Vol II: Renegades and Revelations

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East Central Continent

Northern Border, Nearing Archia



That is all I could think, nothing was left for us anymore.

'All Anna and I had left were each other, our land is already fallen. There is no solution to this, all we need to do is survive. Just survive; whether it be days, weeks, or years, sometimes that is all you can do...is just survive to see the next day.

Our home is doomed to fall, that I know for certain, but now we are stuck behind their lines, a small cell inside their nation. We need to get out, and fast. The question is how...'

"Seriously Mikal? Your murmuring reminds me of this kid I read in a story about once." Anna scoffed. 

'Had I been thinking out loud this whole time?!'

"Yes, yes you have, and you did it again. And if it puts your mind at ease, the answer is simple, we do it together." Anna sarcastically sighed before giving an enthusiastic wink at the end.

All I could do was give a kind smile back to her before I continued my train of thought, but I brought her into the conversation this time. "Well, since we are doing this together, what is our first plan of action? Apart from surviving, that is?"

"Easy, we can be seen as rebels now, and that means we can get away with more~" Anna started to say, all too mischievously. "So let's hit some of the abandoned farms outside of Archia for food and money before hitching a ride on a boat out of here?"

'How did she say something so smart with that tone of voice?!' This time, I held my thoughts to my head instead of speaking.

"Hey! My tone of voice shouldn't be too hard to handle, Mikal!"

At least I thought. "Oh well, let's get moving then if you are so certain about these farms, Nana~"

"What did you call me?!" 

I think I caught her off guard, hm, good to know. I just decided to smirk and begin walking further north with her. Now is the time to be brutally honest and smug at the same time. Don't mess this up, Mikal! "I called you Nana since you look out for me so much, and it sounds like I messed up saying Anna."

"I would so rather you call me Anna or literally anything over that!" She half-yelled since we were still trying to be careful. Keyword, trying. "But...if you're gonna give me a nickname...I suppose I should too, 'kay Kal?"

I slightly blushed at that remark since I never took her for a tsundere, but nodded nonetheless. We both then gave into the silence of the day around us as we slowly walked north, a new life awaiting us.


Northern Akaris Continent

At the best Bunny Farm in the world...


As the sun beamed in on another beautiful day at the farm, the two residents were not so keen at waking up today.

With the sun right in her eyes, Saisho squinted her tired self awake before leaning forward, her blue hair flopping in front of her face as it did before she set it for the day.

"Ugh...why am I so tired? It feels like I have a hangover, but this place is sober..." She moaned at herself in pain, slowly walking towards the vanity in her room. Saisho slowly grabbed her brush and exclusively combed the hair out of her face, not caring that the rest of her hair was messy. This was her day off, and she was going to enjoy it!

Saisho then walked over to her wardrobe and swapped into some casual clothing of a crop top and some slightly baggy sweatpants. At least, that's what Quarilaie calls those cotton pieces of clothing. They were unfamiliar, but comfy, and that is what mattered to her. She then put on her sandals before walking down to the kitchen downstairs, seeing that her companion was also up.

Quarilaie looked over and quickly flushed red upon seeing Saisho in front of her. She grabbed her cup of tea and poured another one for Saisho as she walked over. 

"H-Hey...Shiyo." Quarilaie sputtered out. Saisho widened her eyes at this for a split second before all the memories of last night came to her head as she too flushed as red as a tomato.

"M-Morning, Rilie, how was your night?" Saisho said, internally freaking out over her on-the-spot nickname for Quarilaie other than Bean. Bean is only useful to Saisho if she is called her Food name first.

"I-It went w-well. Rilie is a new one where did it come from?" Quarilaie asked nervously, calming herself at the end.

"Well, I looked at you name and realized that talking the second half of the name and removing a couple letters gives Rilie. D-Do you like it?" Saisho replied, inheriting Quarilaie's nervousness at the end.

Quarilaie then let out a sigh with a grin on her face as she walked closer to Saisho, giving a pack on the lips. She then leaned back with a face of pure glee. "Of course I like it, you fluffernutter!"

Saisho was speechless for a second before she finally processed what was happening. "W-Wait, so you thought about it?"

"Well, y-yeah. I was thinking about what we agreed to last night, and we can't have our people's future Queens flustered constantly. So we might as well work it out." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Saisho's blush quickly returned at that comment. "Wait, you were serious about the Queen thing?"

"Yup! You're too sweet to pass up, fluffer!"

"I can say the same about you, you adorable bean."

Both of them then kissed one more and went to relax outside on the patio as they look at the farm in front of them.

"Just think about it, this will be the heart of our future." Quarilaie sighed out, proud that her farm will live on.

"Only for our nation, you, on the other hand..." Saisho began to say, before once more turning to Quarilaie as the wind slightly swayed their hair in the wind. "Are the future of my heart."

Quarilaie could only swoon at that comment, leaving her all flustered. "You fluffer-" she began to say before they both continued to kiss once more as they then cuddled for the rest of the day, occasionally giving a peck to each other to make the other more flustered. All that ended up doing was making them both a hysterical, laughing mess for the evening as they couldn't do one thing before laughing each other's heads off.

As evening faded into night, they both grabbed a cup of peppermint tea as they walked upstairs.

"Y-Ya know..." Quarilaie began stating as she became more flustered again. "W-We could...k-keep cuddling?"

"Oh-ho-ho? Are you inviting your fluffernutter into your pristine room~" Saisho teasing replied.

"Wha-NONONO! What I meant to say was..." Quarilaie tried to explain before fading off again.

"Don't sweat it, you bean! Come on! I'll lead the way to my room." Saisho then said, acting as confident as her blushing mess could handle at the moment.


As they made it to her room, they set their glasses on the dresser as they both swapped into nightgowns, turning away from each other (minds must be pure, it is too much fluff for their minds to be tainted!) while they did so.

Afterwards, Quarilaie then hopped onto the bed, with Saisho snuggling into her shoulder as they both fell into a blissful slumber, dreaming of each other in their arms.


To be Continued

(1350 Words)

(A/N: Hi everyone! Yeah, this chapter is pretty small. I had trouble with writer's block through this one due to the first part which I deleted three times over before being decently happy with it. Also, I hope you all enjoyed the fluff session that is your daily Saishalie content! Yes, that is the ship name since the personas are directly me and her! Overall, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Cya all next time! <3)

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