Night Of The Blood Moon

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Author's Note. Please read:

welcome to this new story! please be mindful that since this is mostly a smut story (though, there is an actual plot and world around it as well!), i won't be posting most of the chaps on wattpad. I don't want to get reported or taken down. Chapter one still has some spice, but I am confident that if I posted the other ones, they would be taken down because it's very raunchy. So therefore, I cannot. You can read the rest on Patreon if you'd like, if not that's fine, too!

Please don't give me a hard time about that because i want to do something nice and post this for you guys. I like the world I've created around it so I hope you do, too. If you're not happy with just the first chapter being on here, don't tell me.

Just don't read it and move on. If I start getting complaints, I'm taking the whole thing down.

i think the biggest thing to remember is that everyone is shipped with everyone. Please keep that in mind and I hope you enjoy! also, you may want to refer to the Lucid AU Guide again to refresh yourself on some things. I might make another guide as time goes on! There is m/m here in the first chap so if you aren't into that, be mindful.


Never in his eternal years of living had a human held Dabi's interest this long.

Sure, that frigid queen from two centuries ago still crosses his mind sometimes. As if he'd ever forget the jugs on that brothel bitch from the 70s. Which generation of 70s? Eh, it's not important.

But, he wouldn't ever call himself...obsessed. Hell, he never waited this long to pounce on anybody. That's never been Dabi's philosophy.

Every demon has a different approach to their prey. Fuck, it's been three centuries since that dumb ass bird's been here, and Dabi still gets physically nauseous from hearing Keigo sweet talking everything that moves.

Hasn't he learned by now that you don't need to charm them? Simply letting them see you is enough to have them moaning for more. Pathetic mortals. Always so easy.

Roach Boy Akio seemed to figure that out about seven centuries ago, taking full advantage of his powers to seduce those brainless humans into everything he so desires.

The guy deserves an A in productivity for sure. He's almost matched Dabi in the amount of souls possessed.

After ending up in this hell—literally—centuries ago, Dabi found it to be the best thing for him. Gone were the days of having to pretend he actually gave a shit about his partner's day, just so he could get in their pants. He didn't have to make a single, damn effort anymore.

Because now....whatever he wants? He gets.


....most of the time.

Dabi watched the beautiful, violet haired woman sleep with disdain, propping his chin atop his hand with focused, glowing eyes.

Well, shit. You'd never knows she's beautiful from the way she sleeps...

She's gotta be the ugliest sleeper he's ever encountered—with her mouth open and pooling drool on her pillow, leg swung over her disheveled covers, and the weird babbling about Sir Isaac Newton in her sleep?

Please. Dabi bumped elbows with Newton back in the day. The guy's a total dick, in case you're wondering...

But, even then...that's not what had him annoyed.

Like he's done every night for the past few months, Dabi reached his glowing hand out to touch her—hissing at the aggressive sting that danced along his skin when he got too close.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, he was forced to wrench his hand away. His eyes traveled to the pendant necklace around the woman's neck, letting out a soft growl for the way it did its job too well.

Only the demon hunters get necklaces like that. Logical, right? What do you do when the ones trying to end the possessors get possessed? Everyone else is fair game.

But, Dabi didn't want anyone else.

So long as she wore that necklace, the only thing Dabi could do was enter her dreams for a minute or so. Even then, he couldn't touch her. He definitely couldn't seduce her.

That didn't stop him from trying though.

And last night...he even had an inkling he was getting somewhere before that damn necklace forced him out of her head.

Saying he was becoming impatient was a damn understatement. From the moment he caught sight of her, he put all his unworldly energy into getting her—not feeling enough interest in any other human soul to even get himself off.

He hasn't gone this long without sex since he became an incubus. He needed to feed. He could feel himself becoming desperate.

A pair of hands landed heavily on his shoulders now, causing Dabi to groan as he already knew exactly who it was behind him.

He rolled his eyes as Roach Akio tried to snake his hands from Dabi's shoulders to his bare chest, hearing his counterpart snickering tauntingly.

