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The first thing Rin did when they got home was run around, still in his pretty outfit minus the boots, and show everyone he knew his engagement ring.

Shiemi was in the living room doing homework with Bon while Shura and Mephisto competed on the game system.

"GUYS, HOLY SHIT!!!" Rin ran in like an excited puppy with Amaimon following behind him, an amused smile on his lips as he walked in. Mephisto huffed out a laugh at the excited demon. "Yes, Dearest?" He prompted.

"I SAID YES!!!" He showed them his left hand. The ring glittered on his ring finger, diamonds surrounding a nicely-sized emerald in the center.

"Congratulations, my Lovelies! Oh, I can't wait! I do so love weddings." Mephisto planted kisses on both their cheeks and Rin giggled. Bon pulled Rin over and wrapped him up in his warm embrace.

"Congratulations, Rin." He smiled down at Rin warmly and the teen's cheeks flushed happily.

"That's amazing! Congratulations!" Shiemi threw her arms around the two excitedly and Rin noticed the smile on Amaimon's face. He didn't say anything, just raised a teasing brow. Amaimon stuck his tongue out childishly in response.

"Damn, kid! I'm in my mid-twenties and I still don't have a partner! Good work!" Shura pulled Rin in for an actual hug instead of her usual fond headlock. Rin smiled and snuggled into the embrace. It was the closest thing he'd ever get to at least an older sister, so he'd savor it.

"So is anyone gonna tell Yukio, or are we just gonna let him find out on his own?" Bon wondered.

Rin snorted. "You can tell him if you want. He's invited to the wedding, but I bet you 50,000¥ he won't come."

"Ooh, make it 100,000¥! I think he will." Shura added.

"Thanks for the wedding gift." Amaimon smirked at her.

"Oh come on, he's gotta have a heart in there somewhere! Deep down, I swear he has a soft spot for you!" Shura turned to Rin, who shook his head in knowing disbelief. She shrugged and she and Mephisto resumed their game.

Rin and Amaimon sat down on the other side of the couch Mephisto was on. It was so normal, yet everything was different now. It was a good different and Rin couldn't stop smiling. He was sure he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. He was too excited and happy. Maybe he'd spend the night trying to make Pirozhkis so he'd have them perfected by lunch tomorrow? He could tell Amaimon already knew what he was thinking and he snuggled further into the Earth King's side.

Rin couldn't wait to get married! This was the beginning of a new part of his life. It started with Amaimon proposing and he hoped it ended with having all his lovers and tons of kids living as a big happy family in a huge house one day.

For once, Rin's mind was filled with entirely good things. No worrying. No training. No Illuminati or Satan. Just pure, unbridled happiness. He was going to get married sometime within the next year to the first of the loves of his life and until then, he got to wear this ring around to make sure everyone knew he was taken by someone who loved him.

Rin couldn't be happier.

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