Chapter 1: Seeing you Again

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Lucy has been living with her father for a little over a year now. One night Lucy went to go give her father his medicine but he won't wake up. Lucy called the paramedics then Natsu. "Hello?" A sleepy Natsu groaned into the phone.

"N-Natsu!! H-he's gone" lucy sobbed into the phone. "I'll be there as soon as I can." "Okay" Lucy continued to cry as she hung up the phone and watched as the ambulance drove her father away. She laid down on the couch crying softly to her self. After a few hours there was a knock at the door and Virgo had answered.

"Where's Lucy!?"

A very tired looking Natsu asked as he walked inside. Lucy sat up and ran into his arms. "Natsu!!" She cried. "There there. Shh it'll be alright shh" he tried to comfort her. He slowly led her to the couch and hugged her patting her back.

After a few day the funeral came and passed and Natsu stayed by Lucys side. "Lucy, are you going to come home with me?" Lucy looked up at him with sad eyes. "Natsu.. I'm sorry, but I decided I'm going to finish out college first."

"What the hell Luce"

Lucy was taken back by Natsu's harsh words. "I've been waiting for you for over a year now, it's been hard, I'm lonely I miss you. And now you telling. Me you're not coming home for another three years it's bull shit ."

Lucy silently let some tears escape. "I just didn't wanna make things harder with schooling. I would've came to visit every chance I got!" She argued back. "I'm sorry but it's just hard having the person you love tell you they're not coming back for another three years." Natsu spoke sadly.

Lucy went over and hugged him and he hugged her back. "But I'll wait for you Luce, I always will." He whispered in her ear. "I gotta get going" he said walking to the door. Lucy chased after him and jumped into his arms. "Until we meet again!" She cried out before crashing her lips into his. He happily kissed her back with so much passion.

Both missing the warmth of each other embrace.

"I love you Natsu don't forget it"

"I love you too Luce."

With that they parted ways for three long years.

* * *

In an airport just outside of Magnolia, a woman with long blond hair just got of a plane. She walked around with huge sunglasses on and a skip in her step. Her luggage dragging along at her feet. She smiled as she walked out and saw the blooming cherry blossoms.

"Ahh I've missed you Magnolia!" She cheered. As she walked the side walks her anticipation of seeing Natsu grew wide. Then standing by a booth was a tall man with pink hair.

She ran over and hugged him tightly, but when he turn towards her shock ran through her face. "I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else.." The man nodded and continued along with his business. Lucy trudged along the sidewalk disappointed.

Every time she'd see pink she would get her hopes up on it being Natsu. Finally making her way to the famous Mira Cafe she went inside not even bothering waiting for the waiter, she sat down at her usual spot. She looked down at the menu noticing all the new items.

After taking someone order a man with his longer hair pulled half way up into a man bun and his bangs still slightly covering his forehead walked over to the table. He was a bit agitated that the girl didn't wait to be seated but he stayed calm.

"Are you ready to order."

"Yea, I'll have my usual the pumpkin scone and a herbal tea"

The waiter made a confused face 'her usual? I've never seen her. But that the same thing she used to get' he thought to him self. She placed the menu down on the table and started to face him. "Oh and when you make the tea can you leav-" her word went on mute as she saw the spiky pink hair before her.


She cried out before wrapping her arms around him tightly. "Luce!?! Is that really you?" He asked surprised before hugging her back. "Kya!!! NaLu is back in the building!!!" The two turned to Mira who was behind the counter fangirling.

"Luce!" Natsu turned his attention towards her again. "I didn't even recognize you! You grew out your hair like it's really long" Lucy held a piece in her hand. "Well is starting to aggravate me.. Does it look bad?" "Uh-no you look great" (Olaf"you hesitated")

Lucy looked at him and noticed how much older he looks. He's really tan, he has grown into his facial features and has pink stubbles on his chin showing he needs a shave. "Well your hair sure is longer now" she chuckled before looking at his man bun.

"But man buns sure are smexy"

She wiggled her eye brows causing them both to laugh. "Hey Natsu, how bout after Lucy eats you go head and leave early. You deserve it" Mira offered. Natsu gladly accepted and served Lucy her food.

Once she finished they left and headed towards the Dragneel manner. "Ah I've missed your family so much!" She cheered as the walked. "Well you could've came in seen us whenever" it came out a little cold, but in Natsu's defense Lucy did pretty much leave him behind. The rest of the walk was pretty much silent.

"Oh did you wanna pick up Wendy she's still in school, she gets out in about ten minutes. If we leave now we can surprise her" "yes!! I've missed that little turd!" She got excited and grabbed Natsu's hand while practically running down the street.

Natsu blushed slightly but didn't think much of her hand holding his. Instead he just squeezed hers and ran with her. With five minutes to spare they went to go see principle Makarov. He was delighted to see some of his favorite students again. And as a joke when the final bell ran he called Wendy to his office. Lucy and Natsu hid behind the door.

