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Mephisto could've chosen almost any host he wanted bc of his time powers and yet, he chose to be a pretty twink. Therefore, his tail is pretty too.


Rin had never liked fighting in the streets, but he definitely enjoyed training with Bon. Bon was a fast learner and picked things up easy. He could go back and forth with Rin pretty decently even after just the first week.

By the end of the first month, he knew how he should throw his weight around and how to properly put power behind a punch without throwing off his own balance.

"Hey, what happened to your apprenticeship with Lightning?" Rin wondered. "If you don't mind me asking, of course!" He added hastily. "Don't treat me like a stranger, you can be as nosy as you want." Bon told him, grinning as he blocked Rin's swipe and caught his right hook. Sure, Rin was going easy on him, but it was still so satisfying to let Bon hold him down. Rin had never liked being manhandled before he met Bon.

"He was getting into some super shady shit that I decided I didn't wanna know about or be a part of, so I quit. I've got so much freetime now that I don't know what to do with myself, so I figured I should touch up on physical close combat. And probably get back to being your friend instead of blowing you off to go be Lightning's underling." Bon explained. Rin's heart warmed and he beamed at Bon.

"There's that smile." The older teen said fondly, returning the smile. "Come on, stop going easy on me! Beat me up already!" He challenged. Rin laughed. "Your puny little human bones can't take my hits if I don't hold back, Rooster!" He reminded the boy. "Oh, I'll show you puny human bones!" Bon tackled him to the ground and Rin was too busy laughing to really put up much of a fight.

The bigger teen pinned him to the ground with little to no struggle, laughing along with him. They ended up with Rin laying flat on the ground, Bon on top of him with his face tucked into the crook of Rin's neck. Rin's tail was wrapped around Bon's thigh. It was comfortable and Rin shamelessly basked in the moment before it passed.

Amaimon was right in that Bon might not take well to him and Mephisto also being Rin's lovers. Rin had hope that Bon would be more open to it though. Bon wasn't the kind of guy that just gave up on things he believed in. If he really cared about Rin, he'd either let him go if he couldn't get over Mephisto and Amaimon or he'd learn to live with it and be a part of them.

"You're really warm, you know?" Bon said, the words muffled against Rin's skin. He felt the stubble scrape his neck and shivered, trying not to be too obvious. He thought it might take longer to be such good friends with Bon again, but it felt like they could just pick up right where they left off.

But this time, it felt supercharged with unsaid feelings and potential relationships.

"I'm cold blooded, so my body temp is higher than most because it's constantly trying to keep me at a suitable temperature for whatever environment I'm in. It's like a modified form of Homeostasis." Rin explained. Bon pulled back.

"Woah, really?! Where does the heat come from?" He wondered.

"I steal heat from the climate I'm in. If it's a hot climate, I can take in a lot of heat and store it for later when I'm in a colder environment. And if I get too hot, it pretty much just seeps out into the air around me and makes it hot." He said honestly.

Bon got the context of the last part, Rin could tell by the smirk he had on his face. "I bet that's useful. If you hold it in when it gets too hot, do you overheat?" He asked.

"Depends on how long I hold it in. If I keep it for around a week, it'll just end in me quite literally exploding in blue flames." He recalled the time with Mephisto and blushed.

"That's hot." Bon grinned down at him.

"Well yeah, it's fire." Rin snorted, knowing full well that wasn't what the teen had meant.

"Oh, fuck you." Bon snickered with little heat behind it.

Before Rin could respond, Bon was leaning down and kissing him. He relaxed under the bigger teen and kissed back. This might be the only kiss he'd get from the boy depending on his reaction to Mephisto and Amaimon. The kiss was hot and passionate and Bon seemed like he'd been waiting a long time to do this because he was kissing Rin impatiently too.

They separated for breath, panting into the air between them that was rapidly heating due to Rin's pending excitement. "Wow, you really do release heat like a furnace. And is that a tongue piercing?" Bon pointed out with a grin. Rin chuckled and nodded.

"Hot damn." The bigger teen muttered. Before he could tell Bon about his two lovers before the boy kissed him again and drew him in with that pull he had, Bon started talking.

