Celestial wizard Lucy, is pregnant?

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Lucy pov
"Today is the happiest day of my life!" "The boy I was deeply in love with, Natsu, told me he loved me." "He asked me to be his girlfriend." "Of course my answer was yes.

Flash back

I heard a loud banging on my window I knew all to we'll it was a certain pink haired idiot."Come in I said frustrated." "Hey Luce I was wondering if you could meet me at the guild tomorrow at 6:00 am?" Natsu asks. while slightly blushing. Did he just blush? My eyes are playing tricks on me. "Yes Natsu I will go." Natsu with his signature care free smile starts pumping his fist in the air. "see you tomorrow Luce" Natsu says enthusiastically before jumping out the window. What is with him I thought smiling at his childlike attitude. I fell a sleep soon. Excited for tomorrow. When I woke up it was 5:00 am.

I stretched my arms. "Good morning world I say" with a smile on my face. I get out of bed take a nice hot bath washing my hair with a strawberry milkshake shampoo and conditioner. I soon finished my bath drying off with a soft pink towel. After a brushed my teeth I went to my room to pick out clothes. No this outfit is not good either tossing it aside I began rummaging to find the right outfit. Wait a minute why am I going to such lengths to dress up for Natsu? It's not like it's a date right? What ever it is not a sin to look good for a guy you like. After a few minutes I found a dress. Perfect I thought smiling to myself. "That smile is creepy Lucy" chimed a high pitch voice. A blue cat with wings sat on the window seal staring at her. "Happy you better watch it" I hissed at the blue cat. "Lucy your scary" happy said hiding behind my bed. "Shut it cat, what are you doing In my room anyway?" "I came to see if you were almost ready to go to the guild" Happy replies. "You could at least knock Jeez". "Go in the living room I am going to get dressed now." "Aye" the blue cat said with a smile. Before leaving he peeked in the door way. "Do you have fish"? he asked with pouty eyes. Sighing I nod. "Yes, in the fridge, now please leave". Happy smiles big "aye, thank you Lucy". After Happy leaves I slip into my red sweet heart dress with rubies sewn on the neck line of the dress, the dress had long sleeves but they were lacy red ones. The dress has a flow princess style bottom to it that went to the floor. Next I put on my ruby heart earrings with a matching necklace. For my hair style I called my spirt Cancer. "You called ebi"? "Yes can you do a sexy princess hair style for me"? " Yes ebi". My hair was In wavy curls it was braided like the Greek woman did. The final touch was a heart with a flame hair pin shimmering. Placed on the left side of my hair the hair pin made a perfect Finnish long pieces curly locks had framed my face beautifully. I found some ruby red high heels and put them on. I looked at myself in my full length mirror. Smiling I said "I look good maybe too good." I walk to the living room. "Sorry I took so long Happy." The blue cat turns to look at me with a fish half in his mouth. "Lucy?" What?" "You like Natsu" Happy sings out. "I I do not." "You like him" Happy repeated. "Shut it cat" "Aye." "Let's go I said" shutting my apartment door before heading to the guild. "Aye" Happy shouted.

At the guild

"Luchan", squeaked a excited Levy. "Hey levy" I said while smiling. "You look amazing are you going on a date?" the short blue haired mage asked. "No" I said blushing non stop. "OH" Levy said with a pout."Yea" I replied with a awkward laugh. Mira walked over to me with a evil smirk."Um Mira" I breathed out shivering. "Who is the lucky guy" she cooed? "N no one" I replied with a even redder blush on my cheeks. "Really" she giggled? "Yes" I said with a pout. I looked around. "Have you seen Natsu?" I ask in a shy tone of voice. "Hmm" Mira smirked and winked. "Yea he is over there" she points at the table where Erza and Grey were sitting. "Thanks" I say with a huge grin. "No problem good luck." I laughed good luck for what? Walking over to where Natsu was I called out his name,"Natsu." He turns around with a shocked look on his face. "Natsu" I yelled out again. "Oh sorry Luce it's just you look great." Blushing I hide my face with my hands. Erza nodded in agreement with Natsu. Grey did not dare say a word due to certain clingy water mage. "So what did you want?" I asked Natsu. "Um I" he stopped, blushing flushed his cheeks as red as a tomato. "Yes" I continued. "I have something to tell you" he shyly looked away. "OK I am listening." After a moment he runs over to the master who was sitting at the bar. "Master can I borrow a Mike for a few?" Natsu asked with pleading eyes. "My child yes you can borrow it." "Yes" Natsu pumped his fist in the air "I'm fired up!" After a few minutes Natsu was back but he stood on the stage with a Mike in his hands. What's going on I asked myself? "Lucy I have something to tell you please listen to me." I stood there frozen my whole attention was focused on Natsu. I nod ok. "Lucy I like you more than a friend" he started. My mouth fell open what I whispered In my head? "I had found this out after spending my time together with you and when I saw your future self be killed in front of me." He continued, "I need to know will you be my mate?" he asked sincerely. My eyes began to flood with tears did I hear right. "Luce" Natsu shouted out, "what's wrong? don't cry." "I am so happy beyond words Natsu I have been waiting for you to ask me that for so long." "You pink haired idiot of course I will be your mate!!!!" Natsu began to give his famous toothy grin. "Luce" he yelled while running my way. I grabbed him into a huge bear hug. When I pulled away I was quickly pulled back. I felt a hot sensation on my lips. "Natsu" I breathed heavily for air. "Did you kiss me?" A blush formed on his cheeks. "Is that bad?" he started to panic. "No" I said before pulling his scarf where I pulled him into a deeper kiss. "Luce" he said shocked. After this show. we forgot where we were for a second. Until loud clapping and cheering with whistles erupted from the guild. We both turned around blushing I hid my face again. "Aw" the girls sighed In a fluffy matter. Pretending to cough Natsu said "ok that's enough staring everyone." After that the guild rushed to the couple. "Congratulations"everyone shouted in sink. "Hey flame brain it took you long enough jeez." "What was that? ice princesses?" "Just what I stated" he snorted with boredom. "You want to fight let's go ice stripper." "Bring it flame idiot." Natsu and Grey started out a huge brawl causing damage everywhere. Erza came in between the two knocking their heads together. "Ow" they both yelled while rubbing their head on a obvious bump. "You better not break the guild am I clear" Erza demands in a menacing tone? "Aye" Natsu and Grey pipe up frightened. I face palmed my self while shaking my head.

