Lethal Beauty

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Violet slept more often. Ari noticed that.

And, while addiction to sleep is usually the first sign a demon hunter's been corrupted by the supernatural forces, Violet easily covered her tracks.

"I met a guy." She told Ari at lunch one day, wearing a grin more confident than ever before.

To say Ari was excited was an understatement. She'd been waiting years for Violet to finally get a boyfriend.

"What?!" Her fork clanked on the plate, leaning forward onto the lunch table. "Tell me everything!!"

For the most part, Violet did tell her everything. He was incredibly handsome and charming. Super into her and great in bed.

But, she left out the most important part.

Her lover—actually, lovers were demons and she belonged to the most powerful one of all. The demon king.

It was the first time Violet ever told a lie. It was also the first time remorse and guilt were completely nonexistent from her system.

While Ari had slept through Violet's first eventful night with the demon king, being her neighbor exposed things eventually.

The brown haired girl's jaw dropped in shock when a chorus of dirty moans woke her from her sleep the next night, sitting up in her bed in confusion.

"R..Right there..." She heard Violet whine over the creaking sound of her mattress. "Don't ever stop...fucking me..."

Damn. She swore—and she really sounded like an animal in bed. Who knew?

Heh. Good for her. Ari was proud. Get that dick, girl. Lord knows she needed it.

It continued for months and Ari had to admit it intrigued her. She always knew Violet as the sweet, innocent, shy girl, but whoever her new beau was, he must have been damn amazing in the sack.

Violet was glowing everyday now. Smile wider. More confident. More seductive.

But, Ari was a bit too distracted with her own problems to really ponder on it for long.

Her own demon had been working overtime the last few months to seduce her, no doubt getting frustrated by his lack of success.

The moment his precious little vixen hit her deep sleep, Keigo got to work just like he did every night. That awful necklace was still around her neck, but it didn't stop the avian from creating his tempting delusions.

It always started with the illusion of soft fingertips gliding up her thighs. Ari's legs would snap closed in sleep, but only because the sensitivity of his 'touch' made her dizzy.

What really got her was the massage Keigo would shower her with after such a long day every single night. Her neck...her shoulders....legs...feet...it felt like her body was being wrapped up in a million sweet kisses. Ari couldn't help but sigh contently as he uncoiled every tense muscle of her body.

"Mmm, you're so tight today, little dove." The spirit would breathe in her ear, causing Ari's defiant eyes to practically roll in her sleep. "If you take off that necklace, I could loosen you up even more."

"Beat it, you dumb bird." She'd simply grumble half consciously, stubbornly gripping her necklace tighter and forcing the annoying demon out of her head.

She'd never be so easy as to let a thousand year old ghost in her pants. Especially not one who's such a fuckboy.

But, after months and months of the same routine, things started to change. Ari would wake up more dazed and thinking about the sweet, charming voice of her demon. She'd think about his touch during the day...

And, most of all she'd find herself utterly drenched between the thighs, seeking any sort of relief.

That wasn't a good sign and she knew it. Which is why she took matters into her own hands. She wouldn't dare break her resolve for the demon over a little sexual frustration.

She'd just find herself a real human to satisfy her needs. And making that decision a month ago was proving to be the best thing she ever did...

Ari moaned lowly as she remained seated atop her friend's naked body, resting her hands on his lean, toned chest as she continued to ride him.

Tamaki Amajiki's always been shy in the streets. Quite honestly, he was also shy in the sheets, but that didn't mean he wasn't still a man with needs—or a damn good cock.

The quiet ones are always the best fucks.

Before becoming demon hunters, the two have been friends since highschool. The innocent looks at her chest didn't start until a few months ago. Ari picked up on them easily, starting to size Tamaki up for something more...

Something that would get that dumb ass demon shit out of her head—and keep him out of her pants.

The first night she made an advance on Tamaki, he reciprocated instantly—too shy to take control, but not too shy to moan loudly when her perfect body made him lose control.

It became a regular thing, and quite honestly for Ari's sake, it needed to be.

