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Shoutout goes to Keep_CALM_Fangirl

Thx for talking about random things like snow with me. :)

;) --- :I


The boys and I eat lunch and talked about random things.  I can tell we are all a little distracted because we hope that Lucy comes back today for lunch. At least, that's what I hope they are thinking about.  She seems really nice but shy. If she does come back, that'll be a first. Most people can't stand to be around us because I guess we are not that interesting. At least I'm not.  But I don't mind.  There are plenty things I'd rather keep to myself that the boys don't even know about.  I laugh fakely at some joke one of them said but I feel sad inside. I try to bring myself back to the present and engage in the conversation but I can hardly concentrate.  Today is just a bad day.

Calum waves his hand in front of my face. "Hello, earth to Luke? Lucas?"

"That's not my name." I mumble and glare at him.

"I know. But YOU were not paying attention. We were trying to talk to you bro but you were just mute." Calum shoots back.

"Is everything all right?" Ash asks. I can tell he thinks he knows that there is something wrong.

"Yes." I say and look back down at my food and move it around on my plate. I don't feel like talking right now.

Michael smirked, "No. He's just thinking about Lucy."

"No, I'm not." I shoot back.

Calum pokes me, "Yes" 

I don't look at him.

"Yes! Yes you were." he keeps smiling and poking me. I think he is trying to get me to laugh but it's not working. It's actually pissing me off.

"NO! I was not. How could I be thinking about her when I was just thinking of a response to your stupid ass question?!?" I shoot back. I'm not in a good mood for talking or dealing with them.  Apparently today is not one of those days where they usually leave me alone. I sigh and return to picking at my food.  

"Somebody woke up moody today." Michael says as he takes a bite of his lunch.

"SHUT UP." I snap at him, "Anyways, isn't a little part of you guys hoping that she comes back because that would be a first." I smile sadly while trying to keep myself in control. I  don't want them to see me like this.

With their silence I know I'm right.

And as if just on cue, Lucy plops her plate down and sinks into her seat.

"Hi" she says tiredly as she begins to eat her lunch.

We all stare at her with shocked looks on our faces.

She nervously looks up, "Ummm. Hi? I'm Lucy. I sat with you guys yesterday, remember? I hope you don't mind me sitting with you again."

We still stare, utterly silent in shock.

"Um. Ok. I guess... I guess I'll go." she stammers as she begins to pick up her things.

"Wait. Don't go. We were just... uh... shocked I guess." Michael says as he grabs her wrist.

She glares at him, but then sits back down in her seat and begins to eat while we just silently stare at each other.

She neatly folds her napkin, "Are you guys sure you don't mind?"

"Well, I hope YOU don't mind." I tell her and clamp my mouth shut. I probably just sounded really rude.

She looks at me with a strange coldness in her eyes as she smiles and replies, "No. Not at all."

We eat in silence while trying to figure out all that just happened.  Most people are appalled by us for some reason, so we just stick with each other.  Slowly, conversation starts up but again I'm not paying attention. I feel horrible and I don't want anyone to know.

Out of the blue, Lucy asks, "Are you guys in a band?"

"Why would you think that?" Cal asks her with another shocked look on his face.

"Well... you all play and you are all friends so I thought..." she trailed off.

I look up, "Well, the answers is yes."

It was something that I wanted to ask them this summer, but I got too busy dealing with myself. I know we work well together, so we would just continue as normal.

They all look at me this slightly surprised faces.

"Cool. What are you guys called?" she asks.

Shit. I didn't think of a name yet. We all look at each other, silently trying to quickly come up with a name.

Mikey's face lights up, "Bromance."

"Noooooo." we all say in unison.

Ash turns to look at her, smiling, "Well, I guess we don't really have a name yet. Got any ideas?"

Her face and eyes light up with excitement, "Oooo. I love doing this kind of stuff. Ok. Hmmmm. Pick a number and agree on it."

"Five." Calum says. I nod in agreement along with Mikey and Ash.

"Ok. Now choose something that you are wishing for right now."

"Summer." I reply. I honestly want it to be a good summer again. Like I said, it feels like I have barely been out of school.

"Cool. You have 5 and Summer so now you have 15 seconds to think of at least one more word..."

"5 Seconds of Summer!" Michael jumps up and shouts.

"Uh..." I say say skeptically. I'm not sure if that will do.

Lucy smiles, "That's cool. It's creative. And you can do so much with that."

We all look at each other, smiling.

Ash returns to his food, "So when's our first practice?"

;) --- :I

Hiya! So there is the creation of 5 Seconds of Summer.

So I hope that since you have made it this far you understand that things in this story are not happening exactly how they did in real life for the boys. So yup. There you go.

Did anyone see The Wiz live last night? It was great. It is so important not only to African Americans, but to theater and the arts around the world.

What do you want to happen?


What is you favorite thing about the Christmas season and/or Christmas?

Answer, vote, comment :)


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