"I know about the Headmaster and Amaimon." He blurted out, almost sending embarrassed by the way he did so. Rin blanched.

"You do?!" Bon forced him back down onto the floor by his wrists.

"No! Just listen, don't freak out." He pleaded. Rin reluctantly settled back down.

"Your brother moved into the room next to ours and we've been studying for advanced classes together. He needed someone to rant to and I'm a good listener and decided to be nice despite him being an asshole to you this whole year and he told me about the thing between you guys and then you, The Headmaster, and Amaimon. At first I didn't know what to think of it and felt kinda of betrayed, but I didn't really have any right to be. So I figured I'd at least kiss you once before getting the explanation and then going back to just being your friend." The teen explained nervously.

"Okay, I'm gonna start off with the fact that I'm not related to any of the Demon Kings and they're not related to Satan. They're all Egos that formed because they were believed in by humans. But, because the ideas of them in religions and legends believed they were Satan's children, that's how humans perceive them. The Demon Kings thought it was funny and it gave them more attention being associated with Satan, so they keep up the ruse that they're all related. They're not. Me and Yukio are the only children of Satan and I'm the only one that's acknowledged as so. So that's settled and already makes things a lot less uncomfortable." Rin began. Bon was smart, he trusted him to understand.

He could practically see the gears working in the teen's mind as he processed the chunk of important information Rin had just given him. After a minute or two, he nodded. "Well, that makes it a lot less weird, so I guess that's good." Bon muttered and Rin laughed.

"Second, I was actually talking to them a few days ago over dinner about loving multiple people." He started. "I thought they might be really possessive and shut the idea down immediately." He admitted. He could see hope coming to Bon's expression as he waited carefully for Rin to go on. "Did they?" He finally asked. "No." Rin whispered with a smile.

That was all it took and Bon was leaning back down to initiate another kiss with the half-demon. This one was filled with a lot of emotion-hope, fear, passion, happiness. Rin wrapped his arms around the boy's neck and his legs around his waist, clinging onto him. Every time they separated, they just kept coming back to each other until they had no breath left to spare.

"You don't mind them being who they are?" Rin questioned breathlessly. Bon was was placing kisses all over his face, his jaw, his neck, and coming back up occasionally to leave pecks on his lips too. "It's lot less uncomfortable now that I know none of you guys are related. And if you trust them, I can too, because I know it's hard for you to trust people." He said honestly, biting down on a love bite that Amaimon left on Rin's neck the night before. Rin let out a faint moan and Bon moved up to leave a mark of his own on the underside of Rin's jaw.

"I can think about it more later and possibly freak out over it, but for you? I wouldn't let go for anything in the world. I'll take all the demonic boyfriends and Psycho Sperm Donors I have to." He murmured. Rin purred approvingly. A more primal part of him was telling him that this one was good mate material and he couldn't help but agree.

"I had a crush on you from the beginning. I thought you were really cool and I admired that you were super smart and could still be such a dick. I liked arguing with you. When did you realize you wanted me like that?" Rin asked curiously, tangling his hands in the thick curls above the undercut. "When I was Lightning's apprentice." Bon admitted, embarrassed.

"I missed my friends, but I missed you more. As annoying as you were while we studied, I liked explaining things to you. And the times your brother wasn't at the dorm and you didn't wanna be alone, so you'd ask me to come over and while I practiced memorizing Holy Scriptures and mantras, you'd fall asleep listening to me. I asked you why when you were half-asleep one time and you said you liked my voice. And how you used to sit practically up against me at Ponchan for lunch on weekends. You looked past my asshole exterior and still wanted to be my friend. It was nice. And it also taught me not to assume things...." Rin cut him off with another kiss, this one slow and gentle and warm.

"Do you wanna come to dinner this weekend?" Rin offered when they separated. "Sounds like a plan." Bon breathed. They kept exchanging kisses while they talked. "Be prepared, Mephisto will probably finesse the fuck outta you and Amaimon is really blunt. His expression rarely ever changes, but you can tell what he feels by the way he talks. They've both got their own kinds of charm." Rin warned him. "I'd never think otherwise." Bon snorted.

