Natsu's transformation into END save him Lucy!!!!

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Lucy pov

After the conversation with the first my heart is in shambles. Pull yourself together Lucy I pinched my cheeks to calm down a little. I finally arrived home. Sekai and Seiki are fast asleep but the more I walk around calling out Natsu's name he doesn't show. Worried even more i frantically look all around the house again there was nothing except silence. I began to cry something was wrong I just knew it was I need to talk to Mavis. I was about to leave when in the corner of my eye I saw a note on the coffee table I ran and picked it up. I read the words I am sorry and goodbye that was all that was written on the letter. Furious I rip the letter again and again until there is nothing left to rip. Natsu you idiot the least you could have done is tell me where you were going. Trying to control my anger tears once again flooded my eyes as I remember a similar situation when Natsu left me to train and while he was gone the fairy tail guild disband and I was all alone. I shake my head stop crying I need to stop crying I am not the same Lucy Heartfillia who cried and was weak always needing saving from the past. I am now Lucy Heartfillia the strong, brave and above all a mother. I won't go crying anymore I have a responsibility to take care of my family and take care of my family I will. I stood up wiped the rest of my tears away headed for the dresser to change. It had been awhile since I wore the same outfit i had when i first joind fairy tail strangely it still fit me like a glove. Next I called Levy to babysit Sekai and Seiki for awhile including right now I told her it was important and she agreed. I got off the phone and put my shoes and socks on I was ready to find my husband and chew him out. I was opening the door when Seika stood in the hallway. I walked over to her "I am sorry sweetie I woke you up go back to bed" I said quietly. "Mommy are you going on the quest with daddy?" I looked at her surprised "what do you mean a quest?" I asked. "Daddy said he was going on a quest and that you were staying here with us" she replies. "Well there has been a change of plans mommy is going on quest too don't worry aunt levy will be here tonight to take care of you" I explained to her. Smiling she said ok kissed my cheek and ran back off to bed. I waited for levy it took 1 hour when she finally arrived. I hug her and say thank you then I wave goodbye as I walk our the door. Running I go to see Mavis I am close to the guild and rush inside taking a deep breath I look around for Mavis it takes a while but I finally find her. "Lucy what are you doing here at this time of night?" she asks me worry evident in her eyes. I need to talk to you about something important. Nodding her head I tell her about Natsu leaving she replies with this is very bad and how did he know about end. I shook my head to show her I did not know how he knew. "Let's go we need to find Natsu before he meets Zerif if it is not to late already" Mavis almost shouts out. I nod my head in agreement and we leave to stop Natsu.

Natsu pov

I have walked what seems like forever I am so hungry and thirsty. I see a restaurant and walk in a lady at the counter asked what I would like to eat I asked her for everything on the platter especially any flames they cook with. She looked at me and said ok. I sat down at a small booth waiting for my food as I waited memories of Lucy and my daughter's started like a picture book through my brain I felt a little sad and lonely. "Here sir your food" the waitress said placing the food on the table I thanked her and choked all of my food down I paid the bill and went to find Zerif once again.

