Exorcist Qualification Exam

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They settled into a normal routine after things settled down–both with Rin's new status as a King and his new status as the fiancé to the King of Earth.

Amaimon taught Rin how to handle his new powers while Mephisto kept teaching him spells. He still trained with Bon and Shura trained with them sometimes. Shura also brought Rin news on Yukio since she'd kept track of him outside of Cram School since the separation.

He'd found a therapist that he could actually stand and he was enjoying living in the Dorms. Shura also reported that said therapist seemed to have caught Yukio's interest and she usually left when they started flirting. Rin snickered. Only Yukio would fall for his own therapist. He looked for a high IQ before a pretty face.

Rin was happy that Yukio was doing better now. Maybe one day they could actually interact like normal people. He still doubted the guy would come to his wedding, though.

Mephisto didn't seem convinced of the possibility when Rin talked about it, but he kept quiet nonetheless. He didn't want to be the one to pop Rin's bubble.

With Rin's new freetime, he and Amaimon had started planning their wedding. They didn't need to settle on a budget because Mephisto was filthy rich and so was Amaimon via his talent for summoning precious jewels formed in the Earth, so they skipped that step. They had a relatively small group of people they could stand, so the guest list was easy. The hard part was deciding the date for the wedding. Rin really wanted a Spring wedding, but they had no idea when everyone would have off work, so Rin was struggling some. To turn his mind off of that, they looked at possible venues to get married at. Amaimon loved sightseeing as much as Rin did and they decided they wanted a venue in another country. Rin was satisfied with that deduction for now.

On another matter entirely, Mephisto had had Belial adjust all of Rin's clothes by means of magic. The teen had grown a good few centimeters and was now just a few centimeters shorter than Bon. Amaimon seemed miffed that the only other short person in the group was now much taller than him, but he didn't say anything. His pride wouldn't let him, which the rest of them found endlessly amusing.

Rin seemed to have more of a natural grace to him now. He was annoyed at his brightly colored hair and sharper claws that caught on everything, but there wasn't anything he could do about that until he figured out how to change his appearance using his Love God abilities.

Understanding would come in due time.


Mephisto finally had to tell the Vatican what had happened with Rin and how Todou was no more thanks to him. He didn't tell them about his status as a King, just that he had been reborn even more powerful and would be an even greater weapon than they'd thought.

The Grigori decided Rin and all his classmates should take the test the next day. They'd missed the normal date of it because of a few complications with spies, Rin's whole rebirth thing, and that damned Artificial Gehenna Gate.

With Rin's overwhelming power, it would be easy for him to destroy the demons they gave him without even using his sword, so they had Mephisto lock away most of his powers for the duration of the test.

Mephisto explained that the Exorcist Qualification Exam was the ExWires individually taking down demons with whatever abilities  Meisters they wanted. Your rank depended on how strong the demon was.

For Rin's test, because he was so strong, they challenged him with multiple demons. Rin knew he could at least score three Meisters: Knight, Tamer, and Dragoon. Rin had amazing aim thanks to perfect eyesight and the fact that he was incredibly aware of everything around him due to how sensitive his senses were. Bon had taught him how to be prepared for the recoil of a gun.

Mephisto, Amaimon, Bon, Izumo, Konekomeru, and Shiemi were all going to be waiting for him to be done and then they'd individually take their tests. Mephisto, Bon, and Amaimon each gave Rin something for good luck, which was so sweet, it made Rin want to melt into them.

Mephisto gave him a stopwatch to keep with him at all times. It's purpose during the test would be for Rin to stop the watch if the test turned out to be rigged bad enough for Rin's body to possibly be killed. He'd stop the watch and Mephisto would immediately know things had gone bad and retrieve him. They'd deal with the aftermath later.

Amaimon gave him the gift of Orchids braided into his hair, growing on the Earth King's whim. "Orchids are a symbol of luck. I believe you'll crush this meaningless test, but those also double as a poison if anyone tries to kill you. All you have to do is shove a blossom down their ungrateful throats and they're gone. It's a painless poison." Amaimon murmured to him. He placed a short kiss on Rin's lips and nuzzled his collarbone affectionately before letting go.

