41 // Adding Insult To Intelligence

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We definitely weren't on time for lunch. Even the tops of our class were remarkibly late, and that's an understatement. It's no surprise that Todoroki, Iida, Bakugou and Midoriya came out on top, but I'm proud to say that I wasn't far behind them.

The complaints of the class are the only noises I can hear as I double over and take in heavy breaths.

"You were quick," Yaoyorozu catches up to me, "not as quick as them, but quicker than I expected, considering your quirk and all." Yaoyorozu is very technical and intelligent when it comes to quirks, so what is probably just confusion comes across as an insult, and as always, I'm quick to defend myself.

"What's that meant to mean?" I make direct eye contact with her but I'm suddenly distracted by Mendalay.

"Sorry that's how quick we would have made it." Somehow, I don't think that's quite fair. They both go on the compliment the four boys, then Pixie Bob attempts to shower them in kisses, and all four of them put their arms in front of them, crossed. Apparently, she's worried about being a spinster forever.

To me it's funny, I can't help but laugh as they struggle to defend themselves against this middle aged woman.

"You were pretty quick too." I make eye contact with Mendalay.

"Who? Me?" I look around, thinking she was talking to Yaoyorozu but she's definitely looking at me. She nods but is then distracted by Midoriya, who is asking about the small boy that turns out to be Mendalay's nephew, who proceeds to punch Midoriya in the dick.

I stifle a laugh after muttering a small 'oof'.

"Cute kid." Says Bakugou as a smirk crosses his lips, honestly the last person I expected to hear that one from.

"You two are a lot alike." Todoroki states, as monotone as ever, earning an angry monologue from the blond haired firework.

I can't help but crack up laughing, we've been here about five minutes and so much has happened already, it seems like everything is going to be fine, so why am I still so anxious.

"What the hell are you laughing at devil bitch?" Bakugou growls at me.

"Ah, I see I've been upgraded from 'girl' to 'bitch'." I mutter as I run my  fingers through my hair, largely uneffected by his insults. I'd be more shocked if Bakugou said something that wasn't meant to at least be a little hurtful.

Aizawa tells us to put our stuff in our rooms and then meet downstairs for dinner, which is exactly what we do. I put my stuff down and I suddenly get the overwhelming anxiety that I'm wasting time that I don't have, I feel like I should be doing something as long as I'm here.

Maybe it's that I've taught myself to always be busy and efficient in everything I do, since I had to be quick whenever I got it trouble whilst I was protecting Aiko.

I rummage through my bag until my hand hits the jagged plastic of a binder. I pull out the binder and it's filled with dozens and dozens of notes. I smile to myself, appreciating Ryu.

He realised how stressed I am since I'm trying to utilise an ability that it's only theorised I may have, so he went out of his way to research quirks similar to mine and how the people with them used their abilities. Ryu may come across as a complete twat as times, but that doesn't change the fact that he's one of the smartest people I've ever met.

I grab the binder and rush off to the dining area, sitting next to Mina. She's aggressively scooping whatever's in her bowl into her face. It's odd seeing everyone collectively make so much noise but no one is making is sound. The clanking of bowls and cutlery hitting the pottery is the only sound in the room as nobody speaks.

I slowly eat my rice, stopping to pick at it, as I read over the notes. I'm used to going off of little food so I guess I was less affected than everyone else. I'm still hungry, but my anxiety if not knowing how to improve is a lot worse then my hunger.

"What the hell are you doing, devil girl?" I hear a familiar voice snarl from behind me.

"Ah, back to girl are we?" I mutter, too distracted by my notes.

"Don't get cocky with me."

"I'm cocky with everyone, you're not special." I say in a cold tone. Once I look up to meet Bakugou's eyes, I almost instantly regret it. Maybe it's because I've spent most of my free time with Ryu, since Akamine's always busy, and we have this very kena but playful relationship that I forget not everyone takes kindly to that type of attitude.

"You little-"

"Sorry, didn't mean to be that cold," I rub the back of my neck as I've turned around to face him, "what we're you asking?"

"What are you even doing?" He says after a long pause.

"I'm researching quirks similar to mine to figure out if the doctors theories are true and to figure out how to improve my abilities." I say, looking back down at the notes Ryu made me.


"No one actually knows how 'luck' works on a scientific level, so I've got to kinda guess what I can and can't do." He blankly looks at me, seemingly trying to take it in. Most people are still shoveling food into their mouths, but they're listening to the conversation.

"You're trying to figure out the science behind your own quirk." Both me and Bakugou's attention snaps towards Todoroki, who doesn't normally speak up, so I'm slightly taken back.

"As much as I like to pride my knowledge of science," I say, "I'm no where near good enough to figure that out if medical professionals can't." I pause for a moment, "if Ryu can't figure it out then I don't have a chance." I run my fingers through my hair as I say the last bit.

"Whatever." Bakugou says, back to his normal self. "Just don't get in my way."

"You asked me.." I whisper as I turn back around.

I spend the rest of the meal repeating the same thing. Eat, read and try to remember. Everybody seems satisfied with what they've eaten and they seem ready to relax and take a break.

I'm completely zoned out, nibbling on the end of my chopsticks.

"Kiriko," I look up to meet the black and yellow eyes of Mina, "we're gonna get ready and go to the hit springs if you wanna join us? I know that the whole bandage situation might be an issue, but still."

"It's fine, I'll figure sommet out." I say, closing the binder and standing up form the table to follow her and the girls.

Whilst I'm here, I might aswell enjoy some of it. I'll just have to push that anxiety down for a bit whilst I try to figure things out. I try my best the smile at Mina as I walk after her.

I mean, how bad can it really be?

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