You've Got Responsibilites

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"Klaus, Calm. I'll be fine." I begun, trying to calm down my other half over the phone. Standing beside Jug who was going off at Archie on the phone from his gang of misfits who trashed around the whyrm.

"You better not push yourself, if my child-."

"Excuse me?" I stated, the tone in my voice which he knows he's in the wrong.

"If, our child is in danger. I'll take over, Ok?"

"Klaus, I've known these kids as long as you have. I think I'll be fine, I'm the queen after all. I'll need you to see Archie today, if you can."

"Of course, be careful. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up, looking to Jug and him ending the call. I looked to him with raised eyebrows in a so? way.

"He apparently wasn't involved, it was the rest of the bulldogs." He explained.

"Lucifer, Jughead." A voice called from behind us, turning around we both said at the same time.

"Attorney McCoy."

"Where is he?" She questioned.

"Come on." We replied, her following us into the police station. Making our way to where Fangs was being questioned, storming into the room. Attorney McCoy blurting.

"Don't day another word. I'll be representing Mr. Fogarty, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stopped harassing my client." Following Fangs to a holding cell, McCoy continued to explain the situation to Fangs as Jug and I sat on the table in the background. Playing with the loose bit of Klaus's shirt I wore to my style. "You're being held because you were in possession of a weapon on school property."

"For protection." Fangs added.

"Yes, they have 24 hours to make something stick. In the meantime, you exercise your right to remain the hell silent." Watching Fangs's eyes scan over to Jug and I. It was time for the election, I walked up to Klaus who couldn't help but form a massive grin on his face. I narrowed my eyebrows.

"What?" I questioned with a smile, looking down. His hands slipped under his giant denim jacket which covered the slowly forming bump in the tight black dress I wore.

"I dunno, just the little dude or dudette." I huffed. "They're starting to show, which means we can tell the world soon." He pecked my lips.

"The time will come Klaus." I rubbed his upper arms. "How'd you go with Archie?" I asked, seeing him in the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, he wasn't there last night. It was the rest of the bulldogs, wanna head the thing that makes me want to kill someone in this room." Klaus looked past me, locking his eyes on a target like a hunter. Looking in his same direction, we connected eyes with Hiram Lodge. Who evilly smirked at us both. "He sent them to do it."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Wish I was." Klaus dropped his grip, seeing the look in his eyes that sent him to jail for two years. I stood in his way, forcing him to look at me.

"Hey, don't. You've got responsibilities, not worth it." Our fingers entwined with one another.

"Come on." I pulled him along, finding our seat. Klaus's hand rested on my inner part of my thigh. Looking up at Alice cooper, ready to run the show.

"Welcome, one and all, to tonight's mayoral debate." Alice started, watching Fred and Hermione shake hands. Everyone applauded, watching them walk to their sides of the stage. I sighed heavily, wanting Fred to win. "Jumping right in. Fear and unrest rule the streets. "Hermione Lodge. How would you restore safety to the town?"

"We're already make strides, Alice. My husband and I personally recruited Sheriff Minetta from Centerville after Tom Keller resigned. Not one week on the job, and he's apprehended midge Klumps murderer." Everyone clapping, Klaus and I didn't. Knowing the truth.

"Fred. Rebuttal." Alice turns to him.

"We don't know if he's the killer." Thank you Fred. The whole room booing him, I knew Klaus was about to hell out to defend him. I squeezed his arm. "All I'm saying is let's not call for blood until we've had a trial. What does that say about us? About Riverdale?"

"You talk about not calling for blood, Fred." Hermione snapped back. "Are you aware of a group called the dark circle?"

"No, I'm not."

"Let me enlighten you." Oh Hermione, What are you doing? "The dark circle is a dangerous, radical group that traffics in terror, violence and street warfare. A group... started by your son, Archie. Now, I ask you, citizens of Riverdale, how can we trust a man to run a town when he can't keep his own house in order?"

"Oh, my god. It's the black hood." Veronica came on stage, pointing above us. Everyone turning, with a split second. A bullet was fired, one after the other. Klaus grabbed me onto the ground, covering me with his body.

"You ok?" Klaus asked, nodding. He held onto me tighter.


Walking into the room where attorney McCoy, Jughead and Fangs were. Jug looked to us in relief. "Oh my god, are you two Ok?" Jug quizzed, bringing Klaus and I into a hug.

"We're ok, why isn't he out yet?" I stated, regarding Fangs.

"If the sheriff doesn't press charges in the next hour, he'll have to let him go." She explained. "There's a lot of protesters outside. His release is going to make a lot of people in this town very unhappy."

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