39 // Friendships Can Make Waves

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Aestethic board do Hara because they're fun to make. This chapter is not as serious since I've just finished my exams and I feel like giving Hara a break.

Somehow, despite being surrounded by girls that are in swimming costumes, I'm the sluttiest person there. When Mina said they were going to be swimming, I didn't expect the swimming costumes to be so.. proper.

I walked in later than everyone else because I couldn't get Ryu to wake up to give me a lift, meaning I walked in just after Kaminari and Mineta.

"Aw man. Those swimming costumes suck." I hear Mineta quietly mutter. I clear my throat behind the perverted pair and they both instantly turn around, both bright red.

"Oh uh Hara I uh-damn." Kaminari stutters as he turns to face me. I feel my face tint a slight red at the whole "damn" thing though, but who can blame him, I actually look hot today.

Well, I look hotter by comparison anyway. All the girls are wearing full piece body swimsuits whilst I'm just wearing my bandages as a top and high waisted shorts. I often just wear my bandages in warm weather or one on one combat training, so it's not like I'm uncomfortable or anything.

I'm actually quite happy with my body, so if I wasn't so heavily scarred up top, then I'd definitely show a little more skin, but I do, so I'll just have to show off my legs instead.

Along with my summery outfit, I stole a pair of sunglasses out of Ryu's car and I have my hair tied up in a messy bin on top of my head. I actually look cute today.

The sunglasses because Idk how to describe them.

"Why aren't you wearing one of those costumes, Hara?" Mineta questions, stepping a little closer then I'd like.

"Because I ain't gonna swim. I'm only here because Mina wanted me to be. I didn't know you'd all be here though." I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah me neither." Kaminari mutters as I put two and two together. They both wanted to see the girls in skimpy outfits and not have the other guys here.

A pink hand grabs me, pulling me away from the pervy pair before I have to deal with them. I honestly find it funny that most of the girls' hero costumes are more revealing then what they're currently wearing.

I wasn't paying much attention before, but it turns out all the guys are here. So basically put entire class has just claimed the pool. Since I was distracted by the pervy duo, I didn't notice most of the boys and damn, I've clearly never acknowledged most of their physiques. I mean, hot damn, Iida's fucking ripped.

I'm very thankful for these sunglasses because I can stare at whoever the fuck I want. As I'm glancing at the boys I meet a couple of pairs of eyes, but they all look away pretty quick, except one.

Whilst all the girls are messing around and "training" in the pool, I have my legs in the pool as I sit on the edge of the water. I look up and I catch the eyes of Todoroki, I expect him to look away because I forget I'm wearing sunglasses and he can't see where I'm looking, but he doesn't. I swear I see his eyes flicker. Down for a split second, but then I'm distracted when I'm punched in the leg by Mina.

She mutters a plan to me and we all leave the pool as the boys finish stretching.

"I think we should have little friendly competition and all the boys should race." Yaoyorozu states mischievously, clearly the leader of the pack.

"Yeah, and we'll see who's best!" People quickly begin to agree to the test.

"I don't see the point in this." Todoroki mutters quietly to himself, but I'm stood just in front of him so I manage to catch it.

"C'mon Todoroki." I say, gaining his complete attention. I pull my sunglasses off of my face and it catches on my hair slightly, causing me to shake my head slightly so I can avoid messing up my already messy hair before resting them on my head. By the look on Kaminari and Mineta's face, this must have been somewhat attractive (somehow?). "It'll be fun."

I guess it caught him off guard slightly because we haven't had a lot of conversations as of recent, because he almost instantly agrees.

"Alright, if you say so."

The competition started pretty basic at first, with three different groups racing eachother. It was actually kind of tense for what's supposed to be friendly competition, and absolutely nobody was surprised to see Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya come out on top.

Those three seem to be in a completely different league to the rest of us, maybe it's because they all looked up to the number one as far we know. They're all so stubborn and determined, there's no denying they're going to to be something great some day.