The more time she spent around Tamaki at night, the less the demon was able to annoy her.

"Yeah, that's a good boy..." She purred over Tamaki's quiet moans.

The shy boy had grown less shy over the last few weeks, his head was thrown back in bliss, sweaty brows crooked with pleasure and mouth releasing breathless curses that would make any girl blush. Ari hummed encouragingly and grabbed his hands, placing them on her ass and feeling his grip immediately tighten up with excitement.

To aid his confidence along, she kept her hands over his, using them to rock her body up and down on his length.

Awkwardly, he followed a few moments later, face scrunching in pleasure as Ari rode him.

She laughed breathlessly when he became overeager, forced to hold onto his shoulders when his hips jolted up to meet hers.

"You've gotten more confident. I like it." Ari murmured, taking back the control before Tamaki really had it.

She ground against his him in quick thrusts that had his grip on her ass loosening. His stuttering breaths became shorter, melting under the mercy of Ari's body.

"Mm. You're close. I can feel it." She panted mischievously, with the sound of their slapping skins getting faster.

"A-Ah...don't stop..." Tamaki moaned in reply, gripping the sheets and arching his back as Ari fucked him to completion.

"That's it. Cum for me, Tamaki." She mused, throwing her head back in lazy pleasure as his release splattered her walls.


"Cum for me, Tamaki." Ari said, causing Keigo's grip on his cock to work faster.

At her command, the white, hot seed spilled over his hand in waves, using Ari's body as the image of all his pleasure.

To say he was jealous of her demon hunter friend was a total understatement. Demons don't really get jealous, after all—at least not of humans...

He'd been making progress with Ari little by little over the past few months, and honestly he thought he'd be sealing the deal soon. She was smart though, catching on and deciding to channel her lust into something else.

With Tamaki Amajiki being fucked senseless in her bed every night, how is Keigo supposed to seduce her? How is he supposed to fight against two demon hunter necklaces in the room instead of one?

The answer is, he can't, and with Dabi spending every second inside his purple headed human, asking him for help has proven useless.

So, all he can do is watch begrudgingly from afar, feeling the sight of Ari's sexy body wrenching three orgasms from his own alone.

Obviously, it's not enough. Fuck, his mouth wants to suck on her soft skin and bite until he tastes blood. His hands wanna squeeze her body like she belongs to him, hearing those soft lips of hers ramble all the submissive fantasies he's had since he first noticed her.

He still feeds because he has to, but he finds he's never satisfied anymore.

"Fuck." He breathed out wantonly as Ari got off Tamaki's body, watching their combined released oozing between her thighs as she sauntered to the bathroom. 

As Justin Bieber always said - that should be him!

He left once Tamaki followed her like a lost puppy and closed the door to the bathroom.

Yeah, usually shower sex is one of his favorites to watch, but he was too pouty for that right now!

Leaving his nightly show early, he exited Ari's room begrudgingly and traveled back to Violet's.

Because his king and counterpart spent most of their time here, he did, too. By default.

It wasn't all bad though. Even if Violet wasn't really his type, she was cute and a reliable feeding source for him every night.

His hunger has definitely taken down his ability to even want to seduce anyone. Violet's always a sure thing to get his power back up.

The smell of sin filled the room once he came back in, whistling at the pretty sight that greeted him.

Violet basked in content as she rested her head on Dabi's naked chest. Akio was on his other side, nuzzling his face into the demon king's neck as the three recovered from whatever Keigo had just missed out on.

He huffed tiredly as he walked over to the three. It was exhausting, trying to pursue Ari Parker. She was not easy...

Keigo almost wished he didn't care so much. He's got a perfectly good human to halfway satisfy his needs right here.

"Mm. What did I miss?" The avian smirked with a lazy grin, making a beeline for Violet's spent frame.

After all, he missed a much needed feeding session cause he was too busy watching Ari. Not like a stalker, or anything. More like a...watcher? Yeah, let's go with that!

"Back off, she's tired." Dabi murmured, using his foot to kick Keigo's pawing hand away from Violet's waist. "Not her fault you missed your chance tonight."