Time skip a little

Lucy pov

We have been traveling for what seems like days even if it's only been a couple of hours I can't stop worrying about Natsu. I feel heart broken that two brothers would have to fight to the death it's just not right. "Lucy we are here" I look up to see what Mavis is looking at there infront of us was an old mansion it seemed have been ruins of an old castle. I can feel the over wellming power that Emits from the castle a dark and lonely one at that there is no doubt this is where Zerif is hiding. Mavis nods her head agreeing with me I did not have to say anything to her the power from this building already told her enough. We kick the door down and as we suspected a whole bunch of dark guilds came charging at us. "Listen here I have no time for you ass holes so I won't be able to play with you so get the hell out of my way " I shout in frustration. Number one dark guild member "huh who do you think you are talking to you bitch do you even know who you are dealing with I am the master of the dark guild Eclipse the name is Death Scull so you better rember it till your very last breath." "Shut up and fight me already" i reply with a glare. I get ready to charge at him Lucy kick. Before I know it he is behind me how the heck did he get behind me I did not see him move an inch and why are there two of him oh I get it he used a clone to fool me. "You think you could stop me the all powerful Death Scull how naive you are." Ugh this guy is so full himself he could have slit my throte by now killing me but he just  is blabbering on about how powerful he is I really do not have time for this.
"Look I don't care how powerfull you are I have to be somewhere right now so I will finish you off here and now." "Virgo come forth use tornado drill and kill all of them."  "Yes princess will you punish me after words?" Virgo's eyes were sparkling in antisapation seriously what is wrong with her. "I face palm my self same old Virgo fine I agree just hurry please." A big smile came to her face she looked like a kid who received a brand new toy. Yes princess your wish is my command" after saying those words Virgo zoomed forth using tornado drill stabbing every dark guild member before they had a chance to speak. "Thanks Virgo " I say to her. Mavis was in tears for the brutal scene that happend I would have done the same in the past but sadly they were going to end in this fate soon enough. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me she began to shake off my hand still walking by my side though. "Well it seems the dark guild eclipse was not useful that's too bad"  I see Zerif up top the balcony. "Where is Natsu Zerif?" I dammed pissed off. Oh you mean end right he is right here zerif steps aside and in the shadow emerges a fimilar loved one. "Natsu no you can't be him you are an imposter" I shout out now on the verge of tears this can't be Natsu this man had scales surrounding his body like a shield of armor and his eyes were that of a beast not of the loving husband I know worst of all the dark red wings that purtruted  through his back. Mavis looks at me tear drops running down her face she shakes her head "Lucy I am afraid this is really Natsu" she says in a regretful tone of voice. I can not denie that this man was Natsu no madder how much I wanted it not to be true it was him I need to stop weeping I have to save Natsu for as many times as he has saved me. I start to walk up the stairs to the balcony "Lucy stop don't do this Natsu is not the same anymore he will kill you please let's gather everyone from the guild." I stop and look at Mavis "I am sorry but I can not leave Natsu like this nor can I ask for help of my fellow friends I haft to do this on my own" after I said that I continued to run up the stairs. Mavis knew she could not stop me after all she was only a spirit.  I finally reached the last step "Natsu snapp out of it you are scaring me please let's go home and be with our daughters" I plead to him. "Lucy I am sorry to say  the Natsu you knew will never return this is now the demon dragon blood I put into his body to bring him back to life without hesitation he will kill you." "Zerif how could you do this to your own little brother?"I scream at him. "Don't chastise me for nothing you know about you don't know me or my brother you can't understand how miserable and depressed after my parents and my little brother died at the hands of acnologia I had no chance against him I was too young and weak to be of any use I was down by the river and when i returned home my family had been slaughtered." "I wanted my brother and family back so much that I borrowed a forbidon death magic that had the power to bring back to life the dead and their souls I did so and paid the ultimate price everything and everyone I loved parishes because I cared about them even my immortal girlfriend Mavis had died in my arms just that pain alone had destroyed any human heart I had left." I looked down  hearing what he said broke my heart more the fate of these brothers is truly too cruel.  I heard soft sobs and saw Mavis by my side a crying mess "I never knew Zerif I could never have felt the pain you felt but no matter what you have done I will always love you and just so you know being with you was the happiest time in my life" Mavis choked while saying so from her uncontrollable tears. A very sad but soft look was in Zerifs eyes but then he brushed it off  "Mavis this is now the present not the past I had with you and me that  is no more" after saying those words Zerif disappeared. Mavis disappeared as well I am guessing she chased after Zerif. Right now I can't focus on that I have got to get Natsu back to normal I won't believe he is gone forever. I began to slowly aproache him he glared at me and bared his sharp fangs in warning I got closer to him until I was finally Hugging him "Natsu please return to normal" Natsu started to try and throw me off of him but I stubbornly held onto him "Natsu please rember me and the guild rember our daughters" I kept trying to purswaude him to come back to me. I heard a earpeircing roar escape from Natsu I looked up and before I knew what happened I started coughing up blood what no way how I started to feel agonizing pain looking down at my abdomen I saw claws that purtruted out of them I blacked out is this really how I am going to die I ask myself Natsu I won't die I refuse I will bring you back to the guild as your normal happy idiotic self even if I die afterwards mom dad please give me the strength and power to save Natsu. After saying that I felt a strong amount of power greater than I have ever seen or felt from any other wizard. Thank you mom and dad. The darkness fades and I am still limp with Natsu's claws through me I rise from off of his claws and land on the ground I touch my abdomen healing it I am shocked at how I could do that however now was not the time to admire this ability I look at Natsu preparing my self for a long fight but no matter how much it hurts me or how long it takes I promise to bring Natsu back. With my determination I began my battle with Natsu.

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