chapter 5: beach attacks

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"Come on sweetie we are going to get you a swim suit" i said standing up still holding her stomach with one hand "but first we are taking you too the pack doctor so he can check you out"

She whimpered slightly

I carried her out to my car and i sat her in the passenger seat, buckled her up and closed her door before getting into the drivers seat, i noticed she was so fidgety

The pack doctor wasn't that far away

---at the pack doctors house

"Well hello alpha ryan, what can i do for you?" He asked

"I need you to check out my mate" i said

He blinked confused

"Oh sorry she is shy, lucy come on out its ok he wony hurt you he just needs to check you out" i said she was hiding behind me

The doctor finally seen her

"Hello there luna, its ok you can come out i swear i wont hurt you" he whispered

She came out slowly still debating how safe it really was, i scooped up my scared mate and gently placed her on the doctors kitchen table so he could exam her properly

The doctor checked her back first, he grimaced

"Her back should heal but slowly, how did this happen?" He questioned

"Her last pack treated her horribly thats why she is so timid and shy" i told him

He nodded sadly understanding the situiation

Then he checked her stomach, then her legs, feet,hand,arms and head

"Hmm it seems as though she had been through lots of truama, it may cause panic attacks so try to take it easy" he said "and i am sorry to say but she is grossly under weight she needs to eat more, but her wounds and bruises should heal in time"

I nodded, she looked up at me whimpering, she stuck her hands out towards me, i stood up and i scoop her up in my arms, i held her tight in my lap on the chair next to the kitchen table

"Anything else you need to tell me?" I asked

"No you are free to go"

"Alright thank you doctor shawn, come on sweetie time to go to the beach" i whispered picking her up with me as i stood up

She giggled as i kissed her cheek several times, it was then i knew that she was warming up to me

---at the beach---

"Do you like your swim suit?" I asked

She twirled around showing it off to me proudly nodding

Her swim suit contained a two piece, her top was more like a crop top it was green and she had matching bikini bottoms

"Ok you stay here and relax while i go to the bathroom than we can swim" i say

She nodded sitting down on the blanket that i brought with us

---with lucy no ones p.o.v.

"Well, well what do we have here boys?" A man with blonde hair said standing over lucy

She looked up sadly not sure what was happening

"Look at her shes hot" the other man with red hair laughed

"So hotty you wanna come with us for a swim" the last boy with brown hair laughed almost evilly

Lucy shook her head no and kept looking at the bathroom wishing for ryan to be back

All if a sudden the blonde dude scooped her up, causing her to whimper in fear and squirm

He walked over to the water "fine swim by yourself then"

He tossed lucy into the deep part of the water

She freaked out splashing around trying to stay above water, she didn't know how to swim, she whimpered at them for help but all they did was laugh

At that point lucy was crying

"Mate" she whimpered wishing he would come save her

---back with ryan his p.o.v.

As i walked out of the bathroom i noticed lucy was no longer on the blanket i looked around

"Lucy" i shouted

Then i noticed three guys standing by the water laughing at something, i walked up to them and saw what they were laughing at

There in the water was my mate splashing around in fear, she was crying as well

My eyes grew wide before i dived in

I pulled her towards me, she clung to me hypervintalating

(Panic attack) i thought quickly i carried her out of the water

"Its ok baby,i am sorry" i whispered holding her against me on the blanketas her panic attack subsided she just curled against me and cried, her eyes swelled up because she cried for about ten minutes straight as i tried to comfort her

The other dudes were back in their spot laughing like maniacs (they wont be for long)

"Sweetie why don't you go clean up in the bathroom while i go have a conversation with the men over there" i said

She nodded softly heading to the bathroom

I walked over there with  clenched fists, jasper kept trying to take control but i refused

"Alpha ryan good to see you" one of them said

"It wont be" i growled "why did you do that to my mate"

Cracking my knuckles, they immediatly feared for their lives

"We are so sorry alpha we didn't know she was your mate" the blonde one said

"You shouldn't have done it regardless of if she was my mate or not and because it was my mate your in for a lot worse" i punched him in the gut

"Which one of you threw her in the water causing her to have a panic attack" i shouted grabbing them all three by their shirts, the red and brown pointed at the blonde

"Snitches" the blonde shouted he still held his gut where i had punched him

I picked him up by his shirt collar and dragged him to the water

"You wont be laughing when i am done"

I got in the water and held him under the water, his friends shocked, after a few seconds i let him up, he coughed up water

"Please alpha i am very sorry i will never do it again" he squirmed, i put his head under the water one last time and brought it back up i carried him by the back of his shirt and dropped him

"Now you know how my mate felt, if i ever catch you doing something to this extent to my mate or anyone else i will not hold back" i growled

As i walked back to the blanket, lucy ran out towards me from the bathroom she was crying something was wrong

I caught her in my arms "whats wrong baby, what happened?"

She looked up at me with blurry eyes before spreading her thighs there was a huge purple bruise on each thigh

I laid her down on the blanket to examine the bruises more carefully, gently touching making her wince and cry

"Who did this baby, they are dead" i whispered angrily

She looked away, i pulled her chin up so i could look into her eyes

"Who?" I whispered

A guy walked out of where the bushes were and i saw her shake in fear

"Was it him baby?" I asked

She nodded thats all it took to make me loose it

Jasper came out i lunged at him we tumbled around him shifting as well

"Allen" i mindlinked

"Yes alpha whats wrong" he replied

"I have someone here at the beach i need taken down to the cells" i said

"Yes right away, we are on our way right this minute" allen finished

"What did i do alpha" the man asked underneath me

"Oh you don't know" i shouted keeping my paw on his throat

He shook his head

"You see that girl over there" i pointed

He nodded in fear instantly knowing he fucked with the wrong girl

"Thats my mate, your luna, care to explain how she got hand sized hand prints on her thighs the size of your hands" i growlrf

He didn't answer causing me to get even angrier

"Were you gonna rape her or what!?" i shouted

Lucy walked up to us wrapping her arms around my wolf

"M..mate...n..o pain remember" she whispered crying

I remember what i said before coming here

I let him up just as allen and his team came and got him, i shifted putting my pants back on

"Take him" i glared at the man one last time before turning back to lucy holding her against me

Once she calmed down i asked if she was willing to attempt to swim with me before we leave

She stared at the water for several minutes debating

"If i hold you will you go with me?" I asked holding her hand to my lips kissing it gently

She smiled at me sweetly before nodding yes, i stood, pulling her along after me

She stopped at the edge of the water uncertainty written all over her face

I got in the water and took her hand in mine gently guiding her into the water

She whimpered when i loosened my grip " i am not going any where baby i'm here"

She looked into my eyes, and hugged me tight

"Will you be ok to meet my family tomorrow?" I asked while we danced in the water

She nodded yes as she looked at the seashells at the bottom

"Do you want one?" I asked

She nodded

"Ok i am going to let you go for a few seconds, just kick your legs"

She looked scared but didn't protest, i let her go for a second and dove under, grabbed her the prettiest shell and came back up, i saw how hard it was for her to try and stay up

"Here you go baby, if you like i will turn it into a necklace so you can wear it" i said handing it to her and pulling her stomach to keep her up

"T..thank y..ou mate" she stuttered whispering

I smiled

"Your welcome sweetheart" i kissed her cheek

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