl, I saw dad drag him outside. Going off his head at him. Klaus helping jug make his way to outside, I sat there by myself. Of what felt like forever, the buzzing going away. Two hands placed on my cheeks. "Luci? Luc? Lucifer Jones!" My vision clearing, I saw him.


"Yeah, I'm here."

"Hey you." Looking up, I saw arch come over with a packet of frozen peas and a wet cloth.

"Hi. Where's jug and dad?" I asked Klaus, feeling the small concussion come on.

"Your dad just left, Jugheads-." He begun, being cut off by a voice coming around the corner.

"I'm here. You need to stop getting into my fights." He suggested.

"Well you need to actually win one." He huffed, crouching beside me. He brought me into a side hug. "Now sit still while Klaus fixes you up and let me put these peas on your face."

"Fine." I groaned, feeling the cold packet pressed against my jaw. Resting my head on my brothers chest, I looked at Klaus full of adore. Feeling as he held my chin, using the cloth to wipe up the blood forming on my lip.

Leaving Archie's and heading back to klaus's for a drink, I walked into his art room. My eyes scanning around the room wide eyed. Seeing some old and some painting I've never seen before. Seeing at the corner of my eye, Klaus leaning against the door frame. Holding an identity glass of scotch like mine. One of his paintings intrigued me, it was of two people. Standing on opposite sides of a drop, reaching out to one another. While a storm occurred behind them.

"This one, this has some story behind it." I begun, looking back to him.

"That one is about us." He simply let out of his mouth, looking back to the painting. My mind played the dark meanings behind that painting, it wasn't directed at one specific thing that ended us. Looking at the little details, on each side it showed the little details of all things we went through. Seeing a tiny shadow figure of my dad and jug, to my car, to his motorbike. Seeing how twisted it really was, seeing Klaus go back into the living room. He placed his scotch on his 'scotch platter'. "Well." He begun as I walked into the room, watching him take a few steps towards me. He added. "It's getting quite late, so you're free to go. Or stay."

Huffing, I looked down into the lasting liquor I had. "Hmm. I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy the quiet." I started, seeing him smile at that comment. "Or I could slack it at the van, so I don't have to put up with jug and arch cleaning." Meeting him half way, I placed my glass on the table.

"Well that's always a plus, love." There was tension, looking at one another and feeling like it was forever. He sighed heavily, turning his back to me.

"Do you wanna know why I liked that painting?" I quizzed, watching him swing himself around to face me.

"Maybe because it allowed you to see into my deep, wounded soul?" Looking down at my glass on the table, I slowly walked towards him.

"I saw, how twisted it really is...Remembering how we relate." I bit my bottom lip.

"So what's it gonna be?" He asked, standing right in front of me. Inches away from one another. "Going or staying?" I saw in his eyes he didn't want me to leave. Leaning in towards his ear, I said.

"Well, you like to be in control. You tell me." He slowly brushed his fingers against my inner muscle bruised area. Looking up to him, his eyes peeled on my lips. He slammed his hands onto my ass, letting a little gasp past my lips. He lifted me up slightly from doing so, he looked at me a way meaning. That I wasn't going to slip from his fingers ever again.

His arms wrapping around my waist, he dipped me back slightly. Gripping onto his face, crushing my lips against his. He knocked my glass and a pot, the shattering noise didn't both either of us. This was hunger.

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