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"𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷, 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽"

𝓓𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸  AakritiPathak

Her eyes opened to the darkness of the cave. She was inside the hibernation pod and awake. She raised her body and stepped out. Sam had a long spear in his hands, his skin was sancthed with cuts and his own blood. Circe was sitting with her legs folded on a stone, staring in void. While the wolves were attacking Sam.

“Silver!” Sam yelled making Circe realise that she was back. Her gaze flickered to Silver and she grinned. Her right had done a throwing movement and a scream echoed in the forest. It did not even take two second for Circe to end him.

Silver’s eyes darted towards Sam, his chest was slashed with a dagger.

“S-il-v G-e-t o…” He struggled between words, reaching his hand out for her but before she could do anything, Circe shot another dagger and it pierced through his neck. Tears blurred her vision and her throat felt swollen. She jerked her head towards the witch, almost killing a muscle.

“How dare you!” Her voice collided with the walls of the cave and threatened each of the beasts present. The wolves backed away for a short second but soon regained their ferality. Circe reached out a hand for her, “He’s nothing before you dear. Come with me.” 

Her white hair began floating and the blue in them began shining. In the next movement, without her knowing, she was floating in air, about ten inches from the ground. Circe’s eyes went wide at once. However her loud heartbeat was submerged under the cries of the wolves whose blood stained bodies flew across the abode. Silver jerked her face towards Circe in rage. Circe could notice that her midnight eyes had now turned a shade of white, perhaps silver. She wasn’t the same mortal anymore but she still was mortal.

“How dare you kill him!” Silver yelled and the next moment Circe was floating in front of her. The atoms in her body were following SIlver’s commands and the gravity around her fluctuating each passing breath, she was bound in the air by her strong force, the force of the moon.

“Let me go!” Circe cried as Silver gripped her neck ruthlessly. She somehow managed to wiggle her fingers and she was gone. Carcasses of white and black wolves laid around in the once peaceful cave. Silver fell on the ground on realising that she'd kill living beings.


It hurts. 

I had never thought that pain would be such a strong emotion. I never even imagined that pain could approach me with such intensity. I had known that my mother’s death was natural, my father was close to me and losing him at a young age, left me totally immune. Inheritance paid my bills but the way I lived...no! The way I survived made me even more colder. But this incidence. This very specific incidence made me aware that the stone was only my surface and I was more or less still the naive girl in the core who felt declined and yet acted to be perfectly alright.

His body laid cold on the ground in front of me. Hot tears streamed down my ice cold cheeks and landed on his hand which was left centimetres apart from my knee. I sighed and tried to reunite myself but as I said, it hurt. It hurts like hell.

“You have the powers of the moon my child. The moon can be destructive many times. Control your panic. Compose yourself.”

Edymion’s words repeated in my head. I could not let myself break down. I had to pull myself together. I must!

I sighed and stood up. Thoughts about Yuri were haunting me. If Circe knew who I was, the man who tried kidnapping me knew who I was, Yuri could be in danger. Because of me. But I don't understand, why are they all before me? I might be a demi-goddess but what's so huge about it?

Fuck! Why didn't I ask Endymion about the prophecy.

My head throbbed in pain with all the questions swirling around. Maybe I am just imagning the pain. I must calm down. But how am I supposed to calm down when a corpse laid in front of me, stained with blood. I didn't kill him but I feel like a murderer.

Sam died because of me. Why!

I concentrated on my hands, my locket glowed, emitting blue light. My power broke as I stared at the only possesion left of Sam's possesion. Endymion might have sent this but to me it will always remain a gift of my eighteenth birthday. I refocused my vision on him, my fingers itched on control, I raised my hand up and his limp body followed my movements. I could feel the gravity under me struggling to keep me in place, I wanted to soar the air above me. I stood up and the body followed.

I walked out of the cave and towards the flowerbed I had seen earlier, placing his corpse aside and covering it with a few flowers.

“Thank you,” I said under my breath and stood up removing the pair of winged slippers which he used to bring me here. Tears streamed down my face once again. I removed my white flats and placed the golden footwear under my feet.

Where do I go? Home? But where might Yuri be? 

I had a long time thinking about her powers. Then I decided to provide her the powers of the moon as in the effect moon has on earth. It is bound to our gravity and it causes some tidal phenomens....blah blah blah (Shut up Tanya we got this lesson in our science class.)


And you see the dedication above, Aakriti di reviewed Luna. And a part of the review is attached above. She's so good in her job! And you gotta check out her books, she's one heck of a talented person, so much to learn from her.

Thanks all for 780 reads and 217 votes! I am immensely happy to cross a hundred after just one chapter.

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