12 // At Least We Have The Sky

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The attack on the USJ effected us all, none of it pleasent. All Might and Midoriya ended up in recovery because of their injuries but I don't think anybody else was hurt apart from Aizawa. They found the Nomu and took it in for questioning but so far it hasn't said anything.

Akamine didn't really say much either, she had a much more dramatic reaction to me getting on the course instead of me being out in a life or death situation. She said that I was brave and smart for trying to stop the boys from fighting further, then she called me an idiot for holding a conversation with the hand guy, who I found out is called Tomura Shigaraki.

She's still very cold towards me. She's like a stubborn child, not willing to back down even when I could've died.
Even when I admitted she was right, she just agreed and we spoke about leaving the whole thing behind us. But there was a new tension there, that we we're not always going to get along. That's expected though surely?

After thinking about it for a long while, I reach the conclusion that it's because I'm not her little experiment anymore. I'm in the course. Now she doesn't really know what to do with me. Which makes sense, I wouldn't know what to do either.

Despite her actions towards me, Akamine insists on taking me to the hospital when I mention that my head hurts. It's a good thing she did because it turns out I have a very mild concussion from smacking my head off of the floor when I was dropped into the landslide zone. It's not a big deal and I'm given some medicine.

By the time we get home, it's dark. We were waiting around the hospital for a while and we didn't want to bother recovery girl back at U.A.

We apologise to the tutor who says it's fine and that they understand before leaving. They've already sent Aiko to bed and hoped that we didn't mind.

Akamine tells me to get some rest and I do as I'm told. I say hello to Aiko as I slip into to bed but she's incredibly sleepy so I just get a mumble in response.

I can't sleep at all. The hours creep by and all I can hear is the clock taunting me. Eventually I've had enough and I decide to check out the window.

I slip behind the curtains and look into the night's sky. It's so pretty tonight. Dots of white litter themselves through out the black sky.

I find myself standing there for a while when I decide that I want some fresh air. I open the window and I'm surprised by how far it swings open. I stand there for a second and make a quick decision.

I step on the window ledge and duck so I can fit through the window I step out of the window so I'm stood on the flat roof just outside out room. The flat roof is where the kitchen below us sticks out more than the rest of the house.

I sit down with my legs hanging off of the edge of the roof. For the first time in the past couple of months, no, couple of years, I feel at peace. The cold night air is refreshing and I don't have anything to stress about.

For a split second, it's just me and the universe getting along for once. Not it trying to protect me through my quirk and harming others. Not making me get a headache. We're at peace with one another.

"Kiriko." I hear a very sleepy voice mutter. "What are you doing?" I turn and face Aiko, she rubs her eye as she tries to climb up and out the window.

I sigh. I'm not going to stop her, she's just as stubborn as me. I stand up and help her onto the roof and tell her to stay away from the edges.

"It's very pretty." She mutters as she stares in to the sky. "I like the sky." I giggle at her odd ways.

"Why?" I say as I lean back on my arms.

"Because it stays the same."

"What? The sky doesn't the same at all. It changes everyday." No one confuses me more than my own sister.

"Yeah but," she pauses to collect her words, "it's always there and it always will be as long as we're here. It changes but you always know it will go back to being blue. Nothing else has ever done that."

It suddenly clicks. Aiko's had such an unstable life and she's only five. We left everything behind when she was three for fucks sake. I've always been under the impression that I was doing everything to protect her, physically yes but emotionally, she's bound to be a mess. The consequences of this are definitely going to show in later years. I've basically taken my sister on a two year trauma trip.

"Even if I have nothing left, the sky'll be there. That's for sure." She lets out a gleeful giggle, like it's the most amusing thing in the world but I can't help but be deeply concerned.

"Yeah the sky'll be there forever, just like Mr. Moon." I say jokingly, but also referring back to something mum used to tell us.

She'd tell us a story about how the sun and the moon were deeply in love, but the never got to see eachother. Mr. Moon was always in the dark and Miss. Sun was always surrounded by light. The story ended with an eclipse where the pair finally got their long awaited meeting and shared a kiss.

It's a silly story and I thought that at the time, but it's quickly become one of my precious memories.

"Hey, do you remember when I'd sing to you when you were younger?" I ask.

"Kinda." She says innocently. "Not quite. Hey!" She says, suddenly startling me. "Can you sing me a song to help me remember?" I smile at her and take a deep breath. It's been a long time since I've sang.


If you haven't heard this song I recommend listening to the whole thing even if it's just for this plot.

I always liked to song due to it's lyrics, so I sang it to Aiko whenever she was sad.

"Yeah." She lets out a content sigh. "I really like Akamine." She states, abruptly changing the subject. "She's just like you, but a little bit sillier and she gets annoyed easier."

"Akamine's a good person. Just a little all over the place." I say as I do that weird, reasurring, awkward nod thing. "I've got a feeling that she's gonna stick around, just like the sky."

"I sure hope so." I can't help but smile at her as she gazes into the endless black above us. A wonderful universe full of unknown possibilities. "Look!" She suddenly yells. I look up the see the tail end of a light fly past. "A shooting star!"

"Make a wish." I say, I've never sounded so calm in my life. She makes an angry groan noise and them smiles at me.


"Oh yeah? What did you wish for?"

"Well what did you wish for?" She tries to flip it on me.

"Ah, you see, I asked first." I say smugly, earning an unimpressed look from her.

"Hmph." She gazes back into the sky as the light from the moon reflects on her face. "I wished that it will always be like this from now on. No more villains. No more chases. Just us and the sky. Safe and peaceful."

I'm taken back by the sincerity in her voice. She said it slowly, like she meant every word. I really have fucked this kid up.

She leans on me and rests her head on my shoulder. I kiss her forehead and then look into the stars.

"Yeah me too, kid." An overwhelming feeling of sadness washes over me. What have I done to her?
"Me too."

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