"I don't think I've ever seen you be so patient for someone." Akio chuckled, nuzzling his face into Dabi's neck cheekily. "Want me to relieve some of your stress?"

The stitched demon grunted sourly and shoved his eternal friend away, reminded of his regret everytime the fucker invades his personal space.

He's got a thing for demon hunters apparently. Sucks, doesn't it?

Still, he didn't mean to turn the most revered demon hunter of them all into an incubus when he seduced him all those years ago. The fucker was getting too close on Dabi's tail and the original intent was to straight up kill him so he could be rid of him forever.

But, the sex was too good, and he couldn't resist biting his sharp canines into his neck and drinking that sweet, human blood.

Dabi was way too into the moment, next thing he knew Akio was down here instead of up there—and the guy literally hasn't shut up since then.

It's not all bad though. He's fun to mess around with when the two of them aren't stealing souls.

Or, the three of them actually.

As if on cue, those black and red wings bonked Dabi atop the head, invading his personal space and lugging another arm around his shoulder.

"Mm, still pining after that one, huh?" Keigo drawled out lazily, letting a soft whistle from his lips as he looked to Violet's bare thigh peeking out from the sheets. "Can't really blame ya. She's quite a looker, if I do say so myself."

Just like Akio, Dabi shoved him off—feeling a little more defensive at the cheeky hints Keigo's compliment held.

"Back off, bird. I've been working on that one for centuries. She's mine." Dabi stated lowly, watching Keigo lift his hands in mock surrender.

"Hey, hey, hey. She's all yours! I'm just talkin', y'know." Keigo mused snidely, licking his sharp, white canines tauntingly. "Besides, I've got my eye on another one. Mm, she's a little spitfire, that one—kinda scares me, not gonna lie. Won't be able to resist me for long though..."

Asshole pigeon still doesn't know his place, even though he's been here the shortest amount of time. It's thanks to Akio he's even here, he's the bird's main counterpart after all. The first soul Akio ever took full control of after Dabi turned him.

If a demon makes the decision to turn a human into an incubus, this new incubus becomes the seasoned one's counterpart.

Of course, the new demon could fight their leader to the death for freedom. Death for them just means a full cease of existence. Even in the underworld...

But, these fuckers wouldn't ever do that. Some days, Dabi wished they would so they could all get away from each other.

Most days though...he's content they don't. Whatever. Don't read into it.

"A century? You've been trying to fuck her for three months, Dabi." Akio smirked, giving his shoulders a shrug. "Though, I guess that might as well be centuries for you."

The blue eyed demon ignored his mates teases, keeping his starving eyes on the innocent, untouchable woman below him.

Perhaps it's another reason Dabi wants her. He always wants what he can't have.

"You know...if you're reallyyy interested..." Akio sang out tauntingly, preening his black wings as he looked to Dabi. "...I might know a way. It doesn't always work, but worth a shot."

His interest had been peaked now.

Finally tearing his eyes from the woman, Dabi turned to his friends, seeing Keigo's arms draped around Akio's shoulders from behind.

The sultry look in his bird's gaze said he was looking for some needy attention from his leader. Akio really had him wrapped around his finger good.

Dabi wished his own defiant counterpart was that compliant and pliable. But, hey, that's why he liked him.

Akio paid no mind to the way Keigo nuzzled his face in his neck, looking to Dabi smugly as he tossed him something.

It was a book. Incredibly rough around the edges and looking as if it had been through every dimension of hell.

"Snagged something for you. It's my old demon hunting book." Akio explained as Keigo began gliding his talon claws up his counterpart's bare chest. "There's a lot of good tricks in there for seducing the mortals. Even the ones who have the pendants."

Dabi raised a brow in interest to his counterpart's words, starting to flip through the book with interest now.

"That so?" He murmured, trying to read through Akio's chicken scratch writing.

