May 21, 2017 - part 3 *

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*⚠️ Drug and alcohol use in this chapter ⚠️*

Catherine's POV

The afternoon was a blur! Ashley (Halsey) told me to meet her in the lobby at 3pm and we would go to the venue together. She said not to do my hair or makeup because it was going to be hot and there would be time once we arrived there. So after a short nap, I took a shower, wore my dress and heels, and then packed a small bag with my makeup, any toiletries I would need, a pair of slip on adidas, and a change of clothes. I headed to the lobby to meet Ashley with a lot of nervous energy. I talked to Bridget on the phone and she was so excited for me, but I was wishing she was with me. I know I'm going to be alone during a lot of the show, and it's stressing me out.

I've also been receiving constant calls this afternoon from Jacob. I don't know what he wants from me. I didn't answer him even once, but I feel like if I don't, he'll just keep calling. I can't imagine why he thinks I would even want to speak to him. After the 2 year relationship, he cheated on me with the campus slut. I don't think there is any excuse he could give that would make me okay with it. I tried to satisfy his "needs" without doing the actual deed. I just haven't felt what I need to feel to give away my virginity. My mom had always told me that it is something I should save for that one "right" person. I had started thinking it was Jacob, but I guess I was wrong about that. He seems to have taken a break from calling me, or given up for now, so I'm relieved that I won't have to turn my phone off completely. I don't want to do that because I'm looking forward to taking pictures and video to share with Bridget, and possibly post to SNS later.

Arriving in the lobby, I see Ashley with her manager and her date. She sees me coming and beams at me. I'm such a contrast right now... Super fancy dress and heels with frizzed hair and bare face. So attractive... She introduces me to Machine Gun Kelly by his real name Richard. He smiles at me and shakes my hand saying "So you're the famous Catherine! It's nice to meet you finally. Please call me Rich." I was flustered and shy, but somehow managed to respond in kind and not freak out.

We head to the limo, and Ashley tells me that her stylist will do my hair and makeup when the time comes. I try to refuse because I don't want to be a bother, but she won't hear of it. I'm in no position to argue, so I thank her. I feel my anxiety rising. Thank God I remembered to pack my anti-anxiety meds in my purse. I just hope I don't need them. Jacob's constant calls have had a negative affect that I'm trying to get past, not to mention my nerves about the guys in BTS... I just know Ashley is up to something.

Halsey's POV

Catherine met me in the lobby looking beautiful. She is definitely nervous, but I'll give her some wine or champagne in the limo and hopefully that'll help. Rich has some weed with him, but I don't know if she's in to that, so I'll let him gauge the situation and offer if he thinks it's appropriate.

I actually spoke to her best friend on the phone today. She expressed concern because she knows Catherine well. She's thinking that the events that took place before she left are weighing on Cath, and she's keeping everything to herself. I told her my plan to bring her to the green rooms, and try to introduce her to the guys from BTS, and she thought that was awesome. So I've got a plan. I've wanted to meet them too, so even if I have to drag her, kicking and screaming, she's coming with me.

We get in the limo and I open some champagne. I give her a glass and she drinks it pretty fast. Yep... She's stressed. She asks about smoking a cigarette, which she hasn't done since the airport, and Rich told her to go ahead. So she lights her smoke and visibly relaxes. Rich offers her some of the weed he has. She giggles and says unless we're stopping for food, then she shouldn't. This girl really cracks me up! I tell her that we'll stop for any food she wants if she decides to smoke with us.

Rich rolls a blunt and lights it up. He passes it to Catherine and she takes a good hit. She coughs a little, but not too much. It's clearly not her first time. We pass it around, and after the 3rd hit she says she has had enough. So Rich and I smoke the rest. She is more relaxed now, and pours herself another glass of champagne. This is what I like to see. I tell my manager, who's in the front with the driver, to go through a drive thru for some burgers and fries and Catherine literally cheers! I need to keep her like this!

Catherine's POV

WOW! I haven't been this stoned in a while. I wasn't going to smoke, but I really needed to relax. I was feeling my anxiety rising towards panic. Now my mind is mellow, and after some food I'll be perfect. Ashley put on some music that I've never heard, but it has an amazing beat. She tells me it's BTS, and I was in awe. I couldn't understand the lyrics, but it didn't matter. The voices, the raps... I was dancing in my seat before I even realized. Ashley and Rich just watched me with big grins.

After a stop at In-N-Out for burgers, fries, and a milkshakes I feel like I could die happy. When we get to the venue we make our way to where Ashley's stylist is. Ashley has me sit and the woman goes to work. I don't wear a lot of makeup normally, so I was worried. But the woman was amazing!! The makeup felt light and looked natural. She works on my hair next and gives me the natural looking wave that I always try, and fail, to achieve. I feel like a queen right now.

Ashley changes and gets her makeup done. She's such a goddess. I could never pull off what she's wearing, but on her, it's perfect. We head out towards the red (pink) carpet area, and she helps me find a spot where I'll have a great view of everyone as they come in, but not be directly in the sun. She's going to send Rich to get me when it's time for me to go to my seat. So, I'm getting my phone ready, and send a couple quick tweets and texts when the screams hit me... THEY'RE here...

I'm so done now... HE was still looking at me and waving! DAAAAAMN! Could he BE any yummier?!? I mean, they ALL are.

They move on and I release the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. I look to see who is coming next, and here comes my queen!!

After she moves inside, Rich comes to signal me to follow him. We arrive inside, and the crowd is insane. He says he's going to bring me to where Ashley is, so I follow along. When we get there, she's talking to BTS. I'm going to kill her!! I knew she would do this!! She asks me to take a picture of them and how could I refuse her? She's literally made many of my dreams come true. So as much as I'd like to run away, I take a couple deep breaths and snap the photo...

She talks to them for a minute, and comes to me and brings me to my first seat. I will be a seat filler, so I'll have to move around as people move to perform or present. I didn't realize this and I start to panic a little. Ashley realizes and grabs my hand. She turns me towards her and tells me "Just relax! You look beautiful. You're going to have so much fun if you just live in the moment." I nod and squeeze her hand. I thank her and give myself some positive self talk and sit on my seat.

As the awards show starts, I stop worrying. The performances are amazing, and everyone around me has been nice. I miss Bridget in this moment so much. It was supposed to be the two of us... I shake the feeling off and get ready for Halsey's performance.

As expected, she ROCKED!! I cheered as loud as possible for her. She looked towards me and I swear she giggled.

I was so hyped when she won best collaboration with Chainsmokers! I think I may have lost my voice a little. Hehehe!

Then it was time for Top Social Artist... I thought the roof was going to blow off the arena when they were announcing the nominees. And just as Ashley thought, BTS won!! I'm impressed. I've never even heard of these guys, and they clearly have a HUGE following.

As the awards show finishes, I become anxious again. I know that I'm about to meet celebrities because Ashley won't let me off the hook that easily. Hopefully, I'll have time for a cigarette...







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