Keigo sighed, but even so, he didn't care to put up a fight.

Everyday he doesn't get Ari, other humans satisfy him less anyways.

Akio laughed at his counterpart's obvious pout, draping a hand over Dabi's stomach until his fingers met with Violet's. "You're back already? I take it seducing Ari was another fail?-"

Dabi snickered slightly at Keigo's deflation, humming and gliding his lips along his favorite human's neck.

"Not surprised. Your bird's always been a lazy shit. Doesn't like to work for things." He mused, causing Violet to giggle as he playfully nuzzled her neck.

Keigo rolled his eyes as Dabi lazily connected lips with Violet, hearing him let out a blissful moan against her mouth.

What's with all the love in here?! This is supposed to be hell. Not a love nest!

Yes, Keigo's bitter.

"Ouch, so many insults tonight. What did I do to you guys?" The avian chuckled, running a hand through his messy locks.

Why is it always him getting roasted? He's only the youngest demon by a few hundred years!

He studied his counterparts for a few silent moments, deciding to turn on his charm for the millionth time as he approached Violet on the same topic he's bothered her about for months.

"Hey, cutie. Soooo, your friend-"

"I already told you, I can't say anything, Hawks." Violet groaned.

Keigo's shoulders slumped like a whiny bitch, kneeling at the foot of the bed with as much sweetness as he could muster.

"Aw, c'monnn." He clasped his hands to his chest like an angel. "You know I don't wanna hurt her. If anything, I wanna give her the life you have now—that's pretty generous of me, if I do say so myself."

Violet pursed her lips and mulled over Keigo's words. Before getting to know Dabi and his counterparts, the purple haired girl wouldn't ever think about selling out her best friend to something so horrible as the demons they fight everyday.

But, the aura of dark magic had changed her, and quite honestly she enjoyed the change. Selfishly, it would be exciting to share the experience with Ari. Violet doesn't like keeping secrets.

"Come on, sunshine." Dabi murmured lightly into her ear. "Just tell him so he leaves us alone. The less he's here, the more I get you to myself-"

"You mean, the more we get her to ourselves." Akio smirked with purposeful annoyance, leaning over the demon king's body to press a soft peck to Violet's lips.

Dabi grunted in half annoyance, elbowing Akio back to his side of the bed. "Will you ever leave me alone?"

"Nah, you got me for eternity, remember? That was your decision in case you forgot."

"I fucking regret it so much."

"Yeah, right." Akio smirked, giving a lazy stretch of his arms. "But, hey if Keigo gets this girl under his wing, our party will get a hell of a lot more fun. Just tell him how to get her, Vi—for all of us."

Violet had enough convincing, not feeling an ounce of remorse for selling her best friend's soul to the devil. Literally. "Well, from what Ari's said about you, she's convinced you're some ugly old man."

Keigo's jaw dropped to the floor, his pride wounded for about three thousand years.

"Huh?!!!" He gawked over Dabi and Akio's loud burst of cackles.

"Yeah. She says that anyone who thinks so highly of themselves must be compensating for something. She said it was your face, because you're thousands of years old."

Keigo couldn't believe this. Him? Old and ugly? Back when he had an actual heart, he was the face of beauty—Him!!

"Then I need her to see me in the flesh." He mumbled with determination, stroking his chin in thought.

"How are you gonna do that when she's always got the necklace on? You don't have enough strength to show your appearance unless she takes it off." Akio reminded him.

"I don't know. Now that we have a constant feeding source every single day, our power's gotten stronger." Dabi shrugged, gesturing from Keigo to Akio. "If you idiots put your necklaces together, you might stand a chance."

Akio hummed and took off his black necklace, casually tossing it to Keigo from the bed. "Give it a try and report back."

"You're not comin' with me?"

"She scares me." Akio admitted, earning a snicker from Dabi. "I tried taking Ari for myself about a year ago. She's sexy as all hell, but almost had a knife through my neck the moment I let my guard down."

Keigo swallowed nervously, but he refused to give up. He wanted this woman, and fuck he'd do anything to get her.