"Ano.. Did I do something wrong?"

She asked as she came in, but Makarov just pointed to the empty chair and she sat. "I just wanted to say.." "Wendy did you miss your nee-chan?" Wendy's mouth dropped as she turned around to see Lucy standing there leaning against the door. "Ahhhh Lucy-nee!!!" She screamed in delight.

"I missed you, I missed you!!" She said over and over while hugging Lucy to death. "I've missed you too Wendy" Lucy said hugging the still small Wendy. "You sure haven't grown much kiddo" she said while patting Wendy's head.

The 16 year old pouted as they walked home. "The doctor said I already had my growth spurt too" she crossed her arms. "But hey! Why did you see Natsu first huh!?!" Lucy put her hand up in defense. "I just ran into him on accident all honesty but I planned to see all of you."

"Sure you did. But did y'all smooch it up on accident too?" She wiggled her eye brows. The two 22 year olds blushed madly. "We've done no such thing!" Natsu barked. "Sure sure whatever" Wendy waved them off as they came up to the house. "Nii-chan make sure you catch mom when she faints. She's been waiting for Lucy-nee for a while." Natsu nodded and continued into the house.

"We're home" "ah Natsu your home early why did you leave so soon-" his mom dropped the towel she was using to dry her hands. "Oh my lord my child has finally returned" In one swift movement Natsu caught his mother and brought her to the couch.

"Lucy dear your finally home. Did you come to marry my son and have 30 babies" "mom!!" Natsu and Lucy both yell. "Awe you still call me mom" Lucy held onto her hand. "If I didn't you'd probably beat me" Lucy chuckled. "I know I'm a bit crazy but I love you so much dear, I've no we've all missed you so much." A smiled grew on Lucys face and she hugged Grandine. "I've missed y'all too"

"Well go on I know you and Natsu must have some catching up to do" they both nodded and head down stairs. "Of course, four years later it's still a tomb down her." Lucy whined while rubbing her arms. "And your still a big baby" Natsu said while wrapping a blanket around her. She gladly took it and attempted to warm up.

It was almost like old times. Natsu on the couch his feet stretched out on the table; Lucy sitting long ways with her legs across Natsu lap. She's been telling him all her stories of being in college. Sometimes she'd get excited and hope up and down in her spot while holding Natsu's hands shaking them widely. Natsu just sat back and listened.

He watch the way her eyes would light up, or how smile would become very bright. He noticed how she looks more mature. But in the end everything brought his attention back on her lips. Natsu slowly scooted closer to her, he held her hand and intertwined their fingers, Lucy kept talk on. "And I was just like are you seri-mhm" her words were cut short by Natsu's lips crashing into hers.

It didn't take her long to accept his kisses and kiss back. She cupped her free hand around her cheek and he used his to hoist her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried them to his bed. He laid her down slowly but never stopped kissing her.

They slowly crawled under the covers and cuddled before they finally stop kissing. "Luce" he whispered softly while drawing circles on her arms. "Hmm?" She hummed while rubbing her head against his arm.

"I've missed you so much. I thought about you all the time. I couldn't get you off my mind. I know that you're not just some highschool love Luce. I really love you and I honestly can't image being with any one else." Natsu said so honest and openly.

Lucy looked up at him with longing eyes before grabbing ahold of his shirt and pulling him into a deep kiss. As she pulled away she had tears in her eyes. "I love you too Natsu! I wanna stay with you forever. I was so lonely with out you in my life." Natsu smiled brightly.

"Then come with me"

Lucy looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" "Come live with me Luce, this isn't my home anymore." "Oh where do you live?" Natsu shuffled before sitting up straight. "Well that's the thing, you see Luce I'm a professional baseball player now"

Lucy cut him off in excitement. "Oh my god! Are you serious that amazing Natsu!"

"Luce, I live in America"

Lucy stopped jumping around. "America? You, you want me to move to America with you?" Natsu nodded his head. "It's great Luce, it really is. Please Luce I know it's a big move but-" "yes" Natsu stopped "wait what?" She laughed. "Yes Natsu I'll move to America with you!" "Really?!?" He asked excited. "Really really! I wanna be with you Natsu. And if that mean living in america I'll gladly move"

Natsu grabbed her face and kissed her a hundred times. "I love you I love you I love you ahh Luce I love you so much!" Lucy chuckled at his antics. "I love you too my dragon" "that's right a dragon always keeps his treasures close and never lets anyone take them" he said while trapping her under him.

"Hah Natsu get off" he smiled then tucked her hair behind her ear. "Never, not if it means I'll lose my precious treasure" he closed the gap between them kissing her softly.

Hope you enjoyed the first part of book 2💕

Check out my others books
~ Burning Summer
~ My Enemy
~ Her little Secret
All NaLu fanfics because NaLu is life👆🏻

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