The sad news

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Natsu pov

I come back into the guild after a fight with Grey. I don't see Lucy and I don't sense her either. I panic but before I could leave master stopped me. "I need to go master Lucy is in trouble I have a bad feeling." Master had asked Erza to go get Lucy from her apartment. Erza nodded in agreement. "What's going on" I ask in a frustrated tone of voice? Master sighs and tells me the whole guild must talk about a issue involving Lucy and I. I am more worried now if this needs the attention of the whole guild. Reluctant I wait at the bar for Lucy.

Erza pov

Master told me to bring Lucy to the guild. I don't know why but my heart is crying. I see Lucy's apartment and knock on the door. I open her door to her room. I see Lucy snuggled in her bed as I got closer she had tears running down her cheeks. "Lucy" I say in a worried tone of voice. No answer. I say her name again only louder. Still nothing I decide to try an exspiriment on her. I have heard that everyone fears me when I get angry. Let's see what happens when I shout like I do at Grey and Natsu. "Lucy if you don't get up willingly I will punish you!" Lucy jumps out from her covers. Rubbing her eyes she asks if it is me, I nod. Lucy asked what I was doing here and I told her the master needs to talk to the whole guild about something and wants you to come to the guild. I look back at Lucy she seems to know what master is wanting to talk about. I decide for now not to pri. Hesitant Lucy nods her head following me to the guild.

Lucy pov

I was sleeping when suddenly I heard a fimilar voice. I get up to see a scary Erza. She tells me the master asked her to bring me to the guild. I had a bad feeling it was about my soon to be death. I follow Erza to the guild I gulp as we are in front of the guild doors.

Master pov

I am afraid to tell the sad news to everyone. I fear Natsu will freak when he hears the news. I hope that Lucy does not die. I look up to see Lucy and Erza in the guild hall. Here we go I thought. "everyone I need to discuss something important!" "I advise you take deep breaths before I start." Everyone in the hall did as I said. "Now someone bring me the magic hand cuffs!" Erza asks me why I need them? I tell her she will soon understand. "Natsu come here!" Natsu walks to where I am I put the hand cuffs on him. "What are you doing" he asked? I turn to Erza. "Make sure he does not escape" I tell her. As soon as Natsu is restrained, I continue. I bring Lucy to the front with me. "As all of you know Lucy is pregnant." Everyone nods. "Well I am very sad to inform you Lucy will no longer be here with us!" "Why"? Grey asks . "Well this pregnancy will kill Lucy!" The room turned deadly silent. Natsu is shaking with fear and confusion. "What do you mean it will kill her?!" he shouts with anger. "How do you know she will die?!" "Lucy is pregnant with a very strong child." "The child holds the power of celestial magic and fire dragon slayer magic the combination is too strong!" "The result is the child will drain Lucy's power." "Lucy will get her power back when she is ready to give birth However when her magic returns it will over power her killing her!" "I am very sad and sorry this has happened!" "No" Natsu shouts trying to get off the hand cuffs. "She can't die I won't allow it you hear me I won't let Lucy die!" Natsu starts to spout fire from his mouth in anger. I look at Erza for help and she nods walking over to control Natsu. "Is there a way to save her and the child?" Grey asks upset. "I am afraid all we could do is support her and hope she can live through this." Grey grits his teeth and replies "I guess we don't have a choice!" I look to see the guild in tears and Natsu has dropped to the floor banging his cuffed hands on the ground. "it's all my fault" he cursed with tears visible. I sigh and tell every one to comfort Lucy and that was the end of the discussion.

Natsu pov

Lucy is at the guild safe and sound I am happy and relived. Master tells everyone to take deep breaths before we could start. My bad feeling came back. my worries were confirmed when master put magic hand cuffs on me. He also asked Erza to make sure I don't escape. Why would I escape? and why the hand cuffs ? I was confused. Master then told everyone about Lucy's pregnancy. "she will die!" I ask master how he knows she will die. He explains that the child will drain Lucy's magic and when she gives birth the magic will come back but it will prove to be too powerful and kill her. Everything sinks into my heart my mate will die. Grey asks if there is a way to save her and the baby. Master replies that the only thing is support Lucy and hope she will be alive after this whole ordeal. I see Grey grit his teeth saying I guess we don't have a choice. The discussion was ended after that. Every word hits me in the heart like a deadly bomb. Lucy will die due to our child. "it's all my fault god dammit" I say pissed with curs after curs. I look up after crying so much to see Erza staring at me with mixed emotions ranging from angry sad and a ton of pity in her facial expressions. Then I look to my left. Lucy is surrounded by the guild Hugging her while crying. She to is crying but with a sad smile. "Dammit" I curs again why did this happen, "lucy!"

