Chapter 2: Together

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Lucy's POV

When I woke up Natsu was still three pillows under and knocked out, so I left him there and got up. No body else was up, oh Dragneels you never change, sleeping in all morning.

Doing what I do best.

I pulled out all the eggs, pancake mix, bacon and started cooking. I started a up a box of coffee and made my way around the kitchen.

"Arg goodmorning Lucy" Igneel yawned coming into the kitchen. I handed him a mug of coffee and continued to cook. He just grabbed the cup and kept walking to the table. He opened up the newspaper, drank some coffee before he looked over at me again.

"Ha sorry Lucy, thank you for making breakfast."

I just smiled and sat a plate in front of him. "Anything for my family" I winked earning a chuckle. Soon after everyone aside from Natsu had eaten.

Thinking about last time I made this family food I made my self a plate and Natsu one. I carried them both down stairs and sat them on his coffee table. I rushed back up stairs and grabbed us two chocolate milks and carefully brought them back down stairs.

Natsu was still asleep go figure. I crawled onto the bed and hovered over him. "Natsuuu" I coed. Nothing. I pulled the covers off him and got a view of a boxer booty. I giggle and smack his butt as hard as I could.


"Ah! What the hell Lucy!!" He yelled rubbing his ass. "Don't yell at me mr. I made us breakfast" I crossed my arms and turned away. "What food really!?!" I heard he voice raise in excitement. "Well I guess none for you, since you yelled at me"

I heard him move around on the bed then felt his muscular arms wrapped around my waist, and I felt him burry his face in my neck.

"I'm sorry Lucy, I was just havin a good dream"

The warm of his breathe on my neck sent chills through me.

I felt him kiss my neck softly followed by his graining the skin lightly as he started to suck. "Ahh~ N-Natsu.." He continued to kiss up my neck, along my jaw, and cheeks. I just closed my eyes in enjoyment. Just as his lips were to meet mine we heard someone cough.

Both our heads snapped to the sound. There stood 16 year old Wendy with her arms crossed. "H-hey wen.." I said nervously. "I know you two love each other and all but honestly lock the door if you're gonna do the nasty. Jeez, Natsu please take me to Romeos."

I just stand there in shock, my little baby Wendy she just made a reference to us sleeping together and whose Romeo?

"Whose Romeo?"

Natsu looked to me. "Oh that's Wendy's "not boyfriend" bestfriend." I smiled. "Has she not learned anything. You can't just be friends if you best friend is a guy you really love honestly" I shook my head and Natsu laughed.

"Making you my best friend was the best thing I've ever done"

He leaned and kissed my head. I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheeks back. "Natsuuuuu" I whined. "What?" I looked at him from head to toe. "You've gotten taller it's hard to kiss you with out looking silly" I saw him smirk.

"That just means I'll have to do all the kiss-"

"Ahhh my NaLu never ceases to surprise me!!!" Great now Natsu's mom. Natsu rolled his eyes and sat down to start eating, as did I. "Natsu sweetie, I know you wanna spend time with Lucy before you move but can you please take Wendy to her friends." Grandine begged.

"I don't mind, Luce is moving out there with me" "WHAT!!! You're stealing Lucy she just got here!!" Grandine screamed before clinging to me. I just patted her head.

"It's not like we won't be back mom." She started crying louder. "Ahh Natsu damn it when will you make me her real mom." Natsu's face flushed red and he look angry and flustered.

"Oi Oi!! Leave me be women!"

I watched as he covered his eyes with his long hair. "Aww Natsu you're too cute!!" I coed. "Shut up Lucy!! I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him. "Come on Wendy lets go!" I called out ran up the stairs past Natsu.

"Lucy-nee!!" Wendy cheered as I walked with her to the car.

" where's Natsu?" I opened the car and climbed in. " well he's still down stairs, he doesn't know I'm driving" I winked then started the car up.

As soon as we were pulling out on to the street Natsu ran out the front yelling and waving his arms around. Wendy rolled down the window ad waved good bye. "You think that was to hard on him?" She shook her head. "Nope he'll be fine." I just shrugged and kept driving.

Once I dropped her off at her "friends" house, I decided to call levy. "Hey lu-chan!! It's been awhile huh?!" I giggled at her excitement. "It sure has, whatcha doing?" "Oh I'm at Mira's having a tea" I made a right up at the light, then pulled into the parking lot.

"Oh, I could use some tea, I'm actually walking up to a shop to get some."

"I miss you lu-chan." I walked in looked around till I saw her in the corner and luckily her back was turned to me. "I miss you to lev. There's actually a girl here who look just like you I swear."


"Yup she got.. Well longer blue hair, she's sitting the corner.. Hmm looks like she's reading The Graveyard Book." "That's so weird lu cuz.." She closed her book and turned around to get up but saw me.

"Lu.. LU-CHAN!!!!" She squealed jumped into my arms.

"Ahhh Lu I've missed you so much!!!" I giggled and hugged her back. "I've missed you to levy! We both sat down talking the past four years. Her a Gajeel have been living together for the past three and a month ago he proposed to her through song. She gladly accepted.

She told me that Erza move to England to go to a fancy college and meet the love of her life, Jellal. Apparently they were childhood friends. Lisanna ran away to go travel the world with her boyfriend Bixlow. Juvia and Gray no one knows where they are, they never admitted to a relationship. But everyone knows they are totally together.

We heard the door opened and someone panting.

"L..uuucc...e I found you!!" Natsu growled at me as he slugged his way to our table. He flopped down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. "Natsu are you okay?" Levy asked sounding concerned. "She took.. The car... Had to run around town.. Looking for her." He said as he caught his breath.

