New cave and volcano

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He had no idea the danger he was in. The hotsprings were a mere part of the danger. He awoke with a start when the ground rumbled in the wee hours of the morning. His head jerked up with the sound of the rumbling. Looking around he could barely see anything in the darkness of the cave. The heat within the cave was intense causing him to feel like he was cooking in an oven. Standing up he tried to make out his surroundings. A lighter form of darkness was barely enough to make out the entrance to the dark cave.

However a sudden light began to glow on the caves roof. Blinking away the sudden brightness he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the glowing rocks above him. The heat however became to intense for him to bare. Suddenly a water fall of magma began to break through the rocks above him. A scream of pain left him as it covered his tail in the molten hot liquid. Escape was his only option now. His curiosity gone as searing pain ran up his tail like a hot iron. He hit the entrance of the cave so hard trying to escape the narrow entrance. The cave filling up behind him with hot magma.

Finally after a final push he managed to escape the cave. This was the most pain he had ever been in. His tail burning painfully as bits of magma still laid there. He had no idea how bad the injury was as he couldn't see in the darkness. Pain erupted through his entire body as he ran. Both from his hip and what was left of his tail. He ended back at the hot springs. Finally out of breath, his heart hammering in his chest.

Sitting down to try and catch his breath he looks around. He felt a stinging sensation on his left hip and he turned to look at it. He could barely make out the shining metal that still clung there. Yet he couldn't bring himself to care he wanted so badly to reach his tail and find out what had happened. However the dense cloud of ash that fell from the sky blocked out the light the moon and stars offered. He was feeling panicked and scared and there was no one there to help him. At least so he thought..

Drowsiness began to cloud his vision and he felt as though he couldn't stay awake. He didn't fight it though as he was familiar with this sensation. The human was here and somehow she had managed to find him. He didn't panic against the drowsiness only let it take over his mind. Lying down on his left side. He closed his eyes as the pain and the world faded away from his mind. He was safe now. He was back in the helping hands of the human that had saved his life.

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