"Mhmm..." His demon friend hummed, letting his head lull back lazily as Keigo split tongue began lathering his neck. "Since I like you so much, I'll even tell you the secret in there that's most interesting for you right now. Tomorrow is the night of the blood moon."

Oh? The blood moon's tomorrow? Dabi couldn't believe his luck.

The blood moon only comes once every ten centuries. It's the point in time when all realms and worlds of the universe intersect.

Many supernatural things occur as the continuum becomes jumbled, trying to get itself back on track and close all portals of existence to their respective sides.

One of those things is the increase in a incubus or succubus' power.

"Instead of one minute in her dreams, you'll have...two." Akio continued, starting to become more distracted as Keigo's lightly bit down on his neck. "Mmmm. Might not...seem like a lot for most people. But, for a seasoned understand it's a game changer—if you know how to use those two minutes effectively."

The stitched demon couldn't help but smirk softly at the luck that had fallen into his evil hands, taking his bottom lip between his teeth with mischief as he continued watching the sleeping beauty.

Oh, he knew how to use two minutes better than anyone or anything. It didn't matter what world it was.

The soft smacks of lips and pants sounded behind Dabi, causing him to look up and see Akio gripping Keigo by the jaw for a kiss.

The bird moaned breathlessly and let Akio's tongue invade his mouth, lightly curling his black talons around his counterpart's toned waist.

But, Akio's glowing eyes found Dabi's in a half lidded side glance, looking the demon king up and down seductively before pulling away from Keigo's lips.

"Mm—hold on." He murmured as the bird's mouth tried to chase his lips. "Dabi, come here. It's been three months since you've joined us and I did just help you out big time."

"So what? That's what you're supposed to do, you moron. Don't forget I own you." Dabi muttered, looking back to the pages of the book with more interest.

He heard Keigo gasp softly as Akio pushed him onto his hands and knees, settling behind him with dominant control.

"And I...own you." His counterpart mused to Keigo cheekily, double fisting the feathers of his wings and pulling back on them harshly.

Keeping the book gripped tightly between his fingers, Dabi rose from his crouching position and turned to his friends fully, seeing the sight of Akio's pretty bird on all fours admittedly tempting to partake in.

It has been three months since Dabi got any after all.

That's the beauty of being the leader. Akio's mates—and Keigo's as well if he actually had any—are Dabi's first by default. He's had a turn with all of them, but Keigo himself was by far the most alluring.

Akio clearly thought so, too, from the way he was pounding into him relentlessly now, using Keigo's luscious black and red wings as a tight anchor for his grip.

"Another day." Dabi waved off over the sound of Keigo's whimpering moans. "If this works, I'll reward you big time for it—even your bird, too, if he puts that bratty mouth of his to good work."


Cerulean eyes that glowed like heaven's gems.

Something that even the most gorgeous beings in the universe could never come close to replicating.

A breathless voice sweeter than honey, giving her a tempting slice of eternal paradise each time it spoke.

'Violet....sweet, sweet Violet...'

The woman gasped softly in her sleep at the airy, echoing sound of her name, tossing and turning in her bed.

It's the same voice that's spoken to her for three months. The voice so alluring and heavenly, Violet could only assume it was an angel.

Its sound was lighter than the clouds. The vapor of his presence floated around her frame like a blissful fog.

She admittedly looked forward to the nights every morning she woke, waiting all day and thinking about the moment she would hit her deep sleep and hear him again.

Even if he only visited her for a minute or so, nothing ever felt so good than him saying her name. It felt orgasmic, resonated through her tingling stomach like a drum before seeping as arousal from her core.


Her lips fell open. Her head lulling back into the pillows in pleasure for the simple effect of his presence.

The moment her ears heard him, that feeling drummed in her stomach once more, causing her thighs to rub together in the midst of her deep sleep for more friction.

Because the pleasure could only build whenever he showed up, drowning her deeper and deeper in it with no relief from him.

'Mm. You know you won't get anywhere by rubbing your thighs together. Don't you want to use your fingers?'

Of course she wanted to use her fingers. The idea hadn't even occurred to her until he said it, lifting her hand from the bed and slowly draping it on her lower abdomen.

