14 // Difference Is A Lonely Place

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Heck 100 reads. Who tf is reading this garbage lmao. Anyway, thank you are for reading this, I really appreciate it ^^
Alright so the tournament arc is next, and I really didn't know how to go about this without changing something completely. This is one of my favourite arcs in the series and I didn't just wanna swing in and fuck it up by messing around with it. So, this is all I've got, but at least there's some reasoning behind it.

"Morning." Aizawa says as he enters the class, giving us all a shocking surprise to start of the day. He's covered in bandages.

"Glad to see you're doing well, sensei!" Iida yells, he's so forward and square even when he's being caring, it's quite odd.

"If you can call that doing well." Uraraka mutters. He does look like he's in a bit of a state, there's no denying that at all.

"Yeah," Kaminari begins, "he looks like Hara." A silence settles over the class. Most of them awaiting my response considering my, so far, closed off and awkward ways, but it was obviously a poor attempt at a joke. So I take it as one.

I guess most people were shocked to hear me laugh. By laugh I mean I did that weird thing where you blow out of your nose instead of laughing then I give a small, dry laugh afterwards.

"True." I simply say as I make eye contact with Kaminari, who seems fazed but quickly gives me a mischievous smirk.

"My welfare isn't important," Aizawa brings our attention back to him, "because your fight is far from over." Mutters break out throughout the class about villains and all that good stuff.

"U.As sports festival is fact approaching." Oh. I guess he's not wrong but the doesn't have to be so dramatic.

The sports festival, I used to watch it as a kid. I always loved the parts before the final battles to find the champion. When it came down to the one on one battles, I always found myself disliking them. They felt too real. Too dangerous. The stuff before it always acted like a game, but then they'd go and tear eachother to shreds. It wasn't my thing.

"Come on!" Someone yells, I think Minetta. "We just had that villain attack, are you sure about this?" Aizawa goes on about how it's important to show that the school's crisis management is top notch and that it's the best opportunity we're going to get. The conversation quickly turns to scouts and that we can't miss this important chance to get into the hero world.

"Oh yeah, Hara, you won't be participating." I'm left dumbfounded. You went through all of that and then tell me I'm not involved? Sure, I never exactly cared about this whole hero thing, but if I'm going to do it I'm going to do it right.

"What? Why?" I blurt out on my confusion.

"Your quirk's luck, which means it's designed to win. It is in your quirk's nature to make you win." He states blankly. Whilst he's right, he's not completely right.

"Luck might be designed to let me win, yes, but it's main reason for it existing is to protect me, meaning that if an opponent is a lot stronger than me, it will try to find the quickest and safest way out of the situation."

"Okay well you're still causing an uneven number of students in the class. Which is the second reason why, since you weren't signed up along with everyone else, we weren't prepared for another student in the competition. All students are entered in the festival when we get told they've accepted their acceptance into the school. You never got that letter and we never got that response."

"Why couldn't you just add her later on?" Mina speaks out for me.

"I'm not in charge of that. There's a lot going on at the moment and we weren't exactly expecting these kind of circumstances with a student joining, it's possible that it just wasn't thought about. I'm sorry Hara. I'm sure you'll get in next year." Aizawa's voice remains as stoic as ever and I really don't have much of a response.

"Figures." I mutter disheartendly as I blow air out of my nose and lean back in my chair. I'm kind of disappointed to say the least, this could've been my chance to prove that I'm worthy of being here, but that went just as well as everything else. I'm meant to be lucky but that just doesn't seem to ever work.

The class very quickly gets very excited about the festival and I just kind of sit there, looking out of the window.

"Thank you." I practically jump out of my seat at the sound of a familiar voice. I turn around to meet an equally familiar pair of mismatched eyes.

"For what?" I say. What? Why's he thanking me? What have I done now?

"For talking to my old man yesterday. He shouldn't have been so rude towards you for saying what you did." Todoroki starts.

"Oh uh, I uh didn't really do much honestly and I just sounded weak. I was such a pussy, I was scared to call him out. What's happened to me?" I mutter the last part to myself.

I used to be this tough, well known girl that didn't take anybody's shit and stood on her own two feet. Now I have a panic attack when my sister so much as sneezes.

"Right.." He says awkwardly. "Well thank you anyway I guess." I honestly expect him to walk away but he stands there, like he's trying to find the right words, but then leaves. I have a gut feeling he was going to say something about the festival but probably felt bad since I'm not actually included.

Everybody leaves the room for lunch and I'm just sat there, contemplating whether I should leave or not.

"What are you doing, Hara?" Aizawa says as he's leaving the room himself.

"I don't want to hear everybody talking about how excited they are." The weak words leave my mouth. "It's just gonna remind me how I still don't quite fit in here." There's a long pause between us.

"I'm sorry Hara. I tried, I really did." He then leaves the room, leaving me confused and weirdly enough, an even sader feeling fills my stomach. He tried for me. It's not his fault so it's not like there's even a face I can direct my anger towards.

He leaves and I'm left completely alone in the classroom. After about five minutes, I get bored. I might not be willing to hear the talk of the festival but I'm equally unwilling to be bored all lunch.

I find myself making my way to Akamine's room and I stop at the door. She's sat at her desk reading a book, frowning. I knock on the door before entering and I just look at her.

"You okay, kid?" Most people my age would hate being called a kid, but I can't help but like it. It has a nostalgia about my good times to it.

"Not really." I say honestly. She looks up from her book and raises her eyebrow at me. She then looks back at her book. Gee thanks for caring.

"Why, what's happened?"

"I'm not in the festival because I'm pretty much just an outcast." I say honestly with a little half-hearted laugh at the end.

"Oh." She says, completely looking up from her book. "How cruel." You wouldn't believe this was the same woman that was begging me to live with her a couple of months ago. "You'll be fine. The festival isn't normally great for first years anyway. They don't normally have much battle technique and just throw themselves in. I wouldn't sweat it too much. The focus is mainly on the higher years."

"I see." I pause, trying to come up with another thing to talk about. Our relationship has been tense ever since our fight about Aiko. I don't even remember what I said to her in the moment, but I can't help but feel guilty. "Whatcha reading?" Her face almost instantly lights up.

I spend most of my lunch talking to Akamine about books. It's honestly been a long time since I read an actual story book, I really need to back into it again. She's actually really happy to be talking about her favourite novel, saying she's read it multiple times.

I try my best to pay attention, but I find myself struggling to be positive. For the first time, there is a distinct line between me and my class. Sure, I got in through a different practical  exam, I still did the same written one in my first week here and I still got in by an exam. There's a clear difference in my quirk to everyone else's, but that didn't mean I was seen as any less than anyone else, aside from Bakugou. I might have felt a bit out of place, but I was still sure that I was in a good place.

Now I'm not, I've been completely excluded from it.

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