Vol II: Downfall of Dynasties

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TW: Violence/Gore/Insanity/Depression

Central Früstia Continent

Ruby Capital Castle

In Frost's Office...


"So, now you better start talking, O' Great Emperor Frost of the Empire."

Those threats, the hatred in his eyes, the loss he has experienced; because of my blindness to my own nation! I should've seen the signs from the beginning; I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I think of actually incorporating territories in?! Why did I not account for my own hatred among the populace? Well, hell be with those thoughts, I only have one thought to truly think over, held by my throat. Why did I not account for me?!

I just silently close my eyes and swallow, letting my situation come to pass. "The world does not need a Ruby Emperor, Shade. Nor does the land of Lumeni deserve it. You are all above me, and I have seen that since the day I was born. Now you have a choice. You either kill me now, scorning yourself in Aranbe's name, or you hear out what I am going to say very carefully. Now..."

I slowly reach my arm up to the arm holding the knife at my throat.

"Will you put the knife down?"

Shade just looked at me in bewilderment, almost puzzled as far as I know, I cannot read faces for the life of me. He slowly lowered his arm from my throat as he kept his eyes on me for movements, setting the knife in a small scabbard. "You..."

Shit, what else does he want to hear from me?

"Don't make me regret not ending your life, but we all know the code no matter the nation. Aranbe's name is to never be called upon unless you're making a truthful deal. That is the notion I am allowing you to live on. So speak, before you make me regret it."

Finally! He remembered the code from before the Usurper's time. Now all I have to do is make sure I can live for the people to no longer despise me. I quickly walk over to the documents on my desk and lay them out, ushering Shade over uselessly; he was already behind me. "As you can see, the Empire's in a predicament. Too many cogs for one wheel to spin, wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed, I would have to agree with you, you overextended, causing your system to crumble as you betrayed your only allies in the sake of prosperity. Wouldn't you agree, emperor?" Shade said, with a small smirk hidden in him, knowing that he said all of what I hate and that he was right.

"Yes, I do agree, but as you see here," I quickly pull out the copy of the letter I prepared to go to Truder from the pile in front of us, "I believe that this can be solved in the meantime, would you care to repair our empire?"

Shade just looked at the paper, a frown forming on his face. "Our empire? I am getting you out of this to show you that the world can live without you. Because at least the other freak invading us isn't some idiot. They are scary by their intuition alone, and I cannot allow that to live by my borders."

Wait, he said something weird to me just now. "Your borders?"

Shade then looked at me and began to laugh to himself, what the hell is he on? "Your borders?! You expect to keep all the land that you have stolen after this?! No! My nation is returning, with lands from Mantizea as well! Since you forced their Empress to flee from your attempted genocide!"

Wait? Genocide? Did I actually- NO! There is no way I would genocide people for myself...right? Did I do it for the people, power, security? Why would I have decided to kill people?! This is too far even for me! "Shade! I never explicitly ordered a genocide, I only invaded their capital to hold the lands!"

"Then, you sir, need to figure out how to end your army's corruption. Because there was a genocide, and everyone believes you ordered the massacre of 40% of the Mantizea population."

Genocide?! Which soldier would've done this?! It has to be in high command or else the army would not follow a mere corporal. It has to be a general or commander. That list should be around thirty for forty people. 

"You going to say anything to that, Frost? Or are you now feeling guilty over ordering it?!"

"I didn't order it!" I cannot take these accusations anymore! "I have the list of people who could have ordered it! But, of I am going to pay for saying this, by Aranbe's name I did not order a genocide against anyone at any time. I have only invaded and ransacked, never tried to end their populations!"

To say Shade was shocked at my outburst would be an understatement. He quickly breathed and calmed himself down, as did I, and just asked me for one more thing. "Now, what do you need me to do?" 

As I calmed down, I realized the stakes at hand. Shade just offered unconditional aid to me, all he needs is what is needed to be done. I can have him invade our invader, make peace with Truder, literally anything is at my fingertips. I could even- no... I know what I need to do...

"I need you to get away from here, Shade."


"My time has come to pass, get away, start a new life, I will pay for passage across the continent to go to the western regions for you. But I can confirm, considering the enemy and the damage I have heard from the front lines, your people are gone. You need to restart." I held my hand out for an agreement.

Shade just looked at my hand, then back to me which taking me hand. "And so do you, your Highness." Then he nodded his head to behind me.

My guards were there, crossbows aimed, at me.


East Central Continent

The 575th Solarian Year
21st of Ēprila (4th of Ten Months)

Aizarando, Demesne of Isaland


Today has a bad omen about it, I sense nothing but terror for my people.

"Your Excellency! Urgent news!"

And here it comes! "What is it, commander?"

"Your Highness! Those invaders of Archia, they are here. We are lost!"

What?! What does he mean lost?! "Explain yourself, what do you mean?!"

"Our armies...are dead or..."

Or what?! If they are this powerful, what is it?! Is it- no, I have to ask this for my self being. "Dear gods, do they have necromancy magic?!"

"No, your highness, just, many have taken their side against us."

What? Their side? What do they think this is, a liberation?! They will be outcasted, no matter which way the war turns out! What do they have to gain?! "Why would they-"

"I don't know, your highness. What I do know is that they will reach the city by Sunfall."

By Sunfall...the land will be lost. There is little to do now, I know what I must do to survive.

"Commander, tell the army to activate protocol, Two-Sibai. We are evacuating the people for our remain territory. Tell them to go south, I know a haven."

"I-It will be done, my lady."