Even in sleep, her heart began to race with excitement as she trailed her fingers down her stomach, gliding them into her drenched panties and grazing her center.

All she could see were eyes as she spread her legs before them. A pair of avian dark gold and light gold eyes accompanied both sides of the blue gaze now, watching with lustful focus as she spread her thighs wider for their attention, too.

But, even so, all Violet could look at were the blue eyes. They were the bluest, most brightest eyes of mankind. So beautiful, everything inside her wanted to give in and get lost in them.

And, like every night, the spirit only proved he could read her thoughts.

', get lost in it, little sapphire. Get lost in me and touch yourself.' The spirit whispered, with his sultry, tempting voice causing Violet's back to arch in her bed.

Without hesitation, her fingers settled between her lower lips and found her clit, causing her body to shudder as she rubbed herself gently. Her panties were still on, with slick soaking through the center and painting her inner thighs.

It felt better to touch herself whenever he was here. He never touched her himself, but was generous enough to fill her head with overstimulation before she even had an orgasm.

'Faster.' The light gold spirit commanded her. 'Fuck yourself with your fingers and think only of me.'

Violet moaned softly at the passionate desire the light gold spirit seemed to hold for her, feeling her stomach muscles tense as she instantly trailed her fingers lower to her entrance now.

Her night shirt began to rise higher up her abdomen from all her rustling, with the avian gold spirit speaking lighter and more seductively.

'Mm. Kinda warm in here, huh, sweetheart? Your clothes must feel hot...'

Hot was an understatement. Violet's skin was almost burning from how aroused she was, from how wanted and appealing these three spirits made her feel.

Without a second thought, she lifted her night shirt up to her chin now, letting her bouncy breasts out into the open, chilly air.

Hastily, she slid her panties down her thighs, quickly returning her fingers to her exposed entrance and pushing two in instantly.

She relished in the slight burn of being stretched so fast by her own digits, hearing her ears echo with the soft breaths of the spirits.

The sound was lustful from all three, seeming as if they were all pleasuring themselves right along with her now.

'Ahh. If only I could touch you...' The light gold spirit purred in want, causing Violet to whine in agreement and grab her breast with her free hand.

'Yeah, baby. C'mon, don't you want us to touch that pretty body..?' The avian spirit moaned, panting heavier as Violet's slick smacked repeatedly against her thrusting fingers.

"Touch me." Violet breathed out to the three, wishing for the shades of gold and blue to ravish her where she lay. "Please touch me. Please."

The blue spirit hummed in delight for her desperate begging, with its voice echoing deeper into her head with sultry persuasion.

'Then you know what you have to do...'

Of course she knew. Because it's the same command the blue spirit's been whispering into her ear every night for the last three months...

'If you want to see me...if you want to cum...if you want me to touch you....take off the necklace.'

It was always the same. Everytime he uttered the command, everything within her system was overcome with the need to take off the necklace immediately.

And, every night, she got closer to doing so.

She arched her back deeper into the bed, curling her fingers up inside herself and thrusting harder. Her other hand released the vice grip it had on her breast, trailing to the cool metal of the pendant that rested in the middle of her chest.

Her breath was deep, panting heavily as she felt her climax nearing. But, it was always the same. No matter how close she came to cumming, the blue spirit never allowed her to find relief.

Violet whined as she pleasured herself more desperately to no avail, gripping the necklace desperately as temptation became harder to resist.

'That's a good girl. Now, take it off. Take it off for me...for us....and we're all yours.' The blue spirit said, causing Violet to slowly start lifting the necklace over her head.

This was the closest she ever came to taking the pendant off, and the blue spirit was getting excited.

'Yes. There you go. So close. So fucking close. Just take it o-'

Within seconds, the alluring spellbound fog cleared away from Violet's head as if the spirit had forcibly vanished. It was enough to jolt the purple haired beauty awake with a gasp and sit up in her bed.

Her chest heaved wildly as she tried to catch her breath, skin glistening with slick and sweat. Looking between her legs, it was apparent she had an intense orgasm. But, even so, she didn't remember it or feel the least bit satisfied.

She let out a frustrated sigh, looking around with wide eyes for the faceless, nameless spirits that always seemed to poke her dreams.

No one was there. As usual.

Her shoulders slumped in simultaneous relief and disappointment as she grazed the necklace still securely around her neck, glancing at the little clock next to her bedside table.

Late for work again. But, first....definitely a shower.


"I'm telling you, Violet. It's a demon." Ari Parker concluded, shaking her head at her best friend's naivety.

The purple haired woman pursed her lips in denial, absentmindedly nudging the untouched porridge in her bowl with a spoon.

"I really don't think so. We've encountered demons before and he was nothing like that-" She tried to counter, earning a scoff from Ari.

"That just means he's a seasoned incubus!" She exclaimed, tossing her second eaten bowl of porridge to the side now. "Look, you can't let them fool you. It's exactly when you have your guard down that they strike like this—bam!!!"

Violet jumped slightly as her best friend hit the table powerfully for emphasis, causing the brown haired beauty to chuckle and lean back in her seat.

"Heh. Don't act so surprised. You've heard about Akio's Legend, haven't you?"

"A-who's legend?" Violet questioned, absentmindedly stirring her food once more.

Ari's jaw dropped in shock at Violet's cluelessness, opening her arms dramatically to tell the story.

"You knowww, the most revered demon killer in all the land? It was centuries ago, but it's one of the only times a demon has successfully seduced one of us hunters." She explained, grabbing a vine of grapes from the fruit bowl on the table. "Apparently, there was an incubus named Dabi, who was one of the strongest the underworld had to offer. Akio was this close to killing him and ridding the entire universe of all demon spirits."

The brunette held the grape vine over her head, starting to pull the fruit off with her teeth.

"Feeling threatened by this, Dabi invaded Akio's head for almost an entire year, giving the illusion he was an angel. Eventually, it made Akio go crazy and fall for Dabi's persuasive lies." Ari mused, gesturing her pointer finger in a cuckoo motion. "He wanted to see Dabi and that incubus finally convinced him to take off his necklace and submit to him. After that, Akio was never seen again. Some people think he got seduced and turned into an incubus himself. Others think Dabi killed him completely. No one really knows, but the demon world has been growing ever since—and much stronger, too."

Violet's brows raised in surprise for the story, not wanting to acknowledge the similarities it held to her own.

But, still, there was one part about Ari's story that gave her some consolidation.

"W-Well—but, you said that's just a legend, right...?" Violet trailed off, looking down to her mushy, tasteless porridge with denial.

Ari shrugged and continued eating her grapes, leaning back in her chair and kicking her dirty boots atop the beaten table.

"Eh. Guess so. Though, it's not unheard of for demons to try and seduce their killers out of killing them. Hell, I've got one on my ass right now. He's been bothering me in my sleep for the past two weeks." She waved off in annoyance, flipping her long brown hair off her shoulder.

Violet's golden eyes gaped open in shock to her friend's words, wondering how on earth she could stay so casual knowing an incubus was trying to possess her.

"What!?? Should we tell the others? Maybe we can find some sage, or-"

"He's harmless." Ari mused confidently, giving a shake to her head. "Seems like more of a fuckboy than an actual incubus. Guy thinks one look at his smolder is supposed to have me on my knees, I bet. If only he knew I couldn't see him until the necklace comes off—you know, he gloated that he has red wings. Like, is that supposed to impress me? Pfft, who does that?"

Violet chuckled in amusement at her friend's lax approach, feeling her own body relaxing as this seemed to be quite a common thing among demon hunters.

It comes with the job. The demons try to seduce their killers because if they do, nothing will stand in their way of getting stronger.

So long as Violet doesn't lose sight of this, she'll be fine.

"Well, just be careful. I guess it's like you said, they know how to catch us off guard when we least expect it." The purple haired girl said, finally taking a tasteless bite of her porridge.

Ari hummed and picked the last grape off the vine now, holding it between her thumb and index finger.

"There's no way he'll get me. The moment he tries? I'll squash him to pieces." She murmured smugly, squishing the last grape in her fingers for emphasis.

Violet couldn't help but think her best friend was a bit too confident in her strengths. Hopefully, not to a fault in the near future.


Since when was the moon supposed to be that color?

Violet furrowed her brows in confusion as she caught sight of the blood red moon shining outside her window, continuing to brush through her hair absentmindedly.

She's only been a demon hunter for three months, but she was almost positive they spoke of the blood red moon in school...

...didn't they?

From her recollection, it was only brought up once or twice because of how rare it was. Her teachers always said she'd never have to worry so long as she had the sage candle burning during that time.

....except she dropped her sage candle in the toilet last week. Don't ask...

Her room felt colder as she prepared for bed, almost as if another being was lurking around here without her knowledge or permission.

She could almost feel a pair of eyes on her as she slowly stripped herself of the day's clothes, letting them pool at her feet and trying to ignore the slight haze her mind felt once the deep red moon had risen high in the sky.

Her golden gaze went vacant in a way it never does, only to see a flash of blue and gold in her vision before reality was jolted back to her.

Violet gasped at the image, gripping the necklace that rested on her chest securely.

She usually only feels this haze after she's already hit a deep sleep. It never happens when she's actually awake.

Maybe the red moon had something to do with it.

Blinking away the feeling slightly, Violet picked up her hairbrush again, realizing she never finished brushing...

Until that sweet, familiar voice echoed into her head again. The one that usually only ever comes after she's been asleep.

'Sleep now, sweet Violet. You're tired.'

Suddenly, she is tired. So..very tired.

On instinct, the hairbrush fell from her hands and to the floor, before her feet moved automatically and directed her to the bed.

Being very shy—even when alone, she's never once skipped out on clothes when she slept. But, now she was starting to think maybe she should as the soft sheets caressed her bare skin cooly.

She let out a soft sigh as she snuggled under the blankets, suddenly feeling a heavy wave of drowsiness wash over her.

Weird. Usually, it takes Violet at least an hour to fall asleep. Now, her muscles gave out before she could even finish her thought, her vision fading and brain dormant as she fell to full sleep almost instantly.

The world went completely black. It felt like her body was floating in a bubble.

Nothing could be seen, heard, or felt as Violet entered a deep sleep, until a flickering cerulean flame began softly blurring in her vision.

Never once had she seen anything other than those three pairs of eyes when she slept. It only made her wonder if the moon had something to do with making her angel more powerful.

Tonight, he's been able to speak to her when awake and control her actions better. Now he's able to create such beautiful hallucinations. It only made her wonder...

What else can he do?

She stared at the flame behind her closed lids, pupils glazed over in its sweet, hypnotic lull as that familiar, blissful voice filled her head once more.

'Hello again, my beautiful Violet.'

If Violet was awake, she'd gasp in excitement to know her angel had decided to return for another night in her dreams, hoping his friends had come with him.

The avian one always praised her body, making her feel more wanted and desired than anyone. The light gold one held an immeasurable passion for her that almost seemed to outmatch anyone. It intrigued her, made her feel special.

Violet wished to float among all three, wanting shades of blue and gold to consume her until she could feel nothing else.

The blue spirit seemed to read her mind, letting out a soft, mesmerizing chuckle for her thoughts that were quickly becoming tainted.

Finally, after three months, Dabi seemed to be finding success.

'Mm. Naughty, little thing. Those two are just gonna watch us tonight. Though, if you're good...perhaps they can join us next time. Would you like that?'

The flame continued to flicker into her pupils, her mind becoming more muddled as that familiar tingle returned to her stomach.

"Yes, angel..."She breathed out blankly, falling even deeper into his charm.

'That's right. I'm your angel. I'd never...ever hurt you. Quite the opposite, as I've been watching over you for awhile now...'