"I didn't want to risk her killing me, so I gave up." Akio finished, shooting his counterpart a thumbs up. "But, hey, if she doesn't kill you, bring her back, okay?"

"And if she does kill you, I like her already." Dabi smirked, snaking an arm around each of his two lovers.

See what Keigo has to deal with around here? He gets bullied!

The avian smirked lightly at his counterparts through half lidded eyes, giving them a lazy wave before walking off with the extra necklace.

"Man. Tough crowd around here..."


Keigo returned the next night ahead of schedule. He liked to enjoy the sight of Ari before her stupid, little fucktoy arrived. It filled his delusional head with a false sense of intimacy. As if it was just her and him in the soft, dim lights.

He bit down on his lip as he watched Ari sit at her vanity table, the sheer silk robe she wore had fallen down her bare shoulders.

Her siren eyes were half lidded as she focused on her lips in the mirror, swiping a thin layer of gloss on her seductive full lips.

She kept her hair natural today, letting her brown curls cascade down her toned back. Keigo's hand itched with the need to run his fingers through them. To grab a handful of her roots and pull her head back so he could expose her neck.

God, she was gorgeous. More gorgeous than any human or supernatural being Keigo had ever seen in his centuries of existence.

His body fucking ached. It was legitimate torture, being unable to seduce the only human he could think about. He'd do anything to be inside her. To have her. He was at her total mercy and she didn't even know it.


At least Keigo didn't think so. Until...

"If you're here to watch me fuck him..." Ari drawled through parted lips, continuing to put her gloss on. "...you're too early."

Uh-oh. He'd been caught! Already!

Keigo the demon was suddenly terrified of the human a few feet ahead of him. He wasn't sure she was speaking to him as he was still lurking in the shadows. Even with Akio's necklace, she wouldn't be able to see his appearance from here.

But, her piercing green eyes shifted to the side of the mirror, meeting his heavenly gold ones with total control.

So, she was talking to him.

This was his chance.

Fuck, he was honestly nervous. Almost starstruck in a way. He couldn't fuck this up. He had to play it cool.

Gripping Akio's necklace tightly in his hand, he attempted to ooze more dark magic into her room.

"So you knew." He smirked slyly, gliding his long tongue along his lips.

Ari was an anomaly—finding the knowledge of a murderous demon in her room to be more annoying than frightening. That only drew Keigo in more.

"Please." She scoffed lightly, giving her lips a soft smack to set her gloss. "Your moans in my ear are almost louder than the man I'm actually fucking."

He remained in the shadows so Ari couldn't see him just yet, activating more dark energy and watching Ari's necklace vibrate violently in a fight against it.

That necklace...needs to come off. And so does her robe.

"Funny. You don't seem too mad about me watching. Gotta kink I don't know about? Kinda devious for someone in your profession..." He drawled cheekily, hawk eyes watching Ari closely when she slowly stood up from her chair.

Don't underestimate her. Don't let your guard down. That's what Akio had warned him about.


He held in a lustful sigh as the outline of her body teased him through the sheer robe she wore. His supposed-to-be-focused eyes settled at her chest. Her nipples were hard against the satin and his tongue craved to caress them. His face would get lost in every curve and crevice she'd allow. Fuck, he'd be everything and anything she'd ever want.

And, yet she didn't even look his way as she spritzed a light scent on her neck, gliding her slender fingers along the dark wood of her desk.

Mmm, she was toying with him. Keigo could feel it, but fuck if he didn't love it.

He'd be her toy to play with all damn day. Gladly.

"Watch all you want cause you'll never have me." She sighed contently, barely sauntering closer to the shadows he stood in. "Only torturing yourself."

It happened in a split second, and honestly if the double power of Akio's necklace in his hand hadn't been present, the flash of events that just occurred would have killed him. For good.

One second, Ari was on the opposite side of the room, playing the innocent doe. The next second, she lunged at Keigo, revealing the sharp demon blade hidden behind her back with the intent to drive it straight through his heart.