End of flash back

Current day ( Lucy pov)

I began feeling sick ugh I said barfing up my last meal. After I finished barfing I went and took a shower. Getting out of the shower I grab my pink towel drying off. I put on some short demi blue jeans with a blue ruffled short sleeve shirt with the words can't touch this on it. I went into the kitchen to find some food. I grabbed some left over chicken wings and cooked them on a mini grill that was in my kitchen. While waiting I watched the flames. Licking my lips, I whisper "the flames look yummy." Gasping I shake my head what the heck am I saying? The chicken is finally cooked, I quickly eat it and go back to bed afterwards. When I wake up I began to heave again running to the bathroom I puke nonstop until nothing is left to barf up. My stomach hurt. Wait I stopped dead in my tracks remembering my craving for flames. Not to mention my nonstop throwing up. I put the puzzle together. I'm late I gasp in fear. I could not be pregnant. Worried I put my boots on and hurry to the guild.

At fairy tail (Lucy pov)

"Wendy" I search for her panicking. "Lucy what's wrong" Levy asks? "I need to find Wendy fast" I reply with a stressed tone of voice. "Why" levy continued? I tell her that we should talk in private. Levy nods ok. We are in fairy tail but in a sound proof room. "So" Levy nudges me. "I think I might be pregnant." The blue mage stops. "really congratulations." "No this is bad I am 18!" "I am too young to have a baby!" "Lucy you will be a great mother don't worry." "Levy I was craving flames for crying out loud!" Levy started to fall on the floor in a laughing fit. "That's too much Lucy!" "Hey I'm serious!" "OK sorry." "I need to find Wendy to confirm if I am pregnant." Levy grabs my hand leading me to Wendy.

In the clinic(Wendy pov)

"Wendy are you here? I need your help!" "Yes I am here what's wrong Lucy?" "I think I'm pregnant" the blond said with fear in her eyes. "What" I say with shock. "Come and sit on the bed" I calmly tell her. She does what I tell her and sits down on the cot. "Let's see." I then tell Lucy to lay down on the cot. Lucy lays down. I examine her what I feel is great power coming from Lucy's stomach. "Lucy you are indeed pregnant congratulations!"

In the clinic(Lucy pov)

I shake from the news Wendy has given me. Pregnant I think to myself. What will Natsu think we just started dating. Levy holds my hand and then hugs me. "it's ok Lucy I'm here for you we all are." "Thanks" I say while sniffing. Rubbing my stomach I finally start to smile. "I will keep you safe" I whisper.

At the guild doors ( Natsu pov)

I run into the guild proud of getting my 100,000 jewels from the quest I was given. Now Lucy can pay her rent I say with a grin. I don't see Lucy and ask Erza where she is. The red haired mage answered that she was at her apartment. Is she ok I thought to myself worried? "Thanks Erza" I shout out before I run to Lucy's place.

In Lucy's apartment ( Lucy pov)

Trying to think calmly. I act out how I'm going to tell Natsu the news that I'm pregnant. "Natsu I'm pregnant" I say to the mirror in front of me. "No too blunt." "Natsu I have something to tell you I am pregnant." "No that's no good either." "Natsu I'm pregnant surprise!" "No no no this is all wrong." Why is it so hard to tell him I'm pregnant. OK one last time. "Natsu I have something I would like to talk to you about." "It is in portent please listen." "I have found out that I am pregnant!" Perfect that's what I will start with. I wait in my room laying on my bed I fall asleep.

