40 // Confidence Is Key

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People keeps adding this to their reading lists and like damn, I never expected to get anywhere with this shitty story, so thank you all so much for reading it.

The buzzing atmosphere of a bunch of teenagers is certainly one to get your heart pumping. Whispers and gleeful giggles break out amongst the girls, who can't wait to spend time in the hot springs and have some good ol' bonding time. Turns out that class 1-B is going to the training camp aswell, so there's even more of us as we wait for the buses to arrive.

"I think that's enough, dude." I look over to Kirishima who is trying to pull Mineta away from the girls in the other class.

"Christ Mineta," I casually walk up to the pair, "I could get more pussy then you and I don't even like girls."

Kirishima seems shocked at first but quickly bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Kiri's probably right, Mineta." He says, I can't help but smile at the fact he's kept up out little nickname thing.

"No she's not!"

"Yes I am." During the commotion I look up and spot Todoroki stood by himself, he glances at me, his face looking dark as a scowl runs through his features. I wave at him in an attempt to cheer him up but it doesn't get me a response.


"If you're so good at flirting, prove it." I turn to the perverted grape midget and raise my eyebrow at him. "Go get one of the girls from class 1-B."

"Hang on Mineta," Kirishima butts in, "we don't know who's straight and who isn't."

"If she's so good then that shouldn't matter, all you have to do is get a girl's number."

"Fine." I have to think for a second and observe my options.

I decide that Kendo is the safest option as she's had a few previous interactions with the class and she's very friendly. Of course I'm not going to actually flirt with her, I'm not about to be rejected over this petty situation, but once I'm out of ear shot.. and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like Mineta all too much. I mean, what girl would?

But that means I've got to put on a bit of a show. I undo my school blazer and tie it around my waist as I begin to walk away. My hair's also tied in a messy bun so I pull it out and let it fall around my shoulders. I hope this gives the illusion that I'm about to flirt because in reality all I'm about to do is trick grape boy.

"Hey Kendo!" I say cheerily as I get to the group, being obnoxiously loud in order for Mineta and Kirishima to hear me. Only when I'm positive I'm out of ear shot do I continue, "can I ask you a favour?"

She listens to me describe what just happened and pushes Monoma away a couple of times, who is trying his best to insult me, and agrees. She goes along with it really well to, pretending to be bashful and embarrassed back. I pass her my phone and she puts her number in before I walk back to Mineta and Kirishima with a triumphant look whilst they both look stunned.

"Told you." I smirk at them and get on the bus, which had arrived whilst I was talking to Kendo.

I almost instantly sit next to Mina and after a short while she decides she wants to braid my hair because it's the 'second longest in the class, second to Tsuyu'. Because she's sat next to me the braid ends up very messy and all over the place, but I try my best to reassure her it's cute and leave it in, saying that I suit messy hair.

"Kiri?" I turn to Kirishima, who's been asking people random questions up until now, it started off with just Bakugou but he quickly got annoyed.

"Yeah?" I hear Mina mutter a quiet "Kiri?" to my side, forgot to tell her baiut the whole name stuff.

"If you were to fight someone in here to prove yourself to somebody, who would it be?"

"Wait, why am I trying to prove myself?" There are a number of situations I could be put in in order to want to prove myself, I can't exactly answer with an umbrella term.

"I don't know, they said that you weren't a good fighter."

I think for a good couple of seconds. The obvious answers are Todoroki or Bakugou, but I'd definitely lose against those, I'd have to get in close to them to even pull something off, and as shown during the sports festival, that's a lot harder then it sounds. So they're out of the question, so I settle on the next best thing.

"You." I say bluntly, gaining most of the buses attention.

"What?! Why?" He's clearly shocked, as are most of the other passengers.

"If I can beat living concrete in a fight then I must be pretty good. It's either you or Hagakure." I stretch and my shoulder cracks, making Mina cringe next to me, causing me to laugh.

"Ah okay." Kirishima mutters before continuing his spur of questions to other classmates.

I meet Mina's confused gaze and explain the whole "Kiri" nickname to her.

"Aw cute." She smiles at me. At least someone here is positive. Well, she isn't for very long because she ends up falling asleep on my shoulder. I wish I could fall asleep so easily too.

When we arrive, she's incredibly confused, saying that I'm wrong because we're, quite literally, in the middle of no where.

"This can't be right." Kaminari mutters, followed by a chorus of agreements. I'm the last off the bus because I was trying to wake Mina up, so I'm stood behind everyone, and because I'm an absolute midget, I'm struggling to see what to commotion's about.

I push past someone and end up stood next to Todoroki, I then quickly regret all of my life choices because I realise the person I pushed was Yaoyorozu.

Aizawa assures us we're in the right place and then suddenly a couple of very familiar faces show up.

"Oh my God, it's Pixie-Bob and Mendalay." I say, stunned.

"What?" Todoroki seems to be almost judging me for looking up to such 'childish' heros instead of All Might and the big guys. For once, me and Midoriya are on the same page about a hero, or a group of heros I guess.

They explain to us that this area is their territory, so that means we're able to use our quirks on their private land. We're then informed we have to get there ourselves by going through a thick woodland area that's huge.

And we have to get there by a certain time so we can actually eat. People quickly start out right refusing, which goes as well as you'd expect when Pixie-Bob's quirk is literally earth manipulation.

We're thrown off the edge of the cliff in a mound of dirt and I'm really glad I decided to keep my weapon with me on this trip. As we plumet towards to ground, I pull it off my back, catching the part where it sticks out slightly on a tree branch and swinging myself around, so I'm stood on the branch. I smirk to myself.

This kind of thing is right up my alley, agility and preplanning moves. It's clear from my landing compared to most aswell, of course the obvious candidates did well landing, but most of them were dusting themselves off.

With the Wild Wild Pussycats as out guardians on this trip, I have more motivation to push myself forward.

I hear Mineta scream and there's a weird grass-earth monster in front of the group, which is almost instantly attacked by Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida. For some reason, those three have a good dynamic despite the fact I've never seen them train together, that's... intriguing.

Some people are panicking, others are divising a plan, whatever they're doing, I find myself having a boost of confidence and I rush off, jumping and crashing my weapon into one of the monsters. Most people follow my suit, not the I really care at this moment in time.

The adrenaline surges through me, giving me a boost I've missed, whilst I know I'm not going to get hurt, it's still there. It's having the same kick without the anxiety.

Obviously, a fair few people pass me, but that's completely fine with me. I'm here for myself. I'm going to figure out how to enhance my quirk, even if it means pushing myself to my limits.

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