Chapter 11: Baby Issues?

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Normal POV

Everyone had just finished eating their food and was heading back to their rooms. As they walked Juvia gulped and grabbed Grays arms. "Gray-sama.." Juvia mumbled. Gray stopped and looked down at her. "Hmm what's up Juvia?"

Juvia bit her lip and looked anywhere but his eyes. "Juvia has something very important to tell Gray-sama and she doesn't know how Gray-sama will feel about this.."

Gray held her hands to his lips and kissed them. "You can tell me anything Juvia." Juvia nodded and took a death breath. "Juvia is no no.. I am pregnant." Grays eyes opened widely. He doesn't know what was more shocking, the fact that she said she was pregnant or that she spoke in first person point of view.

"O-oh.. I see" with that he turned and started to walk back toward their hotel room.

Juvia stood there as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I knew he would be upset.." "Juvia" Her head shot up and she wiped her tears. "Erza-san" Erza saw the tears in her eyes and rushed to her side. "What happened Juvia why're you crying?" Erza questioned her while Emma stood beside her yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"I told Gray that I was pregnant and he just said "oh I see" and walked away." Juvia cried harder and covered her face with her hands. Erza gasped and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Juvia, come on let's go back to your room" As they walked to her room Erza's face became more and more agitated. As soon as they arrived Juvia went to see Erza thank you and goodbye but..

"GRAY I SWEAR TO GOD IM GONNA KILL YOU!!! " Erza roared as she busted through the door. Gray squealed and jumped up. "What?!Why?!What did I do?!" He yelled as she chased him around the small hotel room. "You find out your girlfriend is pregnant and all you have to say is oh I see! And then you have the guts to just leave her alone!" Erza screamed as she threw a phone book at him.

Gray dropped to his knees and held his head shaking. "I didn't know what else to do Erza.. I'm scared, what if I'm a bad father, I didn't have a father growing up he died when I was a kid, my moms sister ended up taking me in after the accident and she wasn't married." Juvia peeked in the room, and frowned seeing Gray like that.

Erza stopped and knelt down beside him. "Stop being so god damn selfish Gray, I know you had a hard childhood, but think about how you made Juvia feel. She could've thought you didn't want the baby or that you were gonna leave her because she was pregnant"

"I would never do that! I love Juvia! I do I really love her.." he spoke out. "Gray-sama.." she whispered, but some how Gray still heard her and jumped to his feet. "Juvia!" He ran to her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry Juvia. I didn't mean to I I.." Juvia wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Shhh it's okay, I know, I'm sorry too. But are you happy?"

Gray grabbed her cheeks and kissed them both a bunch of times. "Yes, I'm so happy Juvia, were going to me a family" Juvia smiled and a few happy tears slide down her cheeks. "I'm so happy"


The soon to be wedded couple were walking down into the basement with their hands intertwined. Lucy looked down at the ground as the walked down. "What's the matter babe?" Natsu asked nudging her with his shoulder. Lucy shook her head. "Nothing why would you assume that?"

Natsu pulled her over to the bed and sat her down. "Lucy please, you're my best friend you think I wouldn't know something was wrong?" Lucy sighed and looked at the covers on the bed. Her eyes glossed over as she looked for the words. "Come on tell me what's bothering you" Natsu gave her hand a slight squeeze.

"Okay.. I-I should have told you this when I found out a month ago. I was so scared to tell you. I thought.. I thought if I told you you wouldn't want to stay with me anymore!" Lucy cried out collapsing into his lap. Her body shook with every gasp for air. Natsu rubbed her back and let her cry on him.

"There's.. there is only a 15 out of 100 chance I can get pregnant." She paused. "It's just not fair! I've always wanted a baby and this is just it's not fair!" She grabbed onto his shirt and cried and cried. Natsu's mouths was slightly agape.

He grabbed both her shoulders and pulled her up just so he could wrap his arms around her tightly. "Hey dummy.. you really think I'd leave you because there's a possibility we can't have kids? I'm in love with you Lucy, as much as I would like to have kids I'm not going to let this affect our marriage. Don't think negatively about the whole ordeal okay? Instead think about how much time we will get to spend together, just the two of us."

By now Natsu had buried his face in the nape of her neck, tears meshing with her blonde hair. Both cried in each other's embrace for who knows how long. Even though they hadn't actually lost a child, it was still the simple fact that they are most likely never going to have one.


Natsu woke up to see them both laid back in the same spot they had been sitting sleeping. He rubbed his eyes and changed out of his clothes. After he did so to him self he changed Lucy and got her in one of his Tshirts. He gently picked her up and laid her on the bed properly, once she was tucked in he kissed her lightly on the side of the lips before crawling into bed him self.

Natsu rolled onto his side and stared at Lucy with loving eyes. "I promise I'll make you the happiest women on earth, I don't wanna see you cry like this. Unless the tears are from happiness." Natsu wrapped his large arms around her tiny body and buried his face in her back. He took a deep breathe inhaling her scent. She smelled so sweet, like vanilla and strawberries.

It was strange to him how he still felt this longing for her even though she's has been with him for a year now. He couldn't believe that this is how far they've come. She was his best friend, his crush, then his girlfriend and now- now she's going to be his wife- his alone and forever.

Just the slight thought of that brought a smile to his sleepy lips. "I love you.." he mumbled in his sleep.

I'm evil I know. Don't hate me, it's my story🌚.

That new chapter for ft tho. Natsu's parents ahhh and all them as baby's I can't!!

Ohh guess what, I got a tattoo!
17 and tatted 😈💪🏻

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