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"𝓘𝓽 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾..."

𝓓𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝔂 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼 nikethsivani_ -_--CyanIris--_- AakritiPathak iccy1030 Grumpyoldcat ChildOfMercury and all the ones I didn't metion here.

I wandered through the huge castle maze to find the matter of importance. Actually my vision was not clear. I was seeing the repeat telecast of a dream I had last night. Wandering through the foreign halls. I finally ended up in an isolated garden in the west wing of the palace.

It was covered with poppy flowers on the gate but I knew very well that the door won't open in heaven. I stepped inside, a whiff of hypnotizing breeze touching my face. It was very hard to maintain my consciousness in this strong intoxicating environment. I held my breath and walked forward.

"Lord Morpheus," I called out using the last quanta of air left in my lungs. I tripped on my feet and as soon as I was about to fall, a hand grabbed my waist.

"So I am meeting the oracle at last." His white teeth gleamed as he smirked. My mind swept into unconsciousness.

"So why did you wish to meet me girl?" The melodious voice of God of dreams woke me up from my slumber, into the dreamworld.

"M-my lord, I actually wanted a favour."

He raised a delicate eyebrow, his angular face looking breathtaking due to each of his expressions.

"How can I help you?"

"C-could you ask Lord Epialus t-to give Yuri a really horrifying dream."

"Like what?"

I thought for a second.

"Umm... I think that a dream about her seeing Silver die and suffer-."

He raised one hand to silence me. His brows were furrowed together in pain. I could guess the reason very easily. After all, it was me who confirmed their meeting today. She was about to leave when I called her. She needed to stop right there, I hadn't seen myself calling her but that was important.

"You know her?"

"Umm, yeah, I am kinda her paying guest." I fiddled with my fingers in nervousness.

"And who is Yuri?"

"Yuri is her adopted sister."

His face turned thoughtful for a long minute. He closed his eyes. I could guess that he was concentrating very hard on something.

"Why can't I find her?"

"My lord, she doesn't sleep so she doesn't dream." I explained.

"Why not?"

"That's one of the side effects of her reality."

"So is it true then? She's the moon. But why her?"

I chuckled, "It was always her my lord, even before she was your soulmate, she was the moon, the decendant of Goddess Selene."

He gulped hard staring at me. His purple eyes are boring inside my soul.

"You need to hurry."

He nodded and snapped his fingers. I woke up with a start. My mind felt dizzy as I had just had a strong dose of opium. I stood up and started walking where I was needed.


"It's utterly impossible!" The loud voice of Zeus boomed in the manor causing a grumble in nearby clouds. I shivered internally at the door. My heart beat was crossing all speed limits.

"But father she has the symbol!" Lord Apollo's voice was meek but it held authority and pride while talking about me. Why wouldn't he be proud? I had to do a long research to find through folklares that the oracles of Delphi were mysteriously killed. He was frantic at the time because his loyal gifted followers were dying at a fast rate and he could do nothing to save them. After this all, when I suddenly showed up, he was elated that the oracular gift hadn't completely vanished from the human race.

I swallowed the saliva and pushed the large white doors open. The Gods were sitting in the parliament on their beautiful thrones. Zeus and Hera in the middle, followed by Poseidon and Amphitirite on the left and Hades with Persephone on right. The twelve major olympians, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Demetre, Hestia, Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes and Haphestus sat on the upper row while the minor divinities sat lower to them. I stared at the molted floor beneath my feet and they all returned back to their conversation.

"Father why wouldn't you believe that she's the oracle and we have found the moon."

"Shut up Apollo! I don't want to have any discussion with you on this topic. And you," my neck jerked up, breaking a muscle. "Who permitted you to come here!"

I flinched as the loud roar reached my ears. I bit my lower lip in nervousness and anger. In not more than one second, Apollo was in front of me, shielding Zeus' view.

"Get out of my way!"

"She's under my safety father. I would not allow an oracle to be killed under my watch."

I gulped hard, the fear crawling in my chest and the panic attack almost on its way.

Suddenly my eyes clouded and the symbol on my skin began burning. The crawling fear and anxiety went away and the ever-so alien voice spatted out of my mouth.

"Doomed will be the days and doomed will be the nights

When the moon vanishes from the skies

Her movements will decide what her fate is capable of giving

A savior to the immortals or the destructor of her own kind

The daughter of a modern and the decedendant to an ancient

Making her way through minds

Or reciprocating the mistakes of elders' might.

The summer solstice with the full moon will mark the beginning,

Who shall be worth enough to sit up on the throne of the highs.

The sleeping will wake up and the awaken will sleep,

to find the key of their own mysteries.

The oracle will define what is the strategy to pride when the kindest muse sings her broken heart's cry.

The moon will enlight, when the raven eyes re-open,

When trustees betray and enemies unite.

and the clock of life returns the time..."

I fell on the floor as the screen vanished, hyperventilating for air. Lord Apollo bent against me to support my limp frame. I hadn't seen faces of the immortals yet but I could guess they'd be in an utter state of shock. I stood up tall and ran out of the hall, leaving a perplexed Apollo behind. The prophecy is about to begin.


"Lilith!" The toddler sobbed as I hugged her tight against my chest. Her bottom lip was quivering and her heartbeat was sending vibrations against my ribcage. I patted her back lightly but she never stopped crying.

"What was the dream love?" I asked in the calmest voice I could muster. She dug deeper in my chest.

"I-I saw Sil-Silver, d-dead." She stuttered between the words while saying. I could only guess how broken she felt but something else was yet to come.

"It's fine little one, don't worry," Iris said. She was sitting beside her when she woke up, crying and screaming for Silver but the heavenly environment only worsened the situation. I hated to do this but it was needed.

"Yoyo!" Silver's melodious voice rang in the abode as ringing wind chimes. I exhaled deeply. The sobbing little girl turned to the source and her face lit up. I too turned to find the white haired beauty leaning against a pillar for support. Her hair so disheveled due to flying this much and her white turtleneck sweater turned dirty. She still looked beautiful.

"Silver!" Yuri jumped from the bed to run towards her but it was just a matter of seconds that silver extended her arms and her lifeless body fell on the marble. Rich crimson and golden blood gushed out of her wound in the back. The murderer stood expressionless behind her with a shining dagger in his hands, the God of ridicule. Iris' eyes went wide at the scenario she rushed towards the dying human but Momus touched her body and they were gone in a gush of feathers.

The loud scream of the little muse rang throughout heaven as the prophecy of the lost moon began...


"Et tu Brute"
I had grown to love Momus after our long rivalary from the fifth chapter  and now he has betrayed me. I am heart broken.

So so so... What I see is increasing number of reads but not votes. Well I guess I haven't yet reached your admiration for that dear Silent reader. But I want you to know that I appreciate your presence so damn much. It's your choice to vote or not but it would be nice if I somehow knew of your presence, I like dedicating chapters to my readers and you are nowhere in the line of my sight.

Bonding Question: Who do you love the most in this entire world? (Except your parents)


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