13 // Fiery Comments

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"That attack yesterday was horrible!" Yaoyorozu comments as we walk into the shopping centre. Mina insisted that I join them on their day off and I didn't have much to do because Aiko was busy with her tutor anyway.

Because of the USJ attack we've been given a day off, which meant the girls wanted to get together to go shopping. Most of it is spent try to keep up with Mina. She keeps rushing from shop to shop, buying the pinkest things she can find.

So far, I've bought a sandwich. It's not because I don't want to by clothes and accessories, I've just only spent the little money I have had on food for the longest time, it's going to be a hard habit to break.

Whilst all of the girls have their own individual styles, I find myself liking Jiro's the most. She's the tomboy, edgey one of the group and honestly she pulls it off really well. As much as I'd like to pull that type of stuff off, I don't think it'll suit me.

I don't think much'll suit me honestly. I'm currently wearing a big, red sweatshirt that I borrowed off of Akamine. By big, I don't mean cutely oversized, I mean it's way too fucking big. I'm drowning in it. I'm also wearing some baggy, ripped up jeans and some too big, red doc Martins I also stole off Akamine. Not really stole. She forced me to wear them because they matched the jumper, even though they're two sizes too big and I'm tripping over my own feet. Jiro said she liked my jeans though, so that's something.

I also have my hair pulled back into two French braids, but my bangs are too short to fit into them. Good, I don't want my forehead exposed.

(But more messy lmao)

The conversation quickly turned to boys. What a shock. I didn't mind them talking about it and it was quite fun to listen to in all honesty. Yaoyorozu kept talking about Todoroki, which is fine by me, I need more intell on this kid.

Though what she says is pretty useless, she mentions that Todoroki has fire powers but refuses to use them in combat and she wonders why. Considering that his dad is Endeavor, that's expected but the fact he doesn't use it is interesting.

She then goes on to tease Jiro about Denki, who she insists she doesn't have feelings for, just that he's a twat. I kind of believe her, I mean Kaminari's an idiot.

Mina tells us that she doesn't "like" anybody but that she gets along quite well with Kirishima since they went to the same middle school.

Turning to Uraraka is the most amusing because we can all tease her for the possibility of catching feelings for Midoriya, but she flat out denies it. Unlike Tsuyu, who just doesn't like anybody and doesn't care believe her or not.

Hagakure goes on about a lot of boys in our class to the point where I zone out. Only snapping back in when their radar is put on me.

"So, Hara," Hagakure starts. Oh no. "You got your eye on anyone?" I genuinely have to stop and think for a second before responding. I'm pretty sure that they weren't expecting my response though.

"Just because you find someone attractive, doesn't mean you have feelings for them." Out of context that must be really bizarre to them, but it's mainly to myself. I've said that Bakugou would be attractive if he wasn't such an asshole and I stand by that. I'm not going to start liking him because he's such a prick.

I honestly think a lot of people in our class are attractive, I just haven't brought it up. For example Kaminari's actually kind of cute when you get past him being a complete dunce.

"Basically I think that most people in our class are good looking, but I don't like them. If that makes sense?"

"Yeah." Mina scratches the back of her head. "I get that. Hey!" She suddenly changes the subject. "Let's go to the park!"

Everybody quickly agrees and we head to a large park nearby that's got play equipment and it's dead centre of a massive field. We don't even get to go on the swing sets because everyone gets distracted by a familiar face.

"Hey, is that Todoroki?" Hagakure says, catching everyone's attention. During our conversation earlier, a few people mentioned Todoroki, his name was to most common to pop up and he's been deemed the best looking in the class.

He's running laps around the field whilst a tall, bulky man cheers, it's more like yelling actually. A couple of the girls take off after him and apparently I'm the only one to figure out he probably doesn't want us there.

"Hey! Wait! I don't th-oh for fucks sake." I sprint off after them and by the time I've reached them, I see that they've stopped Todoroki from running. He's now doubled over and leaning on his knees whilst he pants.

I can't make out what the girls are saying really. I look over and see that the bulky man is Endeavor and I have a feeling he's not going to like this. I don't want to get Todoroki in shit.

"Hey uh guys." Nobody pays much attention to me so I repeat myself a little louder and I get some stern looks. "I don't think we should be interrupting their training session. It's kind of rude."

"Not at all." Endeavor suddenly booms over us. "Maybe if Shoto gets enough praise for his actions he might see sense in using his quirk properly."

I watch the scowl cross Todoroki's face. That must have somehow struck a nerve.
"Hey I don't think that's fair." It comes out as more of a mutter than anything else but Endeavor still catches my words.

"What did you say?" I gulp as the giant of a man stand over me.

"I said I don't think that's fair. He's not going to want to do as you say just because he has fangirls." I mutter a quiet "sorry guys" onto the end of that. They aren't fangirls, but there's no doubt he'll end up with some one day.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" He growls.

In the commotion I don't notice where Mina's stood. I only realise once I look around to avoid meeting Endeavor's gaze.

Todoroki's been doing laps around the edge of the field, meaning that we're near the road and due to the fact that they're all surrounding Todoroki, Mina's still in the circle but she's stood at the edge of the road.

It's not a big deal because cars don't drive exactly next to the pavement and this road's normally pretty quiet.

But that's why I panic when a car comes hurdling around the corner and I'm the only one facing in that direction. It's not even driving in a straight line. At this rate it's going to swirve and directly hit Mina.

"Look out!" I yell as I sprint towards her, getting to her just in time. She lets out an horrific scream, putting her arms up in front of her face as some sort of protection.

I dive towards her and pull her at the same time, pulling her away from the car and falling on the other side of the road.

She finishes screaming as we hit the floor and I panic.
"Are you okay?!" I say as I get on my knees and help her sit up.

"Uh yeah." She mutters as she runs her head. "I'd be a goner if it weren't for you!" She says way too cheerily. "Thanks!"

"Uh yeah. No problem." I let out a small dry laugh and stand up. After helping to her feet, I turn to my, uh, friends, I guess, who are all just blankly looking at me.

"You see, dad," Todoroki's voice rings out, "that's what a hero does."

These words catch me completely off guard. I feel my face burn pink as I realise that the person I deem highest in the class just called me a hero in front of a pro hero.

"Not yelling at someone because they voiced their opinion." He continues. Whilst it's true Endeavor got very quickly mad at me for what I said, he didn't exactly yell at me, but I guess Todoroki's point still stands. "I'm going home." He states in a cold tone.

"Shoto!" Endeavor calls after him as he walks away. "Ugh when will he stop this rebellious nonsense." He goes rushing after his son.

Most of the girls call it a day not long after that, leaving just me and Mina on the swings. She keeps thanking me and before she leaves, she gives me a big hug and says that she owes me.

I'm left on the swings by myself. The park is empty and it's very quiet. I check the time. Aiko's tutoring should be over by now so I stand up and look across the field. It's a very nice area actually, I should bring her here some day.

Whist I walk home, Todoroki's words ring through out my head. That's what a hero does. It's not even like Endeavor's a low ranking pro either. He's number two. Which means that he's good at his job, so why was Todoroki so quick to shut him down?

There's clearly some deep rooted issue with those two, because he wouldn't have said something like that otherwise. It's funny. Despite being in a school for heros, I've never considered myself one.

That's not changed. It takes more than a cute boy calling me a hero to make me think I am one. I've got a long way to go but it's a step in the right direction. Maybe I could be a hero after all.

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