Man, isn't she cute? Ah, she really keeps Keigo on his toes. Yep, it's safe to say he's smitten.

His hand had barely been quick enough to grab her wrist. The momentum of her lunge transferred to his balance, sending Keigo's back straight into her wall with his wings uncomfortably crushed.

The tousle had sent the youngest demon out of the shadows and into the candlelight of Ari's room. The green eyed girl didn't give up the fight even when Keigo halted her attack, trying to fight against his strength and drive her blade closer to his chest.

But all Keigo could think about was how she was even more stunning up close—wait, he needed to focus though, remember? Not that he minded, but she did try to kill him (and still kinda is). If he's dead, he'll never get to see that pretty face again, and that's the real sin here.

Yeah, that's a good line, huh? He's had three thousand years to think of it himself.

"Ah..." He chuckled breathlessly, feeling his mouth water when he inhaled her intoxicating scent. "You're a quick little thing aren't ya, chicky? Almost had my head there for a second..."

Ari huffed in annoyance for his lax attitude, admittedly faltering slightly when she got a clear look at his appearance for the first time.

For the past few months, she assumed he was one of those disgusting demons. Always so cocky, had to be compensating for something, you know.

But, she couldn't have been more wrong.

He was young—or, at least he looked it. Didn't look even a few years older than her.

His golden eyes were hypnotic, sculpted like the Greek gods she read about in one of her classes with honey hair to match. His skin was flawless. His lips full and teeth whiter than any of the gems that shone on the black crown atop his head.

He looked like an angel.

Keigo smirked softly when he felt the muscles of her arm slightly lose their strength in trying to stab him, taking advantage of the moment and quickly yanking her hand down.

The avian was a killer down to the core of his black heart. He'd ripped limbs and organs apart to get what he wanted...

But, never in his two lives until now had he been so incredibly gentle with anything or anyone.

He didn't dare hurt Ari as he lightly spun her around by her arm and switched their positions, leaving her back to take the place where Keigo's back had just been pinned.

His eyes glowed more gold with dark magic as he looked into hers intensely, giving her wrist a small tug to disarm the knife in her hand.

The girl was stubborn as the knife clattered to the ground, rolling her defiant eyes and trying to look anywhere but Keigo's.

And the avian knew why. It meant he was starting to win.

Leaning in closer, his talon fingers gripped her jaw and carefully turned her back to him. Dark magic breathed sweet, potent lust past his lips, giving Ari no choice but to inhale everything he had to offer.

The scent of his breath was alluring. Honey and lavender.

She mentally cursed to herself as a pleasant heat tickled her veins, feeling her necklace shake against her chest in an attempt to fight against the sensual being in front of her.

But, her breath had suddenly fallen heavier and Keigo knew it, easily catching her sassy hand when it whipped out to slap his face.

"Nuh-uh, uh, little dove." He disciplined cheekily, pinning her arm above her head. "The time for spanking comes later. Not now."

Ari knew his overpowering presence was starting to penetrate her mind when the simple sound of his voice reached her insides, stirring them with a simmering heat.

Demons by themselves shouldn't be this strong around her necklace. This KFC Wannabe must have outsmarted her somehow.

Damn him.

Damn him....

....for smelling so fucking good.

Ari's lips fell open as Keigo's mouth released another potent scent of lust, lightly throwing her head back against the wall as oxygen became scarcer.

"Like the way I smell, huh? All me, by the way." He gloated with a soft smirk. "They don't have cologne shops in hell."

"Jesus, I can't wait to kill you and that smart ass mouth." Ari threatened breathlessly, biting down on her lip in a way that had Keigo dizzy.

The avian hummed in content as he glided his fingers down her pinned arm, feeling her stubborn facade cracking more by the second with the power of double dark magic.

"Y'know, what they say about the demon Hawks, don't you?" He murmured, leaning in close to her ear. "I'm just too damn fast. Even for you, sweetheart."

Each particle of his sinful breath that rolled against her lobe felt like a kiss from heaven, her muscles became mushy as she instinctively arched her chest forward.