He's been watching her?? That's embarrassing. Did he see her pick the piece of food out of her teeth earlier? Ooof...

It was getting hard to separate dreams from reality. Dreams aren't real. Her angels aren't real.

Violet needs to remember that...

'Oh, but I am real, sweetheart. And, tonight...unlike any other night....I can prove it to you...'

Violet's mouth fell ajar as she felt a euphoric vapor suddenly swirl around her bare waist, enveloping it completely before slowly lifting her body to hover above the mattress.

Her head, along with her arms and legs, dangled limply from her floating center, yet never in that moment had Violet felt more alive.

Sinful particles of lust absorbed into her skin from the mist, shooting arousal and pleasure through her body like a drug.

The vapor continued to spread out atop her frame, traveling upwards to snake around both of her breasts.

A soft moan fell from Violet's mouth as the cool mist settled atop her breasts, drowning them in its magical, misty essence until they stood painfully hard.

Her head lulled back further and the vapor caught it, supporting her neck and slowly seeping into her ears until the ethereal blue mist would cover her entire face.

She breathed it in, her sleeping, glazed eyes creaking open with the stunning blue glow of his gaze.

Through the mist, he took her mind and inhibitions further from this dimension of reality. She had the pendant, if she really cared, she could stop it and force herself to wake up, but she didn't want to.

She was glad if it meant she'd finally get to see him. To feel him the way she imagined and hoped for every night.

The moon gave his demented soul enough power to finally enter her body for the first time, but with the necklace on, he couldn't do more than simply feel everything she was feeling.

From the hot, pumping of her heart—a feeling he hasn't felt in centuries, to the desperate pulse of her wet center that let him know she was already close and he hadn't done a thing.

And, even if he was getting closer to making her submit, he was also running out of time. Two minutes from the blood moon, remember? He needs to work quicker.

Violet's arms and legs dangled loosely in the air, instantly becoming supported by ribbons of the alluring, cerulean vapor.

Another ribbon of mist wrapped around her upper thighs almost lustfully, before a hefty dose of it buried between her legs.

Her entire body shook as the mist gently swirled atop her clit, causing her stomach to flip and her entrance to instantly ooze with arousal.

'Ah. So fucking wet for me and I've barely done a thing. I bet you feel just as good...inside.'

The mist covered her center entirely, seeping into her walls and giving her a sinful rush of his presence.

She didn't realize the flame flickering in her eyes grew larger in her closed vision until it was the only thing she saw, letting her mouth lull open as her hips slowly bucked up into the ethereal mist.

But, the only thing she was met with was more arousal—it continued to grow, slowly entering a painful state, with no relief in sight.

A desperate whine hummed from her throat as the mist consumed her entire body, with each speck of vapor placing gentle, suckling kisses atop every inch of her skin.

It only made her more needy for relief.

Her angel chuckled softly at how desperate she'd become now, with the mist wafting to one of her ears as if it was his own breath.

'Do you want me to touch you...?'

"Yes." Violet panted instantly, attempting to lift her own hands to her body. "P-Please..."

But, the mist weighed heavy in her muscles now, forcing her body fully limp and unable to find relief even in her own touch.

'This is the only way I can for now......unless you take off that necklace.'

Violet groaned in conflict to the idea, trying to fight through the fog and remember why she wore this necklace in the first place.

But, surely the necklace is only to protect her from demons. A demon won't show himself if an angel is here. Perhaps, that makes her safe...

"I...I..." She tried to say, shuddering to silence as she felt the mist lightly flick against her clit back and forth.

The flame became brighter in her eyes, the arousal and voice of her angel pulling her brain further from reality.

'I can make you feel things that no other human has ever felt before. Just....take off...the necklace.'

While his voice was still sweet and sultry, there was a lethal sense of impatience that laced his words.

Angels are know to possess endless patience. If Violet's mind wasn't consumed with his intoxicating presence....she may have caught the warning signs.

But, instead...

