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Two important things happened over the weekend after the Exorcist Qualification Exam: Rin's horns sprouted, and then while he was suffering through the splitting migraine it gave him, his results came back from the Exam.

Mephisto waited until the horns were fully sprouted and the pain subsided some to tell him. He actually told Rin as he was leading the teen to his Master Bath to wash the blood off of him, along with the sweat.

"Your results came in, Dearest. I believed you would like to open them with your friends, so I took the liberty of inviting them for a semi-formal dinner party at 7." Mephisto mentioned casually.

"Great." Rin was currently too exhausted to be super excited and Mephisto seemed to understand that. Hopefully washing up would revive him somewhat. Or Mephisto could do that himself.

He turned on the bathwater and got it to the right temperature and while the tub was filling up, he turned the shower on and switched the setting to gentle cleanse. Rin would be very sensitive so soon after his horns grew in completely.

He ran warm water over the blood and sweat from the several hours of being in pain and writhing in the sheets of his bed while keratin pushed through his forehead and new nerves grew to extend inside said keratin. Rin's horns were a glossy black now, but while they grew in, they'd been glowing the same blue as his flames.

The horns grew out from his forehead just behind his hair line and curved back, over his head. They seemed like a more defensive asset than offensive and that suited Rin quite well. They would protect Rin's head if anything or anyone landed a blow there, though it would hurt with the nerves in the horns.

Mephisto gently washed away all the filth, lightly scrubbing with a loufa instead of a washcloth. Rin would be very sensitive. Mephisto could already see his reaction just looking at Rin's tail. It waved around and paused a lot, conflicted as Rin fought to sit still. He couldn't, he ended up squirming on his stool and Mephisto chuckled. "It's alright, Dearest. We have plenty of time before dinner. You should relax now. Let me take care of you." The same words from that time during Rin's etiquette lessons months ago.

Mephisto slid his hands down the Nephilim's chest to between his legs and rubbed a finger along the slit there. He quite liked Rin's new anatomy. High-level demons like the Demon Kings could all chose what kind of body they wanted to have when in physical form.

Mephisto and Amaimon both chose external genitalia mostly because they both had manners and could actually keep it in their pants and they both liked to do risky things in risky places sometimes. But Rin had chosen to have internal genitalia, which made coaxing him into full arousal even more fun.

Rin whimpered and grabbed the Time Lord's wrist-not stopping the movements of his hand, just holding it to ground himself. Mephisto purred and kissed Rin's neck lightly, adding more force to his rubbing. He could feel Rin's body getting hotter and the teen squirmed more in his seat.

"Mephi~!" Rin keened quietly. The Demon King grinned against his neck and sunk a finger in to the third knuckle. Rin gave a surprised cry, arching at the intrusion. Inside, he was slick and hot and soft. Mephisto rubbed Rin's walls with the pad of his finger and the boy squirmed in place. This was a new experience to him.

The Demon King slowly added two more fingers until he coaxed Rin's dick out and stroked it with his tail. He kept thrusting his fingers into the slit, holding on to the barely coherent Rin. Pleasant shockwaves of pleasure were trying his oversensitized body.

Mephisto moved one hand to thumb the base of one of Rin's horns and the boy trembled in his arms. It sent shocks of pleasure-pain cascading down his spine and he arched his body as Mephisto bit down on his neck and licked the blood from the fang sounds.

"Can I, dearest?" He wondered. Rin nodded. Mephisto shuddered as he laved his tongue over the end of his own tail.

He moved them to the bath and had Rin lay his head on his arms at the edge as he pushed into Rin's soft heat. The boy was already jelly, so he was relaxed and easier to penetrate than usual. He prepared Rin with his tail, taking his time to really stretch him out before stilling Rin's hips and pushing in alongside his tail. Rin had a penchant for double penetration and his lovers were happy to give it to him.

The Time Lord didn't force a rough rythm, going at a moderate pace. He snapped and Rin wondered what he was doing, but them something slick was pushed slowly into his urethra under the water.

Rin arched, writhing against Mephisto, who had one arm around the teen's waist to hold him against his body and the other thrust the sounding rod in and out of his dick. He wrapped his own tail around his dick and then he was being stroked both inside and out. Rin wished he had someone to fuck his mouth, but he took what he could get. Rin knew his oral fixation was gonna become a bigger problem if he didn't do something to control it. Maybe he'd start sucking on lollipops like Amaimon did.

