Chapter 10. The Mark

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I merely stared at Dalton's unfaultered face as I clutched the side of my neck in terror and shock. His face didn't break, showing absolutely no remorse. 

The mark. A bite. And yet, so much more. Us wolf people called it Marking. It only happens when you've found your mate and is like placing a claim on them that they're yours. It's a very touchy subject and matter. Many mated couples actually talk about it, as if assuring each other that they're ready. I wasn't asked, and I felt incredibly violated. 

"Why?" I whispered, feeling myself suddenly overwhelmed with fatigue and confusion. His hard eyes, stony and dark, held no feeling or compassion. 

I wanted to cry. I wanted my mother, my father. I felt sad and helpless, and all I wanted to do was throw a pity party with me being the host. I want to throw a tantrum about how the world was so unfair. And after that? I wanted to keep crying and throwing ear pounding tantrums.

A sudden wave of exhaustion crashed over me, causing my eyes to burn with heaviness.My limbs began to feel limp; numb. Fear coursed through me as I realized I've never felt like this before, this numbing helpless feeling. Horrified, I mustered up the strange small strength that seemed to easily seep outside of me.  Pressing my hands up against his chest, I pushed, already feeling like dropping dead. Sadly, my efforts were beyond pointless for he didn't budge, but just sat there, cradling me as I fought for consciousness (A/N CAN'T SPELL THAT WHOOPS SORRY)

Black dots fought their way into my vision, causing me to go in and out.

"I hate - you," I whispered, and it went dark, and I lost myself in a black swirl of nothingness. 

Dalton's POV**

"I hate - you . . " Carter whispered weakly, her angry eyes rolling to the back of her head. My wolf growled in frustration, hearing those words slip out of her mouth. I sighed, picking her up in my arms and laying her gently on the bed.

Her eyelashes were lightly brushed against her cheek as her head lolled to the side, exposing to me her bloody, bruised marking I'd left on the crook her neck. Her tan skin was silky seeming, along with her brown hair. She was so fiery in person, but seeing her unconscuous due to me, made my bones ache in a certain way.

I growled at myself in anger, rubbing my face. I wasn't supposed to do that to her. I couldn't. The consuquences proved harsh, and now I just opened up to a world where she didn't belong.

[We couldn't have hidden it from her for long. You know she's only a few steps closer to finding everything out.] My wolf suddenly chided. I crossed my arms, already aware of this. Carter was so unaware of the effect she had over me, granted I tried my best to keep my distance from her. 

I can't get attached to her, I've seen what happens when someone like me does. It doesn't end well for either of the two. But now that I've marked her as mine, people will see; the wrong people. They'll come for us, and now because of me, I'm going to have to fight twice as hard to protect this pack...and Carter. 

Carter's POV***

I'm running and someone is chasing me. I don't know who. Twigs branches scrape my face as I run through the forest, looