Chapter 8: Balloons

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Lucy POV

I was sitting in the apartment watching tv thinking. Natsu has been acting strange ever since we ran into Luke. He's always hiding his phone and being over protective. I am now not aloud to live the apartment unless he is with me. I rolled my eyes thinking about his behavior lately.

"Luce I'm home!"

I heard the front door close and running foot steps up the stairs. "Luuuuuce" Natsu jumped onto the couch and laid his head in my lap. "I missed you!" I looked down at him and shook my head. "What!? Did you not miss me?"

"Nope not one bit" he sat up and glared at me. "Liar" I just let out a breathe of a laugh. "You go to work everyday Natsu there's not much to miss" "fine.." He stood up and walked into the other room.

I looked back at our door. It's been 30 minutes and he still hasn't came out. I sighed and stood up. "Natsu" I tapped on the door before opening it slightly. The room was dark. "Natsu.." I whispered as I pulled my phones flash light up. I shined my light at the bed and saw a lump.

I slowly pulled the covers to find a pillow, note and a box. "What the hell" I went and turned on the light. I opened up the letter and read it.

Luce, as you can see I'm not here, which means you need to come find me. Hehe there's a present for you. Go on open it silly. ~ Natsu

I sat the letter on the bed and opened up the box. I pulled out a beautiful light blue dress. "Ahhhh Natsu.." There was another letter at the bottom of the box.

Luce, I thought you would look beautiful as always in this dress. Put it on and go to this address, there will be a balloon with directions in it, follow them. ~ Natsu

I smiled brightly and held the dress to my chest before running off to change into it. I looked at my self in the mirror and gasped. "It's beautiful, thank you Natsu.." I whispered to my self. Shrugging I did my makeup and hair a bit. I grabbed my purse and phone heading to the next stop.


As I walked up to the bakery I saw a pink balloon on the pole. I quickly grabbed and popped it. The not read.

Go see the baker!

Following his note I walked into and asked to speak to the baker. He came out and brought my a cupcake. And on the cupcake was the next directions. I quickly took a picture then of course ate the cupcake. "Thank you! It was so yummy!" The baker smiled and waved me off"


I walked to park looking for another balloon. Then I saw the pink floating in the distance. I walked up and saw a little girl holding in the balloon, that also said Luce! "Excuse me sweetie can I see that balloon please. "Are you Luce?" I nodded and she smiled.

"Here you go ma'am, the pink hair man told me I could keep it if I gave you the note, right mama?" The girls mother smiled. "Thank you, have fun" I waved goodbye before opening the note.

Wasn't she just the cutest thing ever! Go to the pier and walk down it till you see the balloon! See you later beautiful!


I walked down the pier and noticed it was starting to get late. "Well at least I can watch the sunset from the beach." I told my self as I walked along to the balloon. I took a deep breathe as the wind blew through my hair. I slightly felt some goosebumps form on my arms as the breeze chilled my skin. As I popped the ballon a quarter and note fell out.

Hey I see you've finally made it, don't know where I am? Use the quarter and look in the binoculars. I'll see you soon!

I smiled and placed the quarter in the machine and looked in. I looked up and down the beach for him. The salmon hair finally showed up. I saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets, staring out into sea. I quickly took my shoes off and held my dress up and hurried along through the sand.


He slowly turned around and smiled. "Hey Luce" I walked up and hugged him, burring my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and caressed my head. "Lucy" I opened my eyes a widely since when ever Natsu says Lucy instead of Luce I know he's being serious. "Are you happy" I nodded into his chest. "Very much Natsu"

"do you know how much I love you?" I giggled and looked up at him. "Of course I do, and I lov-" he pressed his finger to my lips. "Shh it's my time to talk, listen" I nodded and he removed his finger.

"It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen back in Magnolia, I remember the first day you came into class. You were so shy and nervous. But I really wanted to know you. Lucky me the teacher put next to me. It was funny seeing you so shy. It was cute.

I was so happy when levy invited you to sit with us at lunch because I didn't have the guts to ask you my self. Then somehow me and you just hit it off and started hanging out more and more.  The next thing I know we're best friends, we're always at each other's houses and my family loved you.

Then senior year oh senior year, all the drama with Luke, and me trying to kiss you. Every time I had the chance I blew it. I was glad though, when we finally did kiss you know why?" I shook my head no.

"Because it felt so right. The entire time I told my self it was wrong to love my best friend. But kissing you never felt so amazing. Hell I still love kissing you and you little kissable lips." I giggled and snuggled into our hug.

"I missed you like crazy those four years, they were so long, and to be honest I thought you were coming back. That's why I moved here and started living me dream, but it was obviously incomplete because you weren't here.

Feeling home sick I decided to go back during our break. I got a job back at Mira and spent time with the family. But boy was I happy I was in town. Cause the most beautiful blonde came into my work. And she had these boobs wow oww!" Natsu yelled as I pinched him.

"Okay okay... Well you finally came home and now you've been living with me these past few months and it's the best. I know we have our stupid arguments about food and things related to my work. But that'll never change the way I feel about you. Or how much I love you. That's why we're standing here on the beach watching the sunset together. Because well"

Natsu broke away from our hug and held my hands before kneeling down on one knee and pulled out a box with a ring in it slowly taking my breathe away.

"Will you marry me Luce?"

Tears filled my eyes as I smiled and covered my mouth. I started to nod my and before finally letting out sob of yes. "Yes! I'll happily marry you Natsu" he smiled and slipped the ring in my finger. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me before spinning me around in circles kissing me. "I love you" "I love you too" He place me down in the sand and kissed me one more time.

"Ahh!" We both scream as a wave washes up and knocks us both into the water. We both stare at each other before bursting out laughing. He stands up and helps up. "Come on let's get out of here" I nod and hold into my future husbands hand. Mrs. Dragneel. I smiled then stopped.

"So whose gonna tell you mom?" "Heads you tell" he flipped the coin and we both closed our eyes. "Heads.. Ahaha good luck she is your mother-in-law now!" I grabbed his arm. "Not so fast mister. I want to go home"

" I know that's why we're leaving.. Come on Luce are you feeling okay?" I face palmed. "No Natsu I want to go home, I think we should tell them in person... And I want to have the wedding there" I watched as it sunk in. "But Luce it's baseball season I can't just leave.."

I tapped my finger on my chin. "Well how much longer, we can start planning and once the seasons over we can leave." "There's still two more months in the season." I clasped my hands together. "Well that's perfect I can work on the wedding plans while you do your baseball. Then we can go home!" He smiled. "Alright, I miss everyone anyways"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An update!! Hope you enjoyed 💕

Any how yeah it's been a while, I was a an anime con last weekend if you wanna see my nalu ship pics and just cosplay pics (cuz im lazy) on my other story My Enemy there's a chapter called Cosplay. You can see them if you'd like.

Check out my others books
~ Burning Summer
~ My Enemy
~ Her little Secret
All NaLu fanfics because NaLu is life👆🏻

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