Mephisto shifted his angle and hit Rin's prostate dead on, sending stars scattering through his vision and a shudder through his body at how good it felt. Mephisto pushed the rod deeper into Rin's dick at the same place, hitting his prostate from both sides.

Mephisto bit down on Rin's shoulder, renewing the healing bite mark, and thrust as deep as he could into Rin, cumming inside.

Rin came hard a second after, vision whiting out as his eyes rolled to the back of his head at the waves of raw pleasure assaulting his already tired senses. He rocked his hips into Mephisto's hand and up into the coils of his tail a few more times before collapsing against the man.

"That was intense...." He breathed, letting the Time Lord hold him up so he didn't drown in the bathwater.

Mephisto chuckled. "You needed it. You would've been tense at dinner if you didn't have any release beforehand after your horns grew in so slowly and painfully." He pulled out and Rin shuddered, clenching to keep the warm cum inside him. Mephisto chuckled and set Rin on the tile outside the tub. He leaned forward and pushed his tongue into Rin, scooping out his own cum and swallowing it down.

He flipped Rin over and took him to the door, just like the first time he'd ever blown Rin.

This time, Rin was so sensitive that he fell backwards when Mephisto tugged on his piercings and with Mephisto's throat vibrating and constructing a round him every time the man moaned or swallowed, he didn't take long to cum one more time.

Mephisto pulled off. "Better?"

Rin nodded. "Thank you. Now we should actually get clean." Rin suggested with a grin.

Mephisto laughed and agreed, sliding them back into the bath. It was difficult, to say the least, to wash Rin's hair with his horns in the way.

"I'll have to teach you how to glamour these soon." The Time Lord muttered in irritation. Rin snickered.

They finished cleaning up and Rin promised to let Mephisto dress him for the dinner party.


When Rin sat down at the long table, his friends were already there. They were all dressed nicely and talking leisurely.

Bon wore a dark brown turtle-neck, a navy-blue blazer, blue jeans, and black shoes. Shima was in a black shirt, a light grey blazer, white pants, and black shoes. Koneko had on a grey turtle-neck sweater, a white-grey blazer, olive green pants, and green shoes. They all looked nice and comfy.

The girls were in somewhat fancier clothes. Rin wondered if Izumo's outfit was gifted by Mephisto like Shiemi's clearly was. Mephisto did love to play dress up on pretty people.

Izumo wore a matching cropped top and short skirt that were both black with light-colored floral designs, champagne-colored pearl jewelry, and nude heels. Her hair was up in a sophisticated bun, not a hair out of place. It suited her very well.

Shiemi was in something Rin knew was Mephisto's doing since it matched his own outfit-a pale blue dress that hugged her curves and had a low neckline, silver heels, and silver jewelry. Her hair was up in a curly ponytail, bangs loose and curled to frame her face perfectly. She looked like dessert and Rin really wished she could be.

Rin himself was in a plain white long-sleeved dress, a pale blue fur coat, pale blue thigh-high heeled boots, and silver jewelry. His bangs were pulled into a ponytail at the back of his head to keep them out of the way. Mephisto hadn't bothered with anything fancy since the horns were in the way.

Rin sat down in his chair next to Bon and across from Amaimon. Mephisto sat at the head the table and called their attention.

"Hello ExWires, and welcome! I figured it would be easier to just tell you all your results at the same time, given that you all got the same results." Oh, that was mean! If he said one person failed, they all did!

They all leaned forward, trying and failing to hide their nervousness on the subject. "Would you rather eat first or eat after the results?" The Headmaster asked politely. The looks the teenagers gave him were full of daggers and promised pain if he didn't tell them their results first. He chuckled.

"Very well, then. All I can say is.....Rin passed, good work." He laughed as they all released heavy breathes of relief and collapse onto the table.

"Ha! Suck it, Angel!" Rin cheered.

"Congratulations everyone!" Shiemi beamed. Amaimon have a hum of acknowledgement.

"And now on with dinner." Mephisto clapped twice and Belial wheeled out a cart with several gleaming silver trays of food.

"Wait, what are our ranks?" Bon wondered.