Keigo almost came underneath his robe when he felt her perky nipples brush against his bare chest, starting to become growingly unhinged right along with her.

In a moment of weakness, his hand released her pinned arm from the wall, not even flinching when it came hurling back towards his face immediately.

God, she was his favorite. She really did keep him on his toes. He's never experienced that with any man or woman.

With a charming, half lidded smile, he held her gaze as he grabbed her fist before it reached his face, pinning it back against the wall with a more excited amount of strength.

"Know what happened to the last demon who underestimated me?" Ari smirked at him, seeming to find fun in the challenge he was presenting her.

She's a tough one to crack.

"Oh? Don't tell me you fucked him, too, chicky. I might get jealous." He purred, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"I ripped his head off, thanks for asking." She panted, feeling the presence of this demon starting to drown her. "The same way I'll do to yours."

Keigo hummed unbothered and rested his lips against her neck, letting them tickle her skin when he spoke.

"Careful. I love a woman that talks dirty."

Ari's body shivered in his hold as his heavenly lips sent surges of pleasure through the pulse point of her neck. She couldn't deny his scent had her eyes wanting to cross. Never in her life has a demon been this close to her. They've never had a chance. Not when she kills them quicker than they can think.

It was intoxicating. His smell had changed to oranges and jasmine now. It wasn't until Keigo chuckled that she realized her mouth had started releasing soft, wanting sounds.

"Sounding pretty desperate there." He mouthed against her neck hotly, testing her stubbornness as he slowly released her pinned wrist this time.

It was the first time she didn't try to kill him, too busy writhing against the wall in lust. It gave Keigo the perfect opportunity to dance his fingers up her skin, slowly intertwining them with her own.

What Ari didn't know was that he'd held her hand with the same one he was holding Akio's necklace, causing pleasure to consume her when the demon pendant pressed into the skin of her palm.

Fuck, she was losing this battle. And she was starting not to give a damn.

"I know you wanna fuck me, sweetheart." He drawled in a devious whisper. "I can feel the wet heat of that pretty pussy all the way from here, so why not just indulge yourself a little?"

"Are all demons as cocky and annoying as you?"

"Nope, I'm one of a kind." Keigo said, letting his dark red wings spread out fully behind him. "Lucky you, right? The beating of your heart tells me you like that though."

Ari's inner thighs were soaked as she felt Keigo's wings snake around her back and pull her free from the wall now, entrapping her in a lustful wave of red.

The world was dark except for him. His gold eyes looked straight into her soul, getting a hold on it that no other being in the universe would have.

"C'mon, chicky. Like you said, you're a strong woman. You won't fall under my spell so easily." He lied so temptingly. "This can just be a one time thing, y'know. Get it outta your system and boom, you're back to hating me tomorrow."

In the back of her mind, Ari knew he was lying. There was no going back once you gave yourself to a demon.


Take off the necklace. It was the only thing echoing in her brain as the hypnotic gold gaze of Keigo's eyes spoke a language to her only the two of them understood.

Two long feathers from his wings glided along her bare shoulders now, causing Ari's eyes to roll back at the sensitive stimulation they brought her.

Fuck, she wants him. More than she's ever wanted anything or anyone. She spent months trying to deny him, but if she knew he looked like this? Perhaps she would have caved a long time ago.

The damn bird is exactly her type. Cocky, shaggy haired asshole who's bratty and has a sub kink. Ugh.

The feathers lightly shrugged the fabric of her robe down her shoulders, causing Ari to gasp at the rush of cold air that hit her now exposed chest.

Take off the necklace.

Take off the necklace.

"Take off the necklace." Keigo's voice echoed in every direction of the darkness, causing Ari to finally have enough as she ripped the chain clean from her neck.

Sure, she can separate her needs and her job. She can easily have a little fun with him tonight and then try to kill him tomorrow. That's what Ari thought before the necklace came free from her body.

But, now...all of those thoughts had gone out the window, flat-lining in her brain as a pending wave of lust finally broke into her protected head, causing her eyes to widen with the stunning glow of Keigo's dark magic.


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