They stayed there on the floor to make out for a while and then figured they should probably go somewhere else before a teacher or other Exorcist walked in to train and found the heir of the Myou Dharani and the son of Satan together in a very compromising position.


"Oh, it's the Punk/Rock reject." Amaimon said, referencing to a conversation Rin, Mephisto, and Amaimon once had. "Okay that's rude, first of all." Bon started. Rin snickered behind him, covering his mouth with the hand that wasn't holding Bon's. "But I'll take it compared to getting the life choked out of me like the last time I saw you." He finished. Amaimon let an uncharacteristically wide grin slide onto his face as he got up from the couch he'd been lounging on reading a manga. He stalked over to them, almost like a predator, somehow threatening even though he was shorter than both of them.

"I could barely fit my hand around your throat, you know." He purred, placing the same clawed hand at the base of said throat, as if he was reminiscing. Bon raised an eyebrow and squeezed Rin's hand, but didn't seem intimidated in the slightest. "You've obviously faced things you're more scared of than me by now. You don't cower so easily. Although you didn't even when we first met. Good." Amaimon leaned up and when Bon didn't move away, he kissed him ferociously.

Bon grabbed Amaimon's hips and pulled him up against his body as the two made out heatedly. Rin melded himself to Bon's back. His tail wrapped around the bigger teen's forearm. Amaimon's own tail coiled around Rin's and the half-demon moaned, leaving kisses along Bon's neck and jaw from behind. He took a page from Amaimon's book and tugged at the piercings in Bon's ears with a fang.

Bon groaned into the hungry kiss with Amaimon and reached up to stroke the two tails twined around each other and his arm. Both of them gave loud cries at the touch. Bon chuckled and kept caressing the sensitive appendages. At some point, Amaimon's knees buckled and he fell against Bon.

The same happened to Rin a moment later, but before Bon could turn around to catch him, a familiar poof was heard and Mephisto caught the weakened half-demon. "Ah, it seems I've come at just the right moment." The Demon King quipped with a satisfied grin. "Bastard, you planned that." Rin muttered, blush settled heavily on his cheeks as Bon ran his blunt nails along the two tails-one with sleek, short fur and the other with smooth scales. "You've not been here for five minutes and Amaimon's already pounced on you. My apologies, Ryuji Suguro." The Time Lord sighed dramatically, ignoring the accusation completely.

"Ain't nothin to be sorry for. This is the most fun I've had since the last mission I had with Rin. And that was before Lightning came here." Bon told him, smirking as Amaimon and Rin both moaned at his ministrations on their tails. "Hm. Seems Amaimon took to you well. Even after calling you a punk/rock reject." Mephisto noticed.

Bon didn't get a chance to respond because then Amaimon was tugging on his piercings and pulling his head back by his hair to leave harsh bites on his neck. Bon let out a deep moan and the Earth King purred. Mephisto chuckled and pulled Rin away, against him. "Let's leave those two to get acquainted, yes?" He decided with a knowing grin.

"Don't break anything!" He called to the two before snapping himself and Rin out of there. The half-demon was almost comatose. "Ha, you're not used to sending the pheromones when demons start getting wild. I'll take care of you for now, Dearest. It's best to let them get to know each other in a way they both understand." He told Rin, who was slowly coming to.

Rin vaguely realized they'd been snapped to Mephisto's bedroom, but he didn't particularly care at the moment. He mouthed at the Demon King's neck, trying to find the spot he was looking for. There was a certain spot he loved biting. He hadn't noticed it much before, but now when he licked over it and nibbled on it, that particular spot always smelled the most like Mephisto– Cherry Lollipops and expensive Perfume. The more they got intimate, the more pheromones were produced. They tasted sweet, but not overly so like Rin expected.

"How come I didn't notice them before?" He mumbled, stopping oy for a moment to get the words out before he was back to purring and licking over that one spot. Mephisto chuckled. "The more you accept yourself and welcome your demonic traits, the more you notice them because you're finally in tune with your needs and desires. Your body is adapting how it's supposed to now that you've accepted it fully and let it do what it needs to." The demon explained easily, snapping away the boy's clothes.