Cheers begin to break out through the class, each person supporting one of the three. Whilst I've had my fair share of interactions with all three, it's obvious by now who I'm closest to.

"Go on Todoroki!" I scream, "you can do it!" My eyes are closed whilst I'm cheering, but when I open them, I meet the heterochromic eyes I've become familiar with. He gives me a small and soft smile in response. With the small but out of character gesture, I feel my heart skip a beat.

I smile back and he turns away just as Yaoyorozu yells start. I don't even know if this can be classed as a swimming contest anymore considering that Midoriya is the only one that's swam, but it's still entertaining.

The three jump to a start and then suddenly crash into the water. We all turn around to see Aizawa.

"Time's up." He swiftly kicks us out of the pool area and I sit in the changing room with the girls whilst they get changed, holding a conversation with Mina.

Once she's dressed we leave and she offers to wait with me for Ryu to come pick me up. I notice she's acting odd, we're stood outside the school, leaning on the wall outside and she looks around before turning to face me.

"Todoroki was definitely checking you out earlier." I feel my face burn at this unlikely possibility.

"Like fuck he was." I playfully push her away. "It's probably just because I look like a cheap hooker in comparison to you all." She bursts out laughing.

"But still," I honestly wish she'd just shut up, "having the most attractive guy in our class looking you up and down is really something."

"Whatever. So what? I was showing a little more skin then I normally do and I gained some attention. I don't get why they reacted like that when half of you have scandalous hero costumes. It doesn't matter if he was or not because Yaoyorozu likes him. Clearly. "

"To be fair, a lot of girls like him, it's Shoto Todoroki for crying out loud! I've seen him get hit on by girls in other classes and he's either really good at playing it off or he's blissfully oblivious." She takes a deep breath. "But I guess you're right. It's obvious that Momo has a thing for him, and I guess you're gonna do the right thing?"

"The right thing doesn't matter here. Him looking at me doesn't mean shit, as I've said in the past, I think you can find someone attractive without having feelings for them, that's probably what was happening."

"You seem pretty confident about your looks." Mina giggles, "I never noticed."

"I don't look that bad." My joking tone makes her smile. "Besides, if I'm stuck looking like this, I might aswell own it."

"Wise words to live by." She laughs, "yanno, Momo might be skilled and pretty and rich, but.."

"But?" I raise my eyebrow. Where the hell is she going with this?

"She's not as easy to get along with as you." I give her a confused look. "I feel kinda shadowed in her presence, like she has everything going for her, she doesn't need to try really. She's smart, pretty and strong without even trying. Most people saw her as top girl in the class, and then you showed up."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Sure, you're a little rougher around the edges, but you showed most people in our class that you don't need a natural advantage to become strong." She's staring at the ground, her pink hair shadowing her face.


"So, I'm saying thank you! For sticking around despite everything that's happened." Her entire speach was a mess and I'm honestly not sure where she was going with comparing me and Yaoyorozu, but I'm dumbstruck none the less.

I grab the girl and pull her into a hug. She tenses, clearly shocked because I don't normally start the hugging, but she quickly and tightly hugs me back.

"Hey, uh, do you want me to give you a second?" I look to the side and see Ryu stood there, looking very lost.

"Nah it's cool, I'm coming." I let go of her and she looks at Ryu. For a solid thirty seconds she's just kind of staring at him. It takes a second for it to click, but I realise that Ryu is seen as an incredibly attractive young man. I never saw him as such because he's like a brother to me.

I quickly say bye to Mina and force Ryu into the car before he makes some kind of inappropriate joke.

"Who was that?" Ryu asks as he starts the engine.

"Mina Ashido. Alien queen and an absolute legend." I say, clearly proud of my friend.

"You think highly of her then, I see."

"Yeah!" I slow down and look at my lap. "I don't know, I just feel like she'll stick around."

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