"C-Can you...." She panted, feeling drool pool at her mouth as the flame flickered brighter than ever behind her eyes.

'Take off the necklace and find out.'

Fuck it.

Angel. Demon. Violet didn't care anymore.

Too overcome with her own arousal, her hand came up on instinct now, brain clouded with the visions of the flame as Violet grabbed her pendant from the front and yanked on it harshly, feeling the back of the chain break free from her neck.

The necklace clattered to the floor now, completely free from Violet's grasp for the first time since she got it.

Within seconds of the necklace leaving her grasp, the ethereal blue mist suddenly turned to midnight black around her body, not daring to let her free now.

The soft lull of his presence was instantly replaced with a louder roar, the flame blinding her vision as a low, unrecognizable chuckle of malice echoed into her head.

'Heh. Big mistake.'

Who was that? Certainly not the sweet, innocent voice of her angel.

No, this voice was at least three octaves darker. Raspy and dripping with malicious intent. There was a slight diabolical drawl to it and his booming chuckle of hell sent shivers down her spine.

The pendant suddenly disintegrated into nothing from the floor, the mist evaporating completely from Violet's body and letting her drop back on the mattress with a soft plop.

She didn't know if she was awake or asleep when her honey colored eyes flew open in surprise, looking around the room... see it was completely empty.

What? Did she just imagine it?

Her chest heaved, body covered in her own sweat and arousal before she slowly lay on her back and stared at the ceiling in tired, relieved confusion.

But, the truth was...she felt more disappointment than relief.

Regardless, she had every intention of going back to sleep, letting her back slowly melt into the mattress once more...

....until she felt two cold, cold hands grip her thighs tightly from under her blanket.

Violet squealed in surprise, flinching and instantly throwing the sheets off her body, only to be met with the sight of an unrecognizable man between her legs.

Well, that's enough to give anyone a scare!

Out of instinct, her mouth opened to let out a scream...

But, the moment her eyes met those familiar blue ones, Dabi instantly worked his unworldly magic to calm her.

"Shhh..." He murmured tauntingly sweet, letting his eyes glow brightly into her own. "As much as I look forward to hearing you scream..."

With a simple look into her pupils, he melted away her fear and concerns, replacing them with the blissful trance she had before she woke up.

He was smugly pleased with himself as the alarm wiped off her face, relishing in the dreamy, wanting glaze of gold that he could finally see up close for the first time in his eternal life.

Dabi's fucked a lot of beautiful people in his time. But, even he had to admit...


Her dark, purple hair fits her well, even being slightly disheveled from sleep. Her eyes were that of a vixen's, rivaling the breathtaking beauty that's strictly reserved for the supernatural world. Her lips were full and smooth, her bottom one just fucking begging to be taken between his sharp teeth until her sweet blood coated his tongue.

Fuck. Just looking at her made Dabi strain against the cloth he wore loosely around his hips. Dragging his eyes down her body now only added to his excitement.

Until the human submits, you never really get too close of a look at the fine tuned details of their appearance. Like the way her skin illuminates desirably against the soft, red glow of the blood moon. Her breasts rest perfectly curved on her chest, nipples hard and begging for his attention.

Her waist held an hourglass shape that made his hands wanna squeeze it tightly. Plush, smooth thighs rested on both sides of his shoulders, held there by his sharp, black talons.

His claws gripped her naked legs like a first place trophy for the most difficult game he'd ever played, growling softly at the plush, warm curves he'd been waiting to feel in his grasp for months.

Being supernatural, he could pick up on even the most subtle things, feeling his blood pump hotly at the intoxicating smell of her essence dripping between her legs.

Fuck. It's embarrassing to ever be this excited over a mortal.

He hasn't been this aroused to take a human since his counterpart Akio. And that was centuries ago.

He was gonna enjoy this. As he should. It was the most damn work he's put into anything, really...

"You beautiful, little fool." He chuckled, gliding his tongue along his sharp, white teeth. "Of course you couldn't trust me..."

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