Pure Happiness

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The next morning Lucky arose early in the morning desperately needing a drink of water. He enjoyed drinking from the waterfall that lay on the other side of the territory. The morning sunrise greeted him as soon as he exited the cave where they slept. His mate seemed to have awoke early in the morning and had already bet him to the pool. On his way there he heard the faint cry of a young allosaurus. At first he wanted to run fearing that another allosaurus had entered their territory. Shying away from the sound and hiding in the tall brush that dotted the hills.

The cries grew louder as the small Allo approached his position having obviously spotted him. Then the small Allos scent hit his snout and he all but shook with happiness. Letting out a soft cry Lucky ran to the youngster and called out with happy coos. It was Nikko, his baby, giving Nikko tender licks and nuzzles Lucky shook with excitement and happiness. His baby had followed his scent to his new home. Lucky couldn't be more happy and proud of his young son. After a few moments of bonding Lucky began to lead him around their new territory.

But both of their hunger and thirst grew and Lucky began to lead him towards the pool of water where he knew his mate was. He was nervous that Freya might reject him though. Carefully he stayed between Nikko and Freya until he felt it was safe enough for them to approach each other. He could also make out what seemed like a nest that she had begun. He hoped to coax her into nesting in their cave though so the new borns would be safer from predators.

Freya seemed a bit unsure about little Niko but she never tried to warn him away. That was a good sign that she was just a bit nervous. Little Niko offered her soft calls but stayed behind Lucky. Finally the tension in the air began to cease and they could move around each other. Lucky felt like it might've been her nesting fever that allowed her to be more at ease with Niko. Him being still very young helped a lot at well

They spent the day moving around the territory more as Lucky showed both of them around a bit more. The air still seemed a bit tight around them though but he didn't think it was Niko causing it. The air carried a faint scent of raptors on it. Not willing to risk the safety of his family after just getting them together he ushered everyone home. He wasn't the leader, but he could tell Freya knew that something was wrong and followed him. Once everyone was in the deepest part of the cave they remained quiet. Hoping that the threat would pass without notice to them. Lucky remained vigilant with his listening to make sure no one found them hiding in here. After awhile the threat moved on.

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