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Klaus left with Jug to find Dad, so he could help us get Fangs out in one piece. Sitting down on the ground, facing the boy I took care of since he was young. We held hands through the bars, he begun to play with my fingers. "Everything's going to be ok." I tried my best to reassure him.

"Everyone in the town hates me, wants me dead Lucifer-." I cut him off before he could continue, my hands came up to his face. Holding it like I did when he was younger and upset.

"Since when did I allow something bad to happen to you, huh?" I questioned, he shyly smiled. My phone buzzing in my pocket, I answered it seeing it was Jug. "Juggy, what's up? Thought you would've been back by now."

"Lucifer, look outside." He told me to do, getting up from the cement ground. I went on my toes to look out the window, seeing roars of Fire in the street. People with signs and weapons.

"Oh my god, tell me you aren't in that mess of people." I begged.

"Archie's friends are here, everyone just wants Fangs out to get justice for Midge." He shouted, knowing it would be hard to hear me out there.

"Get In here, now." I ordered, him hanging up. I turned facing to a shaking Fangs. "Everyone's here, let's get going." The sheriff walking in, letting Fangs out. He rushed out, tackling me into a hug. "Let's go." Giving Fangs his jacket, we headed into the the main walk in area of the station. Jug walking over to the new sheriff, saying that we need to get out the back door. Yet people are still surrounding that area as well. The sheriff just replied with a snarky, 'sort it out yourself snake comment' and left.

"What do we do, Luci and jug?" Sweetpea questioned.

"I don't wanna die." Fangs panicked, Jug and I exchanged looks.

"Hey. You're not going to. Look at me ok?" I held fangs's face, he fell into my chest for safety.

"We stand together so none of us falls. In unity there is strength." Jug stepped up. All of brought one another into a group huddle.

"In unity there is strength!" We all chanted.

Bunching together, we got Fangs hiding in the middle of us. We pushed through the entrance of the station, going down the front steps. Feeling shoves and punches of people in anger and confusion. Dad and a few older serpents barging threw, they helped through the front. Shoving people to keep our own safe. The loud chants and screams around us made it impossible to hear one another. Hearing a thud behind us, we all looked to see Archie on top of Reggie.

In a matter of milliseconds, with the sound of a silver bullet being shot. Everyone flinched, feeling dad grab ahold of me. Fear replaced the anger. Getting to my feet, I looked to see Jug was ok. Him nodding, I looked around the younger serpents. My heart coming to a stop when I saw blood forming on Fangs's shirt. "No!" I screamed, everyone catching Fangs as he dropped. Toni and myself trying to stop the bleeding, I heard Jug yell faintly.

"Get help!"

Hi all, sorry for the small crappy chapter. Hoping you liked it, the next few are gonna be insane! So buckle up! See you then! X

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