Rin purred and ground himself against the smooth material of the man's suit, tail wrapped around the demon's arm and tongue laving over the place the pheromones practically poured from. The scent filled the room and Rin vaguely caught another scent along with Mephisto's–Spiced Peaches, a fruity, syrupy scent mixed with things like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and brown sugar. Rin figured that was his own scent. If that was what Mephisto and Amaimon smelled whenever they started getting frisky, no wonder they jumped his bones. Rin would too.

"Ah, yes, you've recognized your own scent now. Another thing that makes you so irresistible to us." Mephisto breathed in his ear, nipping the point. He picked Rin up and threw him onto the bed with no struggle.

He took his gloves off next and got on all fours over the half-demon. Rin shivered at the kisses and bites on his collarbone and neck and gave a whimper when an earring was tugged on. The Time Lord moved down and wrapped his lips around a nipple, sucking and biting down on it lightly. Rin arched into the feeling. "Not there~!" He cried, writhing at the bolts of pleasure from his nipples. He wasn't used them being toyed with so much. Mephisto pulled back. "Your body is not saying the same thing your mouth is, Dearest." He grinned like the Cheschire cat before going back to teasing the nipple.

Rin wasn't used to having his nipples toyed with to this extent and they seemed to be incredibly sensitive, much to Mephisto's delight. Rin arched off the bed more and his tail swayed in the air, not knowing what it wanted to do. Mephisto's tail decided for it, twining around the long appendage.

Rin's tail had a tuft of wild fur at the end of it that everyone thought was cute. Mephisto's tail was thicker than Rin's and covered in short, dark purple fur down to the tip, which fanned out and looked like a peacock feather, vibrant colors shimmering in the light.

Said tail writhed around Rin's hypnotically and Rin's body went completely lax. As Mephisto switched to his other nipple, he straddled Rin's hips and rutted his own hips against the half-demon's, sending electric pulses through both of their bodies as they moaned at the contact. Mephisto guided their tails to wrap around their dicks together and stroke them all together.

Rin was sure that was the fastest either of them had ever cum. The tails writhing against each other and rubbing against their dicks, stroking them too. Rin's piercings were tugged on by the fur at the end of his own tail and he couldn't take it anymore, cumming with a shout, arching up against the Demon King. Mephisto arched as he came, throwing his head back and releasing a cry to the empty room around them as he came not even a second after Rin, shockwaves of pleasure rushing through them and making them both shudder violently.

When Mephisto tried to uncoil their tails from around their dicks and each other, they just ended up cumming again and collapsing against each other before he managed the feat, also untangling their tails carefully.

"Shit~" Rin breathed, still panting. Mephisto chuckled and rolled to the side. He snapped and they were both clean. They didn't bother putting clothes back on or even getting under the covers. They just laid there, boneless and satisfied. They talked about what Bon and Amaimon might be doing at the moment.

"Amaimon tops me, but he's definitely bottoming to Bon. I don't think anyone can top Bon." Rin said. "I think you could, if you wanted to." Mephisto decided. "There's also the aspect of who would willingly bottom to whom. I think Ryuji would bottom to you if you asked. He really likes you."

Rin's cheeks burned. He didn't know if he'd ever fuck Bon, but the Time Lord was probably right regarding the fact that Bon might let him if he wanted to.

At that moment, Amaimon and Bon were snapped into the room by the Earth King and they flopped on the bed on either side of the pair already in it. Bon spooned Rin and Amaimon spooned Mephisto.

"I figured you'd be in here." Amaimon murmured, getting comfy. "Hah, I guess you've worn him out!" Mephisto grinned at the new addition. Bon gave a satisfied smirk, obviously proud of himself, and Rin laughed. "Don't get too cocky, Rooster. Your head will be bigger than your hair used to be." Rin told him, tail fondly laying on the bigger teen's hip and curling over it. "Hey asshole? You liked that hair." Bon reminded him, attacking his neck with kisses.

Rin purred. He was really glad Bon didn't mind sharing him and being a part of their group. Rin was slowly filling the empty hole in his heart where his family should've been with people who loved him.

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