At Lucy's window( Natsu pov)

I knock on Lucy's window but she won't answer. Worried I open her window. Walking to her bedside, I see a sleeping blond beauty. I go to her and snuggled next to her smiling. Wait, I get off the bed when I smell something different than Lucy's smell. Smelling her again she had her same strawberry milkshake cent to her and yet it was different. Still pondering what the other cent was, I stop when I feel a hand tugging on the bottom of my red tank. "Lucy", I shout startled. "Hm" rubbing her sleepy fudge color eyes. "Natsu", "when did you get here?" I laughed at my sleepy eyed girlfriend. "A few minutes ago" I reply with a chuckle. "What's funny?!" she asks while pouting like a lost puppy. "Nothing your just too cute Luce." Blushing she throws the pillow at my face. "Hey why did you do that?!" Picking up the pillow I go to where Lucy is. She has pulled the blankets to her face only her eyes peaking out shyly. Dam, it is hard to stay mad at her. I pull the covers off her. She has a dark pink blush on her cheeks. I grin at that. "Um Natsu, I have something to tell you." I look into Lucy's eyes. "Sure Luce!" "I have not been feeling well these last few days." She continues, "I visited Wendy and she told me that I'm pregnant." Lucy starts to tremble. "I am scared Natsu please talk to me!" I am glued in place when I hear the words pregnant. "Natsu", Lucy cries out "say something!" Tears fall from her eyes. Like a idiot I have a blank expression on my face. "Pregnant" I repeat breathless. "Yes pregnant" she replies with tears still falling down her cheeks. When I see her crying I grab her into a tight hug. "Natsu", she squeaked. "Sorry Lucy please don't cry." "I am so happy" I say with a huge grin. Moving my hands away I pull her back into loving kiss. "Natsu", she begins to cry again but has a bright smile. "Thank you" she says sincerely.

In Lucy's room(Lucy pov)

I tell Natsu I'm pregnant, I cry scared of what he will say. I quickly fill warmth when I'm engulfed in a hug. "Natsu", I say surprised. He let's go of the hug witch made me feel lonely but he slowly gives me a loving kiss. "Natsu", I whisper his name while panting. Tears flow from my eyes but they are happy tears. I start to smile at him. "Lucy, I am so happy" Natsu says with a sincere smile. He suddenly pulled me back into another loving kiss. "Natsu", I call out his name love strucken. I begin to cry again but smile brightly. "Thank you" I reply Hugging him tightly. We ended our hug. "Let's go" Natsu smiles energetically. "Go where? I ask confused." To the guild to tell everyone the good news!" I begin to blush, I quietly nod in agreement.

At the guild(Natsu pov)

After leaving to go to the guild. I rush to open the guild doors. I can't stop grinning. I think my face will forever be stuck like this if I don't quit. I walk into the guild hall holding Lucy close to me. "Hey everyone." "Hey Natsu" Erza replies. "What's got you so excited?" Grey asks in its not like I really care kind of tone. I pull Lucy close to me. I nudge her. "I'm pregnant" she said shyly, but loud enough for everyone to still hear. "Congratulations" everyone shouted while cheering loudly. Erza walks towards me. Oh no this is not good I think to myself. "Natsu" Erza screams at me in anger. "You got Lucy pregnant when she is only 18!" "Face your punishment" she demands while changing into her heaven wheel armor. A sword pointed at my throat. My face goes pale. "Erza, stop" I hear Lucy yell. "Lucy, don't think you get off easy either!" Lucy squeaked in fear. "Yes" she answered quickly. "Erza go easy on them" Mira says in a sweet tone of voice as she chuckles . "Mira it is not proper to have intercourse before you're married!" "Let a lone get pregnant afterwards!" "OK that's enough Erza", master says when he comes over. "But master" Erza tried to argue. "But nothing" master interrupts her. Sighing she goes back to her seat. Master turns to me. "Congratulations" he says with a smile. "Thanks" I say returning that smile.

In the guild (Lucy pov)

Natsu pulls me close nudging me, to tell everyone I'm pregnant. I shyly look towards everyone, "I am pregnant" I say. Cheers begin to burst out with congratulations. Everything was going good until, Erza changed into her heaven wheel armor pointing a sword at Natsu's throat. I try to stop her my heart feels like it will pop like a balloon. Erza then snaps at me saying I'm not off the hook either. A loud squeak came from my throat. "Yes" I responded to her quickly with fear. Standing there, I wonder what I should do to end this argument. I am saved when Mira came and told Erza to go easy on us. She chuckled, Erza explains why it is wrong. Master soon comes over to tell Erza enough. Erza begins to argue but. "But nothing", she is stopped by master. Deflated she walks to her seat. I sigh in relief. It was not like Erza was the only one not ok with this. The iron dragon slayer, Gajeel had a sad , pity look on his face when he heard. The look he gave me made me swallow hard with worry. Off in the distance Wendy had the same look as Gajeel. She walked up to master and whispered something to him. A worried expression was on his face as he followed Wendy to the clinic. What's wrong? I wonder.

