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“𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓵 𝓲𝓽 𝓭𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓲𝓽,

𝓓𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀.”

𝓓𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 -_--CyanIris--_- (Thank you so much!)

“Silver now!” Sam yelled and pushed me forward. I expected to stumble on the golden structure but I went through it. My muscles relaxed and I felt an overwhelming feeling of unconsciousness taking over me. It was a matter of seconds when I drifted off to sleep, a completely alien phenomenon.

“Hmm, not much different. You are Luna, just like her.” An unfamiliar voice muttered, making me jump. I rubbed my eyes to adjust the amount of light. I thought I had slept but right now I was in a beautiful valley filled with thousands and thousands of flowers of different shades. Sweet aroma entered my nostrils, I could almost taste the elating air. 

Suddenly a tap on my shoulders scared me. I turned to find a young man. His dirty blonde tresses framing his angular sun-kissed face. Plush lips delightedly rested below his pointy nose. I stared in his exquisite blue eyes. Somehow, the eyes were too familiar.

“Allow me, my dear.” He picked up my palm and kissed the back of it. I was too confused to blush.

“Umm, w-where am I...eh, sir?” He chuckled.

“My dear Luna, we are in the dreamworld. And I am Endymion.” He flashed his pearly white teeth to me. I gave him a small smile. 

“My name is Silver not Luna, sir.”

“Yes my dear, but you are no different than Luna.” I gave him a puzzled look.

“Luna is my daughter. Well she was my daughter, she’s no more now.”  

“I am sorry,” I bowed my face, staring at the lush green grass under my knee, framed by a few white wild flowers.

“You mustn’t be, we were the ones who cursed her after all.”

My head jerked upwards and my eyebrows knitted together. He gave a sad smile.

“You are here to know about yourself my love, aren’t you?” I processed for an answer and then Sam's words flashed in my mind 'You need to meet someone.' My lips formed a small pout and I nodded in affirmation.

“Then let me tell you, I am the spouse of Goddess Selene, if you’d know her, she-”

“The Goddess of the moon,” I gasped, “you are Endymion, t-the shepherd of Mount Latmos who was blessed by Zeus to be able to sleep wherever he desires and how long he desires-”

“Let’s not say it is a blessing angel. Now if I may?” I bit my tongue and nodded.

“So, since you know us. We had fifty daughters.”

“They are the months in the olympic calendar.”

He chuckled. And I bit my tongue again.

“That’s not it angel. We did not only have fifty daughters as minor divinities. Luna, as I said, was our first born. We were enjoying our time with that lovely child. She was just as you look. She had star white hair and deep midnight eyes. The scar as you have as well. You are just a mirror image, perhaps a reincarnation of Luna.

“Atropos came to this cave along with Eira, the head oracle on the tenth day of Luna’s birth. Her expressions were grim. We hadn’t informed anybody about Luna yet and so didn’t she. But they came to warn. Eira informed us about a prophecy. The prophecy was unexpected and we were heart broken. Atropos declined to say a world but she was there and that proved that it was not a matter to be ignored.”

His eyes were watered by now. I could guess that this was the first time he told anyone about all this. 

“Selene was shattered but duty came first. She cursed her daughter to live a peaceful life till the age of thirty-five and then embrace death. The entire pure blood lineage of her family was cursed as well. If you’d be creative then you would have known that you grandpa died at the age of thirty five and so did your father.” I processed his words. He was right. This would mean I am destined to die in seventeen years. I subconsciously gasped. He turned his face up, to meet mine. He pressed his lips in a tight smile and continued.

“Her powers were suppressed and so they never appeared in any generation. You however are an exception. You have powers which you are unaware about. You can’t sleep Silver, can you?” I shook my head in denial.

“Your body always stays cold.” I nodded again.

“Do you know who has these similarities?” I tilted my head.

“The moon.” My expressions went blank. I could not comprehend his words. Everything felt just like a dream. A dream. It's a dream. 

“I sent you this locket.” He pointed to the blue sapphire hanging around my neck.


“Yes, it will help you to bring out the powers suppressed inside you.” I stared at the blue stone and absentmindedly touched my fingers to its cold surface. My veins threatened to burst as a flow of electricity coursed through them. My hair which was left untied flowed in the air but I never divided my attention. I could see my vision getting blurred as if my eyes were being taken over by a white sheet. My body temperature lowered and lowered until I was as cold as ice. 

“Why me?” I whispered among the powerful aura.

“It has always been you Silver. You simply never knew.” 

Tears streamed down my cheeks without permission. Why me? How could it be me? My heart beat was rapid. The blue sky above us was darkening. The wild flowers near us shivered and withered. I felt a hand on my knee.

“You have the powers of the moon my child. The moon can be destructive many times. Control your panic. Compose yourself.”

“I can’t.” I cried out.

“You can angel. Breath and relax.” 

I took in two deep breaths and tried forgetting about all of it. I thought about Yuri, about life, peaceful flowers, old books. Suddenly the outburst of my power slowed down. It felt as if a rubber band which was extending around the entire area was recoiled back forcefully. The white sheet was removed and I saw the man clearly in front of me. He was smiling warmly at me. I wrapped my arms around him. His hands caressed my back while his chin rested on my head.

“You’re fine Silver, everything is. Everything will be, just believe, my angel, believe in yourself.”

As he muttered sweet things in my ear, exhaustion took over and I drifted into a dreamless sleep, again.

*Drum Rolls* Boom! There there, now we know who Silver is, now we know why were all the Gods behind her and simple why she could pick up Poseidon's trident.
Cause she is a freaking DEMI GODDESS!

(What's the big deal Tanya you made it obvious earlier) ITS A BIG DEAL FOR ME!

Most mysteries solved right here. Lilith is an Oracle and Silver is the moon. Fates brought them together for the prophecy of the lost moon.

Do you see now, who is Endymion. The mythology has a few complications about him but I choose him as a handsome Sheperd for whom Selene fell.
Though I had read about them earlier too, I was facinated by it from the poem 'A thing of beauty' by John keats.

"A thing of beauty
is a joy forever
its loveliness increses
but it will never
pass into nothingness."

Update...It has

You see the dedication above peeps, she reviewed my Luna and gave me 100/10 points🤭🤭. Thanks a bunch dear reviewer.

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