S u n f a l l


"Commander! Tell me they have evacuated, I see them over the horizon!"

"They are evacuated, my lady!"

Thank the gods. They are safe, but my time is up. "Is there a delegate with those troops?"

"No, your highness, only soldiers can be seen." There is nothing I can do then, I suppose. My days are counted, as this will be the final time I watch the Sunfall, oh what a sight it is!

"Commander, this is going to be your last day, as it will be mine. So tell me your name, so I can allow your family to live on in spirit."

"Yes, your highness, my name is Murasaki Kuma, my family was once from the Ice Kingdom south of Archia, but we have long left the kingdom to live here, being in Isaland for nearly five generations since then."

A surname of Murasaki?! Does she mean THE Ice Kingdom?! If so, she is a descendant of royalty, or at least related to royalty! "Murasaki, huh? Nice to meet fellow royalty. Well then, see this as a last act to the Kingdom, you are my heir and shall take your ruling power to my people."

"But your highness!"

"Just call me Iza. Now get going, that is my last order to you."

"Yes, Iza. I shall come back some day to rebuild your lands. No matter how long it takes, they will be rebuilt. That is a promise!"

I simply nodded at her enthusiasm, she will lead them well. "Take my royal cape on your way out. I have been looking for an heir for quite a while, and the people and soldiers will know what that means."

"Y-yes, Iza. I hope to see you again sometime."

Me too, little Kuma, me too.

She hastily puts on the cape and heads to the ports briskly holding her sword  by her side, as I turn back to overlook the walls.

There the army sat, in front of the walls. Their general simply looked and noticed my presence before yelling out, "People of Isaland, we have come to cure this world of survivors, for nobody should have lived through the war! The only victor is the Lost Empire we call home! Prepare to perish! And Queen of this land! May you be judged in front of Aranbe himself! Mages!"

I quickly turned around to see Murasaki already several hundred meters out of the city. "Good. She will live, and possibly love. For me though..." I turn around to see the mages powering up fire spells, "This is the end of my story, and the beginning of a new one..." 

The mages finished powering up their spells, balls of fire and wrath spinning in the air, aiming for my city, firing...

"May this new one be ever so prosperous..." I whispered, feeling the heat as the balls hit the city beneath.


East Central Continent

The 575th Solarian Year
21st of Ēprila (4th of Ten Months)

Bay of Aizarando, Demesne of Isaland


I got on the ship like Iza told me to do, but what now? What is her plan, she felt oddly calm through all of that while I am still stressing now!

I quickly had the ship sail out to meet the others as I looked back to see explosions hitting the city, and her falling into the fire below as the castle collapsed.

So this was it, this is where I begin, the somehow ruler of a destroyed kingdom. What downfalls have we trodden in such short time...


Central Scáth Continent

In the harbor of an empire.

22nd of Ēprila


"Screams, how I adore them... They are what we all have in common... They represent our love, hate, joy, and sadness, and yet, they are oh so joyful on the ears... Wouldn't you say, pet~" I teasingly say to the man chained up in front of me, running my knife down him once more. "Bummer... you're not screaming anymore. Well, it's been a joy, but no screaming means no living~!"

I watch as the blood trickles down him as I held the knife in his chest, ending his joyous suffering.

"Seven down, only three more for me to reach my high score~"

"Empress!" yelled one of the guards after talking with my general for a bit, killing my mood.

"What?! I am trying to reach a new high score!" I snapped back, only a few more need to bleed.

"Y-Yes, but, I bring good news!" What is he hiding? Oh well! Either way he will be treated like number eight now. Because he is number eight now.

"Oh~ and what would that be~" I playfully tease back, causing him to pause in his step.

"W-we have eliminated Isaland, their people flee." Not good enough, Mr. Guard.

"General, head on upstairs, I'll call you down in a while." I call to behind the guard.

The general, who knew what I was doing based on the look in my eyes, merely nodded and ran upstairs to the great hall.

"Now, that is good news~" I teasingly say, placing my hand on the guard's shoulder, making him lose his guard. Not a good move, pet. "Perhaps I should treat you for bringing it to me~ hm?"

"W-well, you don't have to..." The guard said, laughing nervously at the end.

"Oh~ I INSIST!" I said, tackling him to the ground, beginning my slices on number eight.


"Did you like your treat~, pet~?" I teasingly said, watching the blood drip down from him hanging in the chains of number seven. He only slightly shifted in response... "Seems you didn't like it, oh well! I have a better pet to get to!" I cheerfully, yet slowly said, stabbing him, watching the blood roll out. Good, red looks beautiful on the blue of my nation.

"Good, now onto number nine~, wouldn't you all agree?" I said to the cell to the right of me, where several people from the Shaded Isles sat, terrified of what I was going to do to them. Good, let them tremble. They deserve it for living through the war... I designed it to kill them all, why did they live?!


To Be Continued

2332 Words

(A/N: Well, that got dark and weird, but yeah, expect this to have some dark moments, immediately contrasted with the fluff on the other side giving continuous emotional whiplash! Until one day, one of the sides might vanish~, but I wont say which or else that is a spoiler~. Either way, as you can see, the Empress of the lost empire is severely based off Toga from MHA and I really wanted to try my best at an insane character without going too insane. So yeah, basing off Toga it is XD. I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for the nearly 2 months of absence, I wanted this to be good and it turned out pretty good to say the least! Well, next time is the last of Volume II! Then we are onto Volume Three! Hold onto your seats because things accelerate there! Hope you all enjoy all the future releases. Cya all next time! Keep enjoying Lumeni: Ekpyrosis! <3)

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