A Nest Full

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It's had been a few weeks since Freya had built her nest and laid a clutch of eggs. Lucky remained vigilant in keeping the territory marked and keeping her fed. One afternoon he found her missing from the cave. The nest filled with broken shells. Panicked he rushed out of the cave and followed her scent to a nearby lake. There standing under her was three beautiful chicks. He let out a happy roar but approached cautiously since females can become highly aggressive. Soon she realized it was just him and gave him a friendly call. He approached lowered down into a crouched position. Giving each of his chicks a tender lick.

Instinctively he stood and fetched them a chunk of meat that had washed up on shore from a sarcosuchus. He braved the water to bring them a meal. Setting it down for them to eat he watched happily as they filled up. Soon they began to run around the area playing with each other. Nipping at each other much to Lucky and Freya's disapproval. They finally broke up their fight once Freya gave them a disapproval growl. They continued their play as they explored their surroundings.

Moving around Freya's and his combined territory. Once they arrived at their home territory they noticed a very large long necked creature roaming dangerously close to their babies. Both began threatening the beast to try and get it to leave. Finally opting to try their luck to hunt the creature since it wouldn't leave the area. It was much too dangerous for it to be that close. Freya gave the go and both of them took turns biting at its flanks trying to injure it. However the armor it had proved to be too much for them. Freya let out a roar of retreat and Lucky backed off immediately.

They might've been able to take it down if their young had been older and with Niko. But with heavy injuries both left the beast alone and found food for the chicks elsewhere. Making sure both of them were full. They continued traveling around to different areas letting the chicks explore as much as possible. With each new experience the chicks would learn to hunt and grow into their environment. Lucky always keeping a vigilant eye on the chicks. Making sure they were fed and safe from predators.

They crossed over a mountain and into a desolate dried valley that was once a lake. Lucky close behind Freya as she led the way. Between them was their chicks. Once they made sure the area was safe Freya gave the all clear and the kids began to explore the new area. Gathering and playing with roots and flowers. Playing tug of war with sticks. I don't think Lucky has ever been this happy. His injury had fully healed and just in time too. Now he can chase his kids around without shooting pain. Even getting his claws dirty when trying to hunt the beast that entered their territory.

I believe that Lucky has changed a lot since his childhood. Growing from a scared hurt little allosaurus into a formidable warrior in his own way. We will continue to monitor him. Im truly curious as to how this will end.

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