Goodbye Lucy hello Seiki and Seika wellcome to your new home fairy tail

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Natsu pov

It's taking forever. Lucy should have had the twins by now it has been 3 hours. I hear Wendy's voice as she is sobbing and Is holding two small rapped up bundles. "Wendy" I run over there to her. Wendy stops her tears and hands me the two bundles. "Are these Seiki and Seika?" I asked. Wendy nodded in response. "Where is Lucy?!" I asked wend scared for her to answer. Wendy now started crying a waterfall "Natsu Lucy is dead" she replied sobbing again. "No that can't be I promised her I would save all of them she is not gone I yelled!" Suddenly two loud cries erupted from the babies wah wa wa. Wendy quickly took the little ones out of my hands "you scared them" she said scolding me. "I'm sorry I apologize " I said tears now envelopes my cheeks. I can't stop crying "Lucy please don't leave me I love you Lucy" I shouted again. Wendy did the unexpected and slapped my face hard. Tears brimmed in her watery blue eyes "Natsu get a grip I am sad about Lucy too but you now have two innocent lives that you have created they need your protection!" "Lucy would call you a idiot if she were here right now "Wendy finished please Natsu hold it together!" I faked a smile and went to hold my daughter's again. They were so cute. One had salmon hair like mine and the other one had blond hair like Lucy. The blond haird baby slowly opened her eyes they were the same Chocolat brown that her mother had. The salmon haired twin slowly opened her eyes too her eyes were the same as mine a golden green color. I smile at them and they both smile back. I will protect you I promise I said to them determined to keep it.

Wendy pov

I go tell the guild that is in the waiting room the bad news. Everyone was crying. Erza tried to hide her tears but she was not fooling me. Grey hugged Juvia as they both sobbed. Mira hugged Luxus and cried. Lissana went over to Mira and hugged her while she cried Levy was hyperventilating tears flowing down he cheeks Gajeel held her close to calm her down. The mood was so depressing that I felt sick. "Hey you guys I know this is hard and sad but Lucy would not like us to be depressed" I yelled at them. "Lucy has left two pieces of her here with us we need to support Natsu and the twins now" I fished talking. Everyone nodded in agreement. "You are right Wendy" Eraza said In a sad tone of voice "let's support Natsu" she said and everyone left to see Natsu.

Erza pov

When walk over to Natsu he is holding his daughters smiling yet he still silently cried. My heart tore as I saw him like that. "Hey Natsu" I greet him. "Oh hey Erza" he said back to me. I look over to see the twin girls. "They look just like you guys" I said a sad smile pursed on my lips. "Yea they do" he replied. "When I look at the blond one she reminds me of Lucy" he tells me a hint of sadness in his voice. "I can see that as well" I said with great sincerity in my voice. "Have you signed the papers for their names yet?" I asked him. "No" he replied. "Let's go do that now" I said careful not to hurt him anymore in his weekend state. He says ok and we head to the nurses telling them we are ready to sign their names up. One of the nurses agreed and asked Natsu what their names will be. "The one with the blond hair will be named Seiki and the other girl will be named Seika" Natsu replied. "Very lovely names" the nurse praised Natsu. "What will be their last name?" the lady asked us in sweet tone of voice. "Seika Heartfillia Dragneel and Seiki L. Heartfillia Dragneel" Natsu answered again. "OK here are the papers sign them!" "I will take your daughters to get there baby cirtifikit" explained the nice nurse. I nod and natsu and I wait as he signs the papers. After everything was done we went to say farewell to Lucy in mortuary. I walk into the room where Lucy's body should be and I don't see her anywhere. A doctor came into the room and I asked him where Lucy Heartfillia's body was. He looked at me and told me that it was crazy when he was going to take her body to the mortuary a bright golden light swirled around her it looked more like dust and she vanished he finished explaining. I stood there in shock. Natsu was listening and I could see a faint tint of hope in his eyes. "Natsu that does not mean she is alive" I told him in a monotone of voice. Natsu looked at me and said nothing hope never left his eyes the rest of the day.

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