"Ah, yes. Let's see here...." The Time Lord snapped, a paper appearing in his hands.

"Rin, Upper Second Class. Ryuji, Middle First Class. Kamiki, Middle Second Class. Shima, Middle Second Class. Miwa, Middle First Class. You all did very well and you can always improve. Rin only got that high a rank due to his impressive avoidance skills between running from Exorcists and Demons alike attempting his life. The Arc Knights were impressed." He grinned at the boy. Rin beamed, glowing a faint pink.

"Ryuji, you did spectacular keeping your concentration while you formulated a plan and kept the demons distracted while you did so. Your ability for multitasking is something to envy." Bon's cheeks flushed and he looked down at his plate, smiling to himself as a small fire caught in his hair.

"Kamiki, your familiars are very powerful and you assert the force needed to bend them to your will. Your knowledge of several attacks, defenses, and rituals is extensive. As you get stronger, you will be able to summon more than just two byakko and hold them there for a long time and I look forward to that." Izumo's cheeks burned and she hid her face in her hands.

"Shima, though you are very humble with your k'rik, using your familiar makes you pass out for a good while and that drags you down. If you worked on strengthening your body and your connection to Yamantaka, you could ride high in the ranks for controlling such a powerful familiar. I hope to see that happen in the near future." Shima nodded in understanding.

"And last, but not least, Miwa, though you only obtained one Meister of Aria, your recitation skills are impressive and so are your strategy and analysis skills. For that, you were given a higher rank than most who took your test would have. Good work." Konekomeru smiled widely, ears burning.

"And now, we eat!" They all dug into the dinner-a feast of American foods usually eaten around Holiday time. Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, Sweet potato casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs(ha), and homemade noodles. They were trying to find foreign foods to have fir the dinner and Rin decided he wanted to do an American style Thanksgiving/Christmas-esque meal. He'd helped with the Sweet Potato Casserole and Desserts, too.

They all talked about how things were going. Rin laughed at his friends' anguish when they groaned about tests and homework from regular school, Shiemi chided him or being mean, Mephisto and Amaimon enjoyed the entertainment.

Shima complained about how he still had no girlfriend and they all teased him about his pervy ways, Konekomeru gloated that he was still dating the chess club president he'd gone to the Festival with and Bon rubbed it in that he had three boyfriends.

Izumo huffed and rolled her eyes. "I already have you losers to disappoint me, I don't need anyone else to do it too." Shima whined about how cold that was while everyone else laughed.

Then they got onto the topic of the gorgeous ring Rin was wearing and Rin told them about the day Amaimon proposed to him in Russia and the girls swooned, Shima gaped, and Konekomeru quietly congratulated them. He seemed to have gotten over his fear of both Amaimon and Mephisto after seeing Rin perfectly fine with them and even in love with them. He trusted Rin. That brought a warm feeling to Rin's heart.

Dessert was brought put and Rin explained what it all was to his clueless friends.

Figgy pudding: not actually a pudding, more like a cake, has a high amount of alcohol and exactly thirteen ingredients.

Fruit Cake: Cakes with dried or candied fruits and nuts inside.

Pecan pie: Custard pie topped with pecans.

Pumpkin pie: Pie made with pumpkin, cinnamon, and brown sugar.

Brownies: a chocolate confection that can be more like fudge or more like cake depending on your preferences.

"Where have these been all my life?!" Shima moaned in delight as he ate his second brownie. "In America, probably with all the college girls that have rejected you before." Konekomeru answered, enjoying a slice of Pumpkin Pie.

Izumo had to stop eating so she could laugh. Shiemi had to hold a hand over her mouth so she didn't spit her dessert out while she laughed and tried to swallow at the same time. Rin swallowed his mouthful of Figgy Pudding and wheezed, leaning his head in his hand as his shoulders shook. Bon was snickering over his slice of Pecan Pie. Mephisto and Amaimon were simply enjoying the show.

After another hour, of socializing, they all separated to go home and sleep. Shiemi stayed at the Manor and they stayed up watching The Grinch. Rin, Bon, and Shiemi all fell asleep halfway through and Amaimon fell asleep near the end. Mephisto smiled fondly at them and snapped, making blankets and pillows appear for more comfort and he laid down next to Amaimon and went to sleep himself.

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