41.5 | Continued

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Continued from the last chapter.

She has never hung up like that. So I couldn't help but worry about her. Naturally, I called back but she didn't pick up. I tried again and again but she didn't pick up the phone. 

Acimer had already withdrawn his agent from her so I can't ask him. So I called Flynn hoping he could connect me to his sister. But unfortunately for me, he was of no help at all.

"Happy Happy isn't here. She went to another pack for a meeting."

"Where? Where did she go?" I urged him.

"Whyyyyyyy? Do you miss her? Can't stay away from her??? Are we surprising her??" Flynn starts hypothesizing, his pitch rising as he gets increasingly excited.

Not wanting to break his pure heart or worry him, I agreed, "Yes Flynn. Now can I know the address of where she is staying?"

"I can I can. I will text you as soon as we cut the call. Best of Luck, Your Majesty!!"

"You too take care, Flynn."

True to his word he texted right after I hung up the call. Luckily for me, the hotel she was staying at was only an hour from the capital. If I pull some strings and drive a little over a speed limit I can make that in half an hour. 

I quickly mind-linked Acimer and Huxx to tell them I was away for important work. I mind-linked my head of security too, that I need no checkpoint stopping a black bike. And I made a mad dash to the kitchen to swap some chocolates for some weird reason. I changed into my gear, put on my helmet and got my bike straight out of the parking lot. 

When I said I have never felt 30 mins to be this long, I am not lying. It took me 5 mins to find the hotel. Another 5 to convince the front desk to give me the keys to her room. In the end, I had to rip off the helmet and pull the king card to get access. 

"I hope you keep it a secret that I am here young lady," I warned the front desk. The last thing I needed was for this to become another fuel for the rumour mill. 

When I had her approval, I again placed a binding over her just in case and ran up the 3 floors to her room.

Standing outside her door I knew she was crying. 

"Felix. Open the door."

"Why are you here? I wasn't picking up your call for a reason. Go away." It absolutely pained me to hear her sniffle behind the door. 

I am slowly learning when can I intervene with Felix and when she needs space. And this, this is the textbook example of when I need to intervene. "I am not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, I am coming into the room in the next 30 seconds. So you better ready yourself."

"Nooo. You will not."

"Watch me." 

I used the keycard and unlocked the door. Felix probably wasn't accepting me to come armed with the keycard. So she was shocked for a split moment but recovered and scrambled to the ensuite. However, her delay gave me enough time to make it inside the bathroom before she could close another door. 

She saught refugee inside the glass shower and I firmly stood at the door. I took off the helmet so I could get a better look at her. 

"What happened Felix? If you don't tell me I won't know." I implored her when I got a full look at her. She was dressed in a soft sweater and shorts with two different coloured socks on her feet trying to draw as much comfort from her clothing as she could. Her hair was a tangled mess like she had been impulsively scathing and pulling them in frustration. Her eyes were swollen from the crying she must have been doing. 

"Go away. I don't want to talk to anyone. I will deal with my issues." Her voice came out scratchy. 

As much as I wanted to march up to her and shake her back to senses this wasn't going to work so I tried to rationalize with her. "Hey, I can help with that. You just got to tell me. We are a team right?"

"No. You should leave Your Majesty." There she goes disassociating from me again. 

I tried again, "Felix let's think rationally, right? We-"

"AHHHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" Felix shouted her voice gaining decibles I have never heard it catch. She reached on the back shelf in the shower, grabbed the first bottle she could find and threw it right at the glass door, "I DON'T WANT TO BE RATIONAL," another bottle was thrown, "I DON'T WANT TO THINK," another bottle me the same fate, "I WANT TO BE. JUST BE. EXIST," this time the bottle hit the taps and it triggered the shower button and the water started pouring from the top shower quickly drenching Felix however that did not break her stride.  

"IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK, TELL ME?" She threw the accusation at me as if it were to show me how absurd I was to ask her to be rational. Which in hindsight I was. 

"It's not Felix. It's not. We all deserve peace. Now come out, please. You just had a bad fever, it wouldn't be good to be so drenched."

"NO...........No............no no no. I don't-" A huge sob broke out her lips and she plopped down on the shower floor letting the full force of her anguish consume her. And I didn't waste a single second. I opened the door of the shower, kneeled next to her and tentatively put my hand on her knee as she was hiding her face in her hands I didn't want to startle her. 

But as soon as I had done that she scooted over to me, rested he forehead on my chest and continued to cry. And I let her. I let her cry her heart out. Didn't say anything because she doesn't need my words now. I slowly but steadily pulled her into my lap because excessive kneeling on cold and wet surfaces may do more harm than anything. I switched off the water and braised my back on the glass door not wanting to move her in case it spooked her again. 

I continuously rubbed her back up and down trying to understand how I let her condition to get this point. The signs were all there. I had seen and heard her fatigue. She has mentioned before that momentous reactions hit her with a delay. 

Once her cries had come down to sniffles, I picked her up to leave the shower. "Let's get you out of here, shall we?"

Felix nodded a little still not looking up but I took that as approval. I deposited her on the counter and put one towel around her head and one around myself. 

I called the front desk to send me a pair of clean clothes and Felix changed into her own dry pair. When I came out after changing, she was snuggled in the bed eating the chocolate I brought with me. All the curtains were closed and only the bedside lamp light was on. 

I took all this as my cue to jump under the covers with her. I had just settled in when she once again scooted near me and snuggled, not that I didn't enjoy it. We just simply basked in each other's silent presence.

I switched off the lamp and closed my eyes. 

"I am not sorry," Felix muttered.

Tightening my arms around her and pulling her closer to me, " Didn't ask you to be. Now shut up and sleep."

She snickered and so did I. Probably wondering how immature we are some days. But I know tomorrow morning we will be okay once again. 


I really wanted to turn this into one chapter but I felt like this deserves two parts. So what are we feeling?

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