chapter 4: love and affection

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I woke to find my mate laying on the edge with barley any covers and no pillow she was curled into a shivering ball

I reach out and pull her to me and her shaking seemed to calm down and she snuggled close, i rubbed her hair softly taking in her vanilla/coconut scent even though she was in desperate need of a bath

About 30 or so minutes  later she started waking up, she looked at me with frightened eyes, squirming in my arms as fear took over

"Its ok baby your safe" i whispered "why don't you go ahead and take a nice warm bath while i make you breakfast"

I picked her up gently and sat her on the bathroom sink as i started hef some water i slowly picked her up pulled her had over to feel the  temperature to make sure it was ok for her as it filled up i sat her back on the sink

"Do you want me to help you get in?" I asked

She nodded

As soon as i helped her get her clothes off i put her in the tub i noticed how relaxed she looked

I quickly walked out to fix breakfast while she finishes in there

I made a thing of toast and a thing of orange juice

Then i went back up to check on her she had gotten herself onto the bed somehow making it wet she had a fluffy white towl on, she looked up at me still scared slightly

"Oh i am so sorry sweetie i forgot to get you some clothes" i dug through the closet and drawers and i quickly came back with a blue tank top and light blue shorts and boxers

Then i left so she could change

About 2 min later i came back in and to my surprise she was kneeled in front of me again but this time she was looking up at me

"Stop that baby your not a dog" i whispered pulling her to her feet and i started helping her walk like how you teach babies, i was trying to help her get strength into her legs once more "you can do it lucy i know you can"

I kissed her cheek softly as i helped her walk forward "come on" i incouraged the best of my abilities, it took what seemed like 30 mins but she was finally able to walk all by herself and she looked so happy to be able to do so

"Oh crap i forgot that i made you breakfast earlier i am sure its cold by now" i said suddnley making her jump

"Sorry" i whispered kissing her cheek and takinh her hand leading her down stairs

I was about to throw away the cold ones but when i got to it she had already gobbled it down and savored her juice

I gave her a weird confused and she looked down sadly as though i was disappointed in her or something

"Hey its ok i understand" i rubbed her shoulder gently "you want more?"

She shook her head no still staring at her feet

"Look at me baby" i said gently and when she didn't i pulled her chin up

"Its ok" i whispered she nodded and i let go of her face, this time she didn't look at her feet.

I sat across from her

"How about we ask each other questions to get to know one another?" I said

She just stared at me

"Ok um i am 21 how old are you baby?" i asked

She thought for a moment before shrugged unsure

"ok here is an easier question whats your favorite color?" I asked

She pointed at my shoes, they were dark green with a mix of light green

"Green huh thats my favorite too, whats your favorite food?"

She shrugged

(There are so many things i wanna know about her) i thought

"Can you talk?" I asked because i realized she hadn't said one word to me

She shrugged like she wasn't sure if she could talk or not

"Can you try for me i wanna hear that beautiful voice?" I asked

She stared at me

She opened her mouth to speak but ended up shaking in fear and tightening her lips closed

"Let me guess your afraid that you'll get punished if you speak?" I said sadly

She nods slowly before looking at the floor tears in her eyes

"I am not forcing you to do anything you are free now you can talk, walk orwhat ever else you want"

"Will you say one word for me please" i pleaded i wanted to hear her voice so bad i stared at the table

She thought about something,i thought she was probably thinking of so many things, she probably thinks no one is there to listen not even her wolf

"Mate?" a cracked sad voice was heard from across the table i almost couldnt hear it but since i had wolf hearing

I noticed her her jump and flinch when i snapped my head up suddenly covering her face with her hands

I was shocked, she spoke her voice was beautiful, gently i took her hands from her face

I smiled at her gently, i cupped her face in my hands and kissed her forehead

"Right mate" i whispered "and i love you baby dont you ever forget that"

Soon i got up and walked to the living room and laid on the couch and as i lay there all of a sudden she crawls on me curling up,snuggling close yawning softly

I didn't touch her because i didn't want to frighten her

("Once shes more comfortable we should introduce her to the family then our pack")

I nod slightly

I turn on the tv and lay there with her ontop of me sleeping

Not longer after she starts shaking in her sleep i pull her closer trying to calm her down

She opened her eyes she looked up at me tears in her eyes

"Its ok sweetie your safe" i whispered and she plunged her head into my shirt letting the tears flow free, i gently rubbed her back softly

Even when lucy cries she makes no noise, the only noise she ever makes is whimpers, like a dog with their tails between their legs, that makes me sad

"Hey you wanna do something to cheer you up?" I asked

She looked up at me cocking her head to the side

Then unexpectidly...

"Fun?" She whispered softly

"Yes fun there you go" i laughed happy she spoke again

She nodded still a little unsure

" pain" she whimpered

"No baby, no pain" i whispered kissing her head

She got off me so i could get up

"What do you wanna do?" I asked

She shrugged but i saw the strange look in her eyes that said she had something she wanted to do.

"Come on it's ok what do you want to do?" I wanted so bad to make her happy with something she wants

She fidgeted scared before opening her mouth again

"B..beach" she whispered

"The beach does sound fun, but we will have to go buy you a swim suit first"

I saw the excitement in her eyes before they disappeared again, and she was sad again

"Whats wrong" i asked

(she was so happy a second ago what happened)

"D..dont d..eserve it" she whimpered

"What do you mean you don't deserve it, yes you do" i said scooping her up and sitting her in my lap puting my head on her shoulder, i watched as she cried again shaking, i held her to me by her stomach

(All the pain shes been through i wish i could take it all away) i thought sadly

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