In the clinic(master pov)

I am asked to talk about something important by Wendy. Worried I agree following behind her to the clinic. "Master I have to tell you something about Lucy's pregnancy!" "Go ahead" I say. "I am afraid that this pregnancy will kill Lucy!" I stare at her In shock. "What do you mean?" "Well you see the child Lucy is carrying has a strong power!" "What power" I ask worried? "Dragon slaying magic and celestial magic too!" "How is that possible?" I ask. "I don't know it has never happened before!" "The baby is too strong it will drain Lucy's magic during her pregnancy!" "When she is ready for delivery her magic will be back but it will be over powering and kill her!" Horrified I ask if there was any way to prevent this? "No only if we abort the child!" " we can wait and hope she makes it." "I am sad to say that's all we can do." I thank her for the information with a grim face I walk back to the guild hall. What am I going to do? Should I tell Lucy and Natsu? I see Lucy sitting at a table with Grey and Erza. "Lucy my dear child can I have a word with you? I call out to her. "Sure" she answers. "What's wrong" she looks at me worried. "I have some very sad news". She froze. "You see" I began telling her what Wendy had told me. "No" she sobbed. Covering here mouth with both her hands, she started hyperventilating. "I am truly sorry my dear child." I two began to tear up. I hug her as she cries nonstop.

In the guild hall(Levy pov)

I see my best friend Luchan talking to master. She soon began to cry. Covering her mouth with her hands while hyperventilating. "No" she cried out. I run to Lucy, I hug her trying to calm her down. "Its ok" I said trying to reassure her. "No its not" she said with loud sobs. "What happened?" I ask concerned. Lucy sobs while she tells me what master told her. Gasping I begin to cry. "oh Luchan I am so sorry!" I hug her tighter, letting her cry on my shoulder.

In the guild hall( Lucy pov)

Master calls me over to him. I go and he says he has something sad to tell me. He told me what Wendy told him. My heart dropped. I'm going to die. "No" I sobbed while Hugging the master. This can't be happening. I began to have a panic attack. "No" I cried out again this time louder. Levy runs to me and hugs me. She tells me everything is going to be ok. I begin to sob again "no its not" I say in between sniffles and hiccups. "Why" she asked me? I told her everything the master told me. I was pulled back into a tighter hug. "I am so sorry Luchan" she said while still holding on to me. I was no full out bawling on her shoulder. I was so relieved that Natsu went outside the guild to battle Grey. If he heard what would he do? I began to shake again. I move from my hug with Levy. "I am going to go home". "if Natsu asks anything, tell him I want to be alone for awhile." The blue short haired mage sadly smiled. "ok" she said. I thank her and head home. When I get inside my apartment I flop on my bed crying. What am I going to do I thought to myself when sleep rushed into me?

Natsu pov

I come back into the guild after a fight with Grey. I don't see Lucy and I don't sense her either. I panic but before I could leave master stopped me. "I need to go master Lucy is in trouble." "I have a bad feeling." "Erza" master had asked Erza to go get Lucy from her apartment. Erza nodded in agreement. "What's going on" I ask in a frustrated tone of voice? Master sighs and tells me the whole guild must talk about a issue involving Lucy and I. I am more worried now if this needs the attention of the whole guild. Reluctant I wait at the bar for Lucy.

Erza pov

Master told me to bring Lucy to the guild. I don't know why but my heart is crying. I see Lucy's apartment and knock open her door to her room. I see Lucy snuggled in her bed as I got closer she had tears running down her cheeks. "Lucy" I say in a worried tone of voice. No answer. I say her name again only louder. Still nothing I decide to try an exspiriment on her. I have heard that everyone fears me when I get angry. Let's see what happens when I shout like I do at Grey and Natsu. "Lucy if you don't get up willing I will punish you!" Lucy jumps out from her covers. Rubbing her eyes she asks if it is me I nod. Lucy asked what I was doing here and I told her the master needs to talk to the whole guild about something and wants you to come to the guild. I look back at Lucy she seems to know what master is wanting to talk about. I decide for now not to pry. Hesitant Lucy nods her head following me to the guild.

This is my first fanfiction. I am sorry if I miss spelled a word or any punctuation. I will try to fix it.
I would love it if you could comment on this story.
I am making a continuation of this fanfiction. If you have any ideas for the next ch I will be glad to hear them or I guess I would see them lol.

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