Dr Calico

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As soon as Lucky was unconscious Dr Calico moves in. Placing a large towel over his eyes to protect him and to keep him calm. It took some effort but they managed to get Lucky unto a truck to take him back to the hospital. The trips out into the field were always dangerous and unpredictable. Thankfully most of the assets here where tagged and they knew where most of the dinosaurs where. Even if some managed to slip through they were usually with others that were tagged. Thankfully they made it back to the hospital wing where Lucky could be treated for his injuries.

Once they got him unloaded and settled in they went to work on seeing to his injuries. The vet wouldn't let Dr. Calico into the surgery room since she didn't have a degree in the field. She waited out in the lobby to here back from the vet. The wait seemed like hours and it probably was. She didn't know how many nervous cups of coffee she drank when a nurse finally steps out to greet her. Standing up instantly Dr Calico waits with a patient glance for the news.

Seeing the worry in her eyes the nurse spoke. "Lucky pulled through and he'll have some new scars. But there's even better news while we had him unconscious we ran him with an X-ray to find out why he had some hip swelling. The Vet discovered a shard of bone that was floating around. It was hitting a nerve causing him immense pain and swelling. We located it and went in for surgery pulling it free. He should heal normally now. His tail wasn't so lucky though most of the flesh was burned off. We had no choice but to amputate it. He still has most of his tail though so it shouldn't cause any balance issues" she explained looking up at Calico.

She continued looking down at her paperwork. "He has had some antibiotics and pain meds as well so he will be able to be released tomorrow once he's fully awake.  The mosquito drone is programmed to dose him with some sleeping meds once they detect he is trying to sleep. Seems he's not sleeping well. A problem with PTSD so that should help him to rest. He shouldn't have anymore problems walking or running once he fully recovers." She finished explaining everything to her.

Dr. Calico sighs with relief seemed to Volcano had been a blessing and a curse for Lucky. She sure as heck named him right she thought to herself. Watching as the nurse walked back into the double doors. Lucky was going to be okay and hopefully he would reunite with his chick. If Reina didn't show up soon she feared another female would steal him for her own pack. He deserved to have a companion and so did little Nikko. Perhaps together they would find happiness. Even if it was just with each other.

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