Living Together

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Mephisto was approved by the Order to be Rin's new guard on account of Yukio's busy schedule as a student in advanced classes, a teacher, and an exorcist. Yukio was placed in the Boy's Dorms with the regular students and the other guys got along with him pretty well. Rin wondered if he'd treat them like shit or if he'd actually let some get close, maybe even date one.....

Yukio showed no interest in girls other than blushing madly when Shiemi mentioned things about him–but the Shiemi thing was because she'd just blurt out whatever she thought no matter how embarrassing it was and it always gave the younger twin second- hand embarrassment for her. Yukio was gay and Rin was the only one that knew.

He wondered if Yukio had liked being away from the other boys because he could live with no distractions. Rin snickered at the thought of him pining after his roommate and regretting leaving the Old Boy's Dorm where he could concentrate on his work.

Rin would've had more trouble than his brother on that front if people had ever actually liked him or let him get close. Rin was Pan–he liked everybody. Boys, girls, trans people, and apparently demons fit in there too. As long as they cared about him, he would be happy. Rin always had lots of love to give, but no one had ever wanted it until his friends, but even they had only wanted a small amount. He could've given them so much more, but they were too concentrated on their own things.

Now, Rin had the attention of two demon Kings and was slowly getting them to really fall for him. He knew they'd done terrible things in the past. But so had he. He used to fight in the streets all the time. Being immortal gave someone time to do just about everything, switching from good, to evil, to neutral and the cycle kept going. Maybe if the two Demon Kings fell for him, they would be neutral with him in this war. Maybe they would stay.

For now, Rin was fine with just living with them. He didn't want his own room, so he lived in Amaimon's room. Amaimon helped him put all his belongings away in the extra dresser that the Earth King had summoned. There honestly wasn't much though.....

Mephisto had frowned at the lack of belongings and especially the lack of clothes excluding his school uniform. "Where did you even get these clothes?" He wondered, looking like he'd rather not know the answer. Rin blushed and looked away. He mumbled something that the demon Kings couldn't understand and they asked him to repeat it.

"We were a poor Monastery, where do you think I got my clothes?! Donations, you rich assholes!" He snapped.

They backed away quickly. Rin's childhood was just overall unpleasant and they kept judging him for it!

"Oh, Dearest, we're not judging you. I just hoped Shiro would've taken better care of you than he did. He could've bought you your own clothes and toiletries he could've bought you plenty of toys and books to read. Frankly, he could've supported you way better at least financially of he was going to treat you see terribly." Mephisto amended with a frown. Rin sighed.

"No one ever said hiding the son of Satan would be a lavish life." Rin grumbled, putting his few folded shirts in a drawer neatly, that rare glimpse of bitterness rising from the depths where he usually pushed it deep down inside.

"Darling, you didn't need lavish, you needed a home that supported you. The monastery gave you nothing you needed." Mephisto tried again.

"Yeah, that happens. Letting a man that was raised as a living weapon and had no good example of parenting raise twins with one being the literal Antichrist wouldn't end well no matter how the man decided to live." Rin gave a bitter smile.

"Ah, well–wait, how do you know his background?!" Mephisto demanded.

"I saw the files. Making the password something that cryptic works for most people, but not for me." Rin smirked.

"Ohhhh, whenever you sat in my lap at my desk, is that what you were doing?" Mephisto was a little hurt that Rin used him like that, but all was fair to anyone who could sneak past the Trickster. It was an impressive feat.

"I didn't actually realize I had that advantage until recently. You're the perfect height for me to tuck myself against you with you still able to see your screen when you're using the laptop at your desk." Rin shrugged. "The password was a bonus that I gladly took. Blackmail is a great thing to have. If Yukio ever wants to start shit again, I can just bring up the absolute clusterfuck that was Mission Solano." Rin shrugged nonchalantly.

Mephisto threw his head back and laughed gleefully at the proclamation. Amaimon pulled Rin into his lap on the edge of the bed and Rin tried to fend off the kisses he peppered all over the half-demon's face and neck.

"You're much more fun than I thought, Dearest." Mephisto snickered, leaning in to deliver his own kisses to the other side of Rin's face.

"I used to skip school and do whatever I wanted until they threatened expulsion and I had to pass or Shiro would be disappointed. I really didn't care by that point, but Yukio did, so I managed to pass middle school and just took the bullying and asshole teachers for the rest of the school years." Rin recalled.

"I've faked strep a few times before just so I didn't have to talk in classes and the teachers called on someone else for once. I never raise my hand, but that doesn't top them from calling on me. But the second I say something about being sick, I'm completely ignored or sent to the nurse. It's nice being ignored in regular life when every Exorcist and their familiar knows every little thing about me." Rin admitted. He folded the rest of his clothes and put them away.

"How about we burn all of those and I'll buy you a new wardrobe?" Mephisto offered, cringing at the dresser like it had personally offended him.

"You'd do that?" Rin pulled back to look at him with wide eyes.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" Now he really did sound offended. Rin was about to retort, but Amaimon beat him to it.

"You served Cup Ramen at a 'formal dinner' and gave Rin's class Monja for passing an exam."

"Ah, so he told you about that?" Mephisto muttered, before shaking his head. "That's not the point! You are perfect, Dearest. I'll buy you whatever you want because I know you won't waste it or take advantage of my money in a way I wouldn't approve of." Mephisto purred, leaning back in to pepper more kisses on Rin's face.

Rin turned his head to get a real kiss from the man and he sighed contentedly into the kiss, shoulders slumping as the tension left him.

"Okay. We can burn these. I'm way past being tired of them by now." He smiled and the two Demon Kings crowded him against the bed to drown him in kisses and cuddles.

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