38 // My Memories Are Precious, My Past Is Anything But

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Underage drinking in this chapter. I'm pretty sure I stated about this stuff in the first chapter, but this is just in case.

The breeze was cold but light that evening. It wasn't gail force winds or even annoying, it just felt as if the world was whispering to me.

I often spent my nights up on this roof. I wish I spent more time with Aiko up here, that's one of the only genuinely nice memories I have left of her. The sky tonight isn't nearly as clear as it was that night, but it's not exactly cloudy either.

Small freckles of light break through the thin clouds, reminding me of the ever expanding universe that I'll never get to see. It's almost nostalgic.

When I was younger I either wanted to be a hero or travel the world. Ironically, the latter one is still the most prominent. I used to travel with Ryu and even Natsuki when I was younger, but she's been out of the picture for years now.

I guess that's also what pushed me to keep going with Aiko, the possibility of seeing the world if I just kept going, pushing us to go further. I've always had a natural instinct for direction, but that didn't mean anything back then. We were just walking. Walking without destination, seeing where we'd end up.

"Knock knock." I look over my shoulder to meet the bright blue eyes of my longest standing friend. "Mind if I join you?" I shake me head as he climbs out of my bedroom window and walks over to me.

"Ah holy- fucking hell." He mutters in a panic as he stumbles slightly, clearly scared of falling off of the roof.

"Careful." I say playfully to him, earning a scowl in return.

"Bit late." He sits next to me and I realise why he nearly fell. "Here." He holds out a bottle of beer to me, I just raise my eyebrow at him. "Look, I know you're meant to be this sweet goody-two-shoes nowadays, but I've seen you do shots when you were thirteen, so what damage is one little beer gonna do?"

"I was using drinking as a coping mechanism when I first got out of hospital remember?" I say, remembering that dark time of my life. I'm not proud of those three months that I spent trying to get myself back together before I set off with Aiko.

"Oh shit yeah." He suddenly remembers, "huh, maybe not then." I blow air out of my nose as a sort of laugh and grab the bottle off of him.

"I'm past that now." I say before taking a swig out of the bottle, not completely believing myself, "I wouldn't mind the odd drink now and again."

"What would your classmates say if they knew about this?"

"About what?" I'm used to Ryu's cryptic questions and random outbursts, but they still confuse me.

"Everything that's happened to you. How you coped with it all. Why you had to leave." I just look at him blankly. "I guess they haven't asked you, huh? I know it though. I could feel it when I went to pick you up earlier, a couple of them were sticking around, and I could feel that they think there's an air of mystery around you. How do you think they'd feel if they found out you were a borderline vigilante?" He pauses, rubbing his face in his hands. "It doesn't matter anyway. I bet most of them wouldn't understand anyway, they're just a bunch of spoiled pricks."

"Hey!" I snap, catching his off guard. "I know we haven't had the best experience with heros, but you should never assume anything about someone's past." I sigh and now it's my time to rub my face. "I don't know what most of them have been through, but the top guy in our class definitely hasn't had a spoiled life." I pause. "And what do you mean I'm a borderline vigilante?"

"Well, you fought villains for years to protect your sister, and you definitely don't have a hero license." He let's out a dry laugh, finally processing everything else I said. "What do you mean? Who's the top of your class?"

"Endeavour's son, " I take a swig of my beer, "his dad's an asshole. Drove his mother to have some kind of resentment towards him and she ended up pouring boiling water over his eye."

An unsettling silence forms around us.

"Damn." He mutters quietly. "Okay, you got me there. But that doesn't change how you confuse them all. Do they even know anything? Do they know about your parents."

"Todoroki knows they're dead." I try to cover my bitter and blunt tone before taking a swig.

"Right, but he doesn't know why that is, does he?" I shake my head. "Christ how did we get in this mess?" I let out a dry laugh.

"Beats me."

"It's all because of Aiko if you think about it."

"Yeah, I guess it is." I mutter very quietly.

"Hey!" Ryu's sudden springy and happy tone returns, startling me slightly. "Remember that one time we were dancing around you mum's kitchen whilst we were making a cake and Aiko tried to grab a bag of flour off the side whilst we weren't looking and she ended up pouring it all over herself?"

"Yeah!" I say suddenly remembering the happy memory, "god, that was so much effort to clean up before my mum got home and murdered us. She must've been like two then." A content sigh escapes me. "It's like that one time we were all headbanging in my mum's car and she was in her booster seat in the passenger side." I have to pause from the giggles escaping me, "and the seat wasn't held down properly so it had just been slowly moving forward with every movement, so she ended up smacking her face off the dash board and giving herself a nose bleed."

We break into a fit of laughter.

"Wasn't she put in the back seat after that?" All I do is nod my head as I try to stop myself crying from laughter. We're sat there for a good couple of minutes just laughing and reminiscing.

A sigh escapes me as I rest my head on Ryu's shoulder.

"I miss her."

"Yeah, I know. Me too, kid." He leans his head onto mine. "She was this bright little spark in our lives, even when things went to shit."

There's an eerily long pause between us.

"She never found out what actually happened, right?" He asks.

"No." I say. "I made sure off it."

He sighs yet again as I stop leaning on him and sit forward. He holds his beer out near me at an angle.

"To Aiko." He says, giving me a sad smile. I push my lips together as I feel the tears begin to sting my eyes, the wound's definitely still new. I meet his eyes and they're glistening in the moonlight, water pooling at the bottom of them. Looks like I'm not the only one on the verge of tears.

"To-" my voices cracks as I lift my bottle up, a tear finally escaping my eyes. I swallow and compose myself for a second. The clinking sound of glass as the bottles hit eachother in the toast is the only sound between us except quiet and muffled snuffles.

"To Aiko."

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