15 // Oh Boy, What A Start

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The U.A sports festival creeped up on us like there was no tomorrow. Didn't exactly mean much to me, but it was a shock to some of the class, including Mina.

She insisted that I teach her to do the flips and stuff I do, despite me telling her that it takes years to do this stuff, not the two weeks we've got until the event. I tried my best but as the end of it she was sat on the floor sobbing because she smacked her head on the floor doing a forwards roll.

Whilst that was amusing to witness, the most interesting thing to happen was when a purple haired dude basically threatened the entire class. That was different. That kid has some balls on him, I like him. Seems like he could put up a fight.

When the festival roled around, I found out I was the festival's  equivalent to a designated driver. I was allowed to be there without actually taking part on the activities. I was allowed to join my classmates backstage. To quote Akamine, I am "their emotional support for when they get crushed."

Everybody was talking when I walked in. Since I'm not actually participating, I'm permitted to wear what I please, which is basically the same outfit I wore when I went out shopping with the girls the other week. This time I couldn't get my hair to look good in braids so I left it.

Some people were excited, some scared, but everybody seemed ready to beat the shit out of everybody else.

"Midoriya." I look over my shoulder to see Todoroki. Ah yes, I thought someone was missing.

"Todoroki, what is it?" Midoriya speaks with uncertainty.

"All Might's got his eye on you, doesn't he." Oh God here we go. "Now I'm not about to pry into why that is now but I will beat you."

"Oooh!" Kaminari starts obnoxiously. "A declaration of war from the strongest in the class?"

"Hey, man," Kirishima also butts in, "why pick a fight now? We're about to go on." He tugs on Todoroki's sleeve, and he just pulls his arm away.

"I really don't care." Wow, I know Todoroki's whole thing is being cold but damn. "I'm not pretending to be anyone's friend here."

Midoriya starts a very negative and self deprecating talk to the point where I want to ask if he's okay, but it quickly turns around.

"I'm going for the top too." He states boldly. "With everything I've got!"

I watched as the annoyance crept across both Todoroki's and Bakugou's faces. You've made a dangerous move here Deku.

After a matter of seconds the class are called to go to the stadium. I quickly mutter a "good luck" to Mina before sprinting off upstairs to watch from the stands.

I quickly find Akamine, who's sat with Aiko. Aiko's eating ice cream and I raise an eyebrow at Akamine.

"She wouldn't shut up about how excited she is, okay."Akamine rubs her face. "I know she's not meant to have sweet stuff until after a meal, but let's just call this a treat."

"The first year stage!" Present Mic's voice rings out through the stadium, distracting me from having a go at Akamine for going against my rules. "The students are coming out!"

He introduces the classes and class 1A walks out. I'm sad that I'm not down there with them, but I'm also overwhelmingly proud of them at the same time. I haven't know them long, but the fact they've got here is incredible enough honestly.

Midnight is introduced as the ref. Oh dear. I take a sip of orange juice that Akamine bought me whilst I was downstairs, listening to everything the scandelous woman says.
"Pipe down!" She yells at the students who I assume are talking about her and her provocative outfit. "Your student representative is from class 1A, Katsuki Bakugou!"

I choked on my drink and continued to have a frantic coughing fit. Why Bakugou? You have to be kidding. Out of all the people you could have chosen, you choose the living embodiment of a volcano?

"He came top in the enterence exam," Akamine says like she's read my mind, "that must be why." As I watch him walk onto the stage, I can already predict that something bad is going to happen. I wasn't wrong.

"The athlete's oath..." he pauses, trying to gather his words. "Make no mistake about it. I'm gonna take first place!"

You could hear the sound of my hand slapping my forehead throughout the entire stadium. Well not really but you get what I was going for. This bitch.

Up roar rings out in the crowd of students. He's really fucked over the entire class this time.

Midnight goes on to talk about the first event, after a lot of stalling that is.

It's an obstical course. And there's no rules as long as you stay in the course. That's dangerous for a four kilometre track.

"Racers to your stations." Midnight chimes. There's dinging noises as lights light up above a large corridor.

"Start!" An ocean of blue and red rushes into the small space at once. The crowd collectively turns to watch the action on the large screen.

I'm shocked to see most of the competition is frozen with Todoroki skating a head of them, followed by most of 1A leaping out of the crowd.

Suddenly large robots appear, stopping Todoroki in his tracks.

"That's what the other students faced in their enterence exam." I just nod in response to Akamine. I'm glad I have her to give me constant context, but I realise I'm missing a lot of information about my own class.

Todoroki crouches down and touches the floor, sending a massive wave of ice, freezing the robots instantly before running through them, the robots falling after him. Hot damn. I mean, uh, cool damn? I don't know, it was just impressive either way.

Kirishima and some metal dude burst out of the robots. Thank god it was those two and not somebody else. They wouldn't have gotten out so easily.

Bakugou blasts his way over the robots, with some other members of our class not too far behind him. I also spot Midoriya pick up a piece of metal from one of the fallen robots. What is he doing..?

I watch as Yaoyorozu just makes a cannon like it's nothing. Just oh yeah let me whip out my fucking cannon. That girl's quirk is really something

The next obstical is a desert land that has a lot of gaps in it, so the land is like tiny floating islands and if you fall you're fucked. There's rope from each "island" to the next. This is going to be interesting.

Tsuyu is the boldest and just starts crawling across the rope without hesitation. Even Todoroki hesitated before freezing the ropes and just sliding across them.

A girl with pink hair and a lot of gadgets uses some kind of contraption that sends out what I can only describe as grappling hooks and swings off of the rope. Bakugou just blasts through the air, as per usual.

Todoroki reaches the final obstical first, as expected, and it's a fucking mine field. Present Mic has to confirm that the mines aren't actually deadly, but they do make people jump when they explode.

It actually makes Todoroki slow down. He takes to trying to avoid the mines in a sensible but slow approach. Then there's Bakugou. He blasts past Todoroki and I notice some words were shared between them.

There's suddenly a massive explosion from the start of the mine field, catching everybody off guard. To my disbelief, Midoriya is flying through the air on that piece of metal from earlier. Are you kidding me? They're all insane I swear. How exactly does he plan to land?

Todoroki clearly panics and creates a path of ice ahead of him and slides across it, making it as he goes. As Midoriya falls, I realise that all three of them are tied. It's anyone's game.

Midoriya then slams his piece of metal into the ground again, causing more explosions and him to fly forwards. During the explosion, it was hard to tell who actually got there first, but it doesn't take long to figure out when our winner runs into the ring.

"The first person who made it back to the stadium is none other than Izuku Midoriya!" Present Mic yells. Wow. Looks like Todoroki's declaration of war didn't stop him at all.

It doesn't take long for others to pour into the ring. I can hear business students talking about Midoriya and how he'd been shown as a hero. They were talking like he was a product. That's not fair. He's not a damn prize.

"Quick, Akamine, Aiko, cheer for Midoriya with me." I say quickly after some arranging and I count down we scream.

"Well done, Midoriya!!" I try to be as loud as I possibly can to get his attention and it works. I wave at him from the stands and he weakly waves back. I don't know him very well at all, but I'm sure as hell going to praise him for this. He did so good!

I also yell my praises for Mina when she gets through and she gives me a very cheerful wave back.

Midnight quickly moves on to talking about the next task which is a cavalry battle. She explains this complex point system and we quickly learn that Midoriya is worth ten million points.

Okay. Maybe he didn't do so good after all.

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