Lucy pov

I see master put magic cuffs on Natsu. Master has asked Erza to watch and make sure Natsu does not escape. I know now that this is going to be about me. Sure enough it was. Master had told the guild news of my pregnancy. The guild went silent when they heard I would die. Natsu went crazy flames were coming out of his mouth. Natsu asked how he knew I would be killed and master explained the reasons. Grey then asks if there is a way to save both the baby and i. Master replied that could only hope for the best. I see Grey gritting his teeth. Grey agrees reluctant though. Worst of all was Natsu he was on the floor pounding it and cursing saying it was all his fault. Tears stained his face the more he pounds the floor. It hurts to see him like this it's my fault he is upset. Everyone in the guild rushes to me crying I cry to but try to smile so I could reassure everyone that I would be ok. Natsu stares at me and he walks to where I am unsure if he should be aloud to. He is 1 foot away from me. I can't stand him being sad. I run to him and hug him, my tears not stopping. Natsu was crying with me repeatedly saying sorry. I pushed Natsu away from me. "Natsu stop crying I need your support more then ever now!" "What will I do if my one and only hope has given up!" I shout at him while punching him on the shoulders. "What am I going to do" I say again with tears flooding my chocolate eyes. I stop when Natsu gives me a passionate kiss. I try to move away so I could breath but he held me tighter. I melted in his arms.

Erza pov

I am surprised about the news master has told us. I begin to tear up but then rub them from my eyes. Crying won't help I need to be strong. I go to where Natsu is . I look at him with anger and sadness. I felt more pity for him than anything though. I walk away to where Lucy is. I hug her now crying. She returns my hug and cries with a sad smile on her lips. Lucy let's go of me. I turn to see what she is looking at. Natsu is walking over to Lucy cautiously with his head down. Lucy runs and hugs him. I feel a pang in my heart when both cry together. Lucy pushed Natsu away. Why did she do that? Suddenly Lucy starts hitting him yelling what will she do when her only hope has given up on her. Lucy says to him that she needs him more than ever. I admire how strong Lucy is, to try and slap Natsu back to reality. He needs to be there to say everything is OK. Even though she knows its not. After that Natsu kisses Lucy. I am surprised. I see that Lucy is trying to move to get air but Natsu held her tighter making Lucy pudding in his arms. "Natsu! Lucy needs air, she looks like she is going to faint!" Natsu looks at Lucy she is turning blue. "Crap" he says then unlocking his lips from hers. He said sorry. Lucy was panting until she got enough breath to say "it's ok." I laughed at them. The look on Natsu's face was priceless. Finally there was light in the darkness.

Natsu pov

I walk to Lucy afraid that i had no right to see her. Lucy runs to me and hugs me while crying. I could not help but to cry with her. I Say sorry with sniffles. Lucy then pulls away from my hug yelling at me to stop crying. She asks me what will she do if I her only hope gives up on her. I realize she is right I am being selfish crying for myself not being her strength when she needs me. She stops hitting me when I lock my lips for a passionate kiss. She tries to escape but I did not want to end the kiss. After a while she sinks into my arms. A few seconds later Erza yells at me that Lucy needs air she looks like she will faint. Sure enough her face turned blue I stop the kiss. crap I am such a idiot. I see Lucy panting for air when she caught her breath "it is fine its ok" she said. Erza starts laughing and I can't help but to laugh as well. The tense air soon became lighter a relief.

Lucy pov

I go back home I say goodbye to Levy and everyone else. Natsu is by my side but jumping from tree to tree like a monkey. When I get to my room I jump on my bed. Rubbing my stomach I repeat "I will protect my child!" I smile a warm sensation envelopes me. Natsu knocks on my window I let him in. He looks at me and jumps on my bed. I give him a glare pointing to my bed for him to sit. He stops jumping and sits next to me. Natsu suddenly bends down to my stomach while rubbing it. "I will protect you and your mother I will save both of you" he says with determination. I look at him and smile. He comes to snuggle with me and we both fall into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry the chapters are short but I will be making more chapters due to this reason. Tell me what you think of this chapter😀

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