"And I get to be the one to give my boyfriend a highly dangerous weapon." Bon grinned as he slung the bag he'd brought with him off his back and set it down across the seats next to them. He unzipped it and hefted out a double barrel shotgun and an M4A1 Assault Rifle. Rin grinned wide and opened the box of ammo for the Rifle. Bon loaded the shotgun.

"Holy shit, are sure he's not being sent on a mission in Sibyria?" Shima gaped at the guns. Rin laughed and threw a bullet at the pink-haired boy. Shima, like the mature teenager he was, stuck out his tongue in response. Izumo rolled her eyes and Shiemi giggled at the interaction.

"We don't know if it's rigged or how bad it might end up if it is. Gotta be prepared." Bon told his childhood friend.

"Yeah, but Rin could literally obliterate every living thing in this building if he wanted to." Shima reminded them.

"It's under surveillance and they had me seal most of his powers aside from what he used to have before he was reborn. If he can pass the test with even just those powers, then he's worthy of being the Order's weapon." Mephisto's explained patiently. Shima nodded in understanding.

When Bon pushed a piece of Rin's hair behind his ear and leaned in to kiss him, Shiemi saw that Rin had turned the four leaf clover she'd given him for Christmas into an earring. She smiled softly and watched the tender exchange between her two classmates.

"Now go be a badass and regret nothing." Bon sent him off and Rin laughed as he went through the doors. They closed behind him and it only took about three minutes of tense silence before Shima pulled out a board game. "Right, so who wants to play Clue? This one's brand new, Kinzou gave it to me for Christmas."

"Ooh, I wanna be Orchid!" Shiemi called.

"Plum!" Mephisto called, snatching up the dark purple piece.

"Green." Amaimon took his piece.

"Scarlett!" Shima grabbed the red piece.

"Peacock!" Konekomeru cried, grabbing the blue piece.

"Fuck you guys. Guess I'll be Mustard." Bon grumbled while everyone else snickered. Shura and Izumo watched them all try to guess who murdered Mr. Boddy for an hour before Shiemi finally won with her guess of Peacock with the wrench in the Hall.

"Damn, Peacock has no class. The wrench?" Shima joked.

"She's a gold digger, how much class could she possibly have?" Mephisto pointed out.

The next round had Bon and Shima switch with Shura and Izumo. This one took even longer because Mephisto kept disproving theories with the same few cards because the teens had deduced what the weapon was in the first couple rounds of guessing and he wanted a shot at winning.

"Stop being a prick and show a different card!" Bon complained. Mephisto cackled. "Too late~☆" He purred, moving his piece into place in the Study. "It was Scarlett with the Candlestick in the Study." He grinned triumphantly as the teens tried to find something, anything to disprove the man's accusation.

None of them could. It was hopeless. Mephisto pulled the cards out of the secret pocket and grinned, fanning the cards out for them all to see. Bon threw his cards down. Cries of defeat sounded.

Konekomeru silently flipped the board, prompting laughter from everyone. "Ah, you all seem to be enjoying yourselves." An annoyingly familiar voice sounded from the door to the waiting room. Arthur August Angel entered the room in his spotless white getup.

"What brings you here, Mr. Paladin?" Mephisto wondered, false politeness dripping from the words.

"To drag the demon's body out when it's over." The blonde grinned cockily and Amaimon snorted.

"Unless the test was rigged that badly, I am confident Rin Okumura will pass his Exam." Mephisto said idly.

"You never know. I don't know what demons they gave him, but I heard they definitely weren't going easy on the little monster." Angel shrugged.

"Well, you can get rid of the body bag I know you prepared, asshole." Rin called, stepping out of the Exam Room. He was pale and bloody and he looked exhausted, but he stood tall and unwavering, glaring at the Paladin.

"How did you–" Angel gasped. He watched Kuro walk out of the room behind the boy and hiss at him before darting over to Konekomeru for pets and treats.

"Do you wanna tell me why my instructors were all Special Ops Agents or are you gonna make me go straight to the Grigori? Because guess what, asshole?" Rin threw six ID cards at the man. "I passed with flying colors."

Angel shakily picked up the cards and looked down at them. They were splattered with blood and had Rin's bloody fingerprints on them too.

"What did you do to them?!" He demanded.

"I didn't kill them, if that's what you're asking, but four of them are never walking again and the other two have permanently lost the use of their hands." He admitted.