"This was the last place you looked huh?" I asked him while dabbing a wet paper towel on his forehead. "Shut it.." Me and levy laughed while he pouted.

"Oh my levy! I totally forgot to tell you!" "What is it lu-chan?" I twiddled my fingers. "Well Natsu's a professional baseball player.. And I'm moving in with him. But he umm. He lives in America."

I watched her smile fade for a second then come back up. "That's wonderful lu. I hope you have fun there. I'll miss you." She gave me a sad smile. "When you do leave?" I thought then looked at Natsu.

"That's a good question, when do we leave?"

Natsu shrugged. "Idk tomorrow, the next day. When ever." "Ugh, you idiot.. How do you not know when we move across the world!!" He just closed his eyes and slowly fell into my lap.

"Natsu.." He just ignored me and I continued to talk to Levy for about an hour or so. Levy had to go since Gajeel was off work so I bid her my goodbyes then started playing with Natsu's spikes. He smiled in his sleep as I did so. How does this idiot sleep in a booth I mean honestly.

"Natsu wake up" I whispered, he just groaned. "Fine I'll just leave you hear then. I managed to get out from under him and started walking back to the car. I got in the car and started it, when I looked up the head lights were shining on Natsu as he stood there in front of the car.

I rolled the window down and called outm to him. "Get in sleepy head" "aye" he opened the door and laid the seat back. "Hey let's not go home yet" I gave him a questioning look. "Why?" "Just, here.. Go here please." I nodded and typed in the address and started driving.

Natsu seemed to have dozed off. I feel like sleeping too, the Suns starting to set now, so I decided to turn on the radio. The first song to come on was Cake by the Ocean. I squealed and turned it up cause it my favorite song! Luckily Natsu is a heavy sleeper so I didn't have to worry about him waking up.

After driving for about a half an hour I pulled over where the map ended.

"Natsu..we're here. Where ever here is" Natsu peeked one eye open then smiled brightly. "Awesome lets go!" He cheered climbing out of the car. When I got out a crisp breeze hit my arms, I rubbed them in attempt to stay warm.

I felt a sudden warmth engulf me, I look around to see Natsu had wrapped his arms around me. I smiled up at him and he showed me his toothy grin.

"Natsu where are we going? It's dark" he started leading us into the woods. "N-Natsu" I clung to his arm tighter. "It's okay Luce." We continued to walk till we came upon an opening. I could hear the sound of water flowing below us.

"Are we here?" I asked hoping he'd say yes, but of course not he continued and we started walking down the side of the ledge.

He would help me down every time there was a steep spot. He took my hand and lead me near an opening. We walked through, as we did I could hear the water again. "Natsu I can't see" "I know it's fine." I sighed and just held onto him.

The sound of water falling got louder and louder till I noticed we were standing behind a water fall.

"Oh my.. Natsu!"

I turned to him excitedly, he gave me a warm smiled and slowly grasped my waist pulling me in. His free hand caressed my cheek softly. "Natsu~" "Lucy.. Luce~" He place his forehead against mine and smiled. "You wanna know why I brought you out here?" I nodded.

"Well it's cause, when I found this place about three years ago, I really wanted to bring you here. I was gonna show you this place when you moved back, but" he chuckled lowly.

"You took a real long time getting your butt back to me." I giggled. "Sorry" he put a finger on my lip, "shh, I'm not done talking. Jeez this is so weird and embarrassing. You see Luce, you know I love you right?" "Oh course" "well this well.. I.."

"Natsu, it's okay. I'm not gonna laugh at you or anything"

"I know I know, well you see I was going to bring you here right before sundown. I was get down on one knee" my eyes opened widely. "I was gonna pull a box out of my pocket. Take your hand in mine and ask you. 'Will you marry me?'"

I felt tears flow down my cheeks. "N-Natsu" he wiped my tears.

"But you see I excepted you to come back much sooner, and I wasn't really prepared. And it's been a long time since we been together. And I still know how much I care for you and love you Luce. So I'm sorry for bringing all this up, but I couldn't not tell you this because I love you. So very much. I just think that we need to bond some more. I want you to be my girlfriend Luce, and when the times right then I'll ask you again. I just want to make sure this is what we want babe."

As much as I want to just scream yes I'll marry you! But I understand his point, it's been four years, we've both changed in many ways. We need to bond together and see how we feel then. "I understand Natsu, I do I-"

I was caught off by his lips capturing mine. "I'm so happy to have you back Luce" he kissed me again. "Thank you for agreeing to move with me." "I'll go anywhere for you" this time I kissed him. "I can't wait to live with you" "I know you'll love it"

After our night at the falls me and Natsu headed home and had dinner with the family. We laid in his bed, me laying against his chest with my eyes closed. "Luce, you ready to go to America" he asked me. "I'm nervous to be honestly"

I snuggled into him more. "I took English while in college and they said I honestly sound American. But isn't scary?" I heard him make hmm sound then shrugged under me. "I mean it's a little scary but it's super fun out there. I think you'll love it."

I nodded and slowly doze off into a deep sleep.

Oh my glob! A new chapter? Finally I know!

Check out my others books
~ Burning Summer
~ My Enemy
~ Her little Secret
All NaLu fanfics because NaLu is life👆🏻
Sorry guys, just last Tuesday I had ACT, Wednesday I found out my parents are getting a divorce, Thursday I had to say goodbye to all my friends, Saturday I flew for the first time from Nola to Cali. And yesterday I started a new school where I know no one and I'm completely behind in all my classes due to my old states shit education. Few sorry as you see I've been very stressed and busy.

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