Chapter 10: Friends and Secrets

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Lucy's pov

"Hey lev, how have you been?" I asked levy in a phone call. "Oh you know just dealing with life. So are you in town or something? The only time you ever talk to me is if you're in town or if you're commenting something on Facebook" I giggled. "Yeah I'm in town, can we meet up at Mira's?" I asked while tapping my chin. "Yeah I'll see you there in a bit" "alright bye!"

Once I hung up I called Juvia and a few other people. "Yeah Mira's, can't wait to see you" I smiled and grabbed my purse. "I'm taking the car, I'll be back later!" I called out.

I pulled up to the cafe and parked, I excitedly opened the doors and looked around. "Lu-chan!" I turned around and saw levy with a baby bump. "Oh my Mavis you're pregnant!!" She giggled. "Yeah with twins" I held hands squealing. "Holy crap levy! You're over here married and pregnant and me and Natsu haven't even gotten married yet!" Levy laughed.

"Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. My wedding is in two weeks, and I want you to be my maid of honor." Levy gasped at me. "Y'all are in engaged!! Ahh I'm so happy for you Lu-chan! I would to be your maid of honor." I walked her over to a booth so she could sit.

"I'll be right back, Mira over heard our conversation and I can feel the heart oozing off her." I told her while laughing as I walked over to the counter. "Mira come out I know you're down there." Mira shot up with hearts in her eyes.

"Mira you're invited to the wedding"

Without a second to explain anymore she fainted behind the counter. I could feel people staring at us from their seats. I quickly ran behind counter and helped her. "I'm sorry, ahh my favorite couple is finally getting married, it's honestly one of the best moment in my life. I can't wait for the wedding." I couldn't help but smile at her. "I'll gonna sit down, try to keep calm at the wedding okay" she nodded happily.


I turned and saw Juvia in the door way. "Come on sit!" I motioned for her to come to our booth. When Levy saw Juvia her eyes grew wide. "Juvia! You're here oh my glob I haven't seen you since right after graduation." Juvia smiled sweetly. "Juvia ran away with Gray-sama to America."

Levy smirked. "I knew it! Well that you ran off with Gray. So I'm guessing y'all met with Natsu and Lucy while you were there?" Juvia nodded. "Gray-sama just so happened to join the same team as Natsu." Just then the bell chimed and the final guest to join us has arrived. "Guys you'll never believe who is also here." I spoke up pointing towards the door. Both girls turned around and gasped.


The red head turned and smiled. "Minna!" She yelled out before walking over.. with a small child holding onto her hand. "Momma.." my heart melted at the sight of the little girl. Erza picked up the little girl and sat her in the booth next to me before sitting down her self. "This is Emma, emma these are my friends from high school." The little girl nodded and smiled to everyone.

"Ahh I'm so happy the gang is finally back together!" I cheered. "Okay, so I already have a few dresses I like picked out for my self and for you ladies. And I don't mind finding one for you Emma if you wanna be a flower girl" I told them as I sipped on my tea. "The color of the dresses is going to be Lavender. And the flowers are going to be yellow, because I love yellow roses." "Well when are we going to be trying these dresses on?" I smiled and checked the time on my phone. "In about thirty minutes." They all nodded.

"So lu-chan are you happy?" I raised an eyebrow. "Levy if I wasn't happy do you really think I'd be marrying him?" "Well Natsu-san is kind of a dense idiot" Juvia joined in. "And he was the brightest of the bunch" Erza also mentioned. "Plus y'all were apart for so long"

"Yall, I'm in love with Natsu because of all his stupidness, weirdness, and he's caring childish side as well. He's my best friend and I couldn't be happier to marry him. Did I see my self marrying him 8 years ago.. hell no. He was just my partner in crime but you know four years of friendship later we grew feelings for each other. I just think if Natsu wasn't the one for me I would've fallen in love with someone else in the four years we were separated. But I didn't I always thought about Natsu. Hell we pretty much stopped talking to each other after the first year, but that didn't change the way I felt about him. And now here we are."

They all looked at each other and smiled. "We know lu we just wanted to see what you'd say" I blushed. "You guys are cruel" I whined causing them to all giggle. There was a dead silence before Juvia spoke up. "Ano.. can Juvia tell you guys something?" We nodded and listened in. "Juvia doesn't know how to tell Gray-sama." "Tell Gray what Juvia?" Juvia twiddled her thumbs.

"Juvia doesn't know how to tell Gray-sama that Juvia is pregnant!"

We all gasped. "Juvia is scared because Gray-sama and Juvia aren't even married yet, what if Gray-sama does want a kid.." she looked down at her lap and I saw tears fall into her lap. "Juvia please don't cry, Juvia listen to me Gray loves you. He would never leave you. If anything he'll super happy you're pregnant" Erza said as she tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, gajeel cried when he found out I was pregnant, he's even trying to write them both songs for when they're born." Juvia sniffles out a laugh. "You guys are right, Juvia should tell Gray-sama right away!" I grabbed her hand stopping her. "Juvia" I giggled.

"Were all meeting up in a little bit anyways, I told the boys we would be dress shopping then we're all suppose to meet up Natsu's parents house." Juvia made an O shape with her mouth and smiled. "Oh yeah" I shook my head giggling but my smile faded slightly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before forcing a smile again. 'Natsu i still haven't told you, and it's killing me slowly' "come on Lucy let's get dress shopping" Erza called out to me. I smiled and stood up. 'I'll have to tell him sooner or later'


"Hey ladies!" I heard one of the guys call out. I looked up and saw all the guys standing around. "Hey! Guys my cousins here" my cousin got out of my car and looked around. "Yo Yukino!" Natsu waved. He's only met her once and it was through FaceTime.

Yukinos is my cousin from my dads side of the family. I was never really close with any of them. And after Angles disappearance Yukino slowly stopped coming around. But with social media we were able to get in touch again. All the guys came over talking to their ladies.

"Hey babe" Natsu greeted me with a quick peck. "Wow it's Yukino in the flesh. Nice to finally actually meet you!" Natsu said with his big signature goofy grin. Yukinos smiled slightly before looking at me like help. "He won't bite you ya know" Sting intervened.

Yukino looked up at the blondie and blushed. "I-i know.. I j-just dong know him." I smirked. Little cuz got a crush. "Man Luce I'm beat! When can we sleep?" He whined. "In a bit big baby, everyone's having dinner together remember" the simple word or dinner got him to stop whining for a bit. 'I need to tell him.. soon'

Oh my glob an update!! Hope you enjoyed💕 y'all deserved more than what I gave you but I'm still having some writers block.

So what do you think Lucy's hiding from Natsu?

Comment what y'all think might happen. 🤗

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