Mephisto, Amaimon, and Bon all wanted to run to him, to make sure none of the blood was his, to make sure he was really okay, but they couldn't! All because Angel was there. If Angel ever learned about them being together before he needed to, they'd all be executed.

"You monster!" Angel gritted out, shaking with rage.

"You rigged a test and tried to kill a sixteen-year-old boy who's done nothing wrong but be born and you're calling me a monster? Hey there, Kettle." Rin snapped back. "I just passed that test easy-peasy with barely any powers. Imagine how much I can help you on the battlefield! I'm gonna defeat Satan and you're gonna watch me and realize exactly how wrong you've been!" Rin told him determinedly.

"We'll see about that. Mephisto, give the results to the Grigori!" Angel swept dramatically out of the room–presumably to call Doctors to care for the wounded.

"Yes, Mr. Prick." Mephisto grumbled pettily under his breath. He ventured into the Exam Room and ignored all the bodies, blood, and demon guts. He took the footage out of the camera that had recorded the whole thing and left the room.

"I hope this will teach them not to take you and your power for granted. They need to know who they're dealing with." Bon commented. He could see the bloodstains in the room from where he was sitting.

"So do you wanna tell what happened or do you want to leave it a mystery?" Shima wondered. Rin shrugged. "Eh, I'll leave it up your imaginations. I will tell you, I tried to get them to lay off. Several times, actually. They kept coming, so I fought back to keep from being minced meat." Rin decided. "Can you imagine how hard it is displaying your skills as a Knight, Tamer, and Dragoon while also trying not to accidentally kill one of the Special Ops Exorcists hounding you in a room that's smaller than a Cram School classroom? With several demons chasing you?!"

"I can and I won't, because that's a lot of blood. How much of that is yours?" Bon asked knowingly. Rin gave an awkward grin and looked down at the Exorcist uniform he'd been provided with for the test.  He counted the gashes and bullet wounds in the uniform before looking back up at Bon.

"Probably too much." He answered honestly. The bigger teen shook his head and sighed.

"Uh, all the bullets went straight through, so that's good. I'd be in trouble if they didn't." Rin admitted sheepishly.

"Ugh, let's get you changed and then you can switch in for Ryuji. We just started a new round of Clue." Mephisto shook his head dismay. 

"And we'll get you ready for the Exam." He snapped Rin clean and into comfier clothes, bandages wrapping his wounds to keep blood from sleeping into his clean clothes(T-shirt, short shorts, flannel, and converse) and Bon into an Exorcist uniform, complete with his guns, ammo, and rosary beads.

It took fifteen minutes for the mess in the Exam Room to be cleaned up and a new video to be started for Bon.

"Don't fuck up." Amaimon told him seriously, to which the boy snorted. "Thanks."

"You're good at keeping a cool head, but try not to overthink it, alright Firefly?" Mephisto tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear fondly(Bon had been growing his hair out and by now it was long enough for him to put most of it in a short ponytail with his bangs hanging loose).

"You're too good not to ace it, so get used to wearing that uniform, Babe." Rin placed a short but sweet kiss on his boyfriend's lips and smiled brightly, having no doubt that Bon would pass the Exam. Bon felt a lot better about his test after the encouragement and nodded, biting back a grin as he turned and entered the Exam Room.


It took all day, lots of snacks, several changes of clothes and bandaging after tests, and many games, but finally, everyone was done with their Exams.

"I'm sure you all did wonderful! Off to bed now, your results should be ready in a day. Rin's might take longer because our leadership is petty, but if he doesn't pass, there'll be hell to pay, so that's on them. Goodnight!" Mephisto announced. He snapped Rin, Bon, Amaimon, Shiemi, and himself to the Manor. The girl had asked if it was okay to start living with them at the Manor some days and they gladly welcomed her.

Mephisto was glad for an excuse to upgrade his bed to one that could fit a group of people comfortably and they all arranged themselves on the huge matress. Rin was in the middle, Bon was on his right, Amaimon was spooning Bon, Shiemi was to Rin's left, with Mephisto spooning her. Rin faced Bon and tucked himself into the older teen's chest, so Shiemi was spooning him from behind.

It was easy for Rin to fall asleep. He was bone tired from his test and he was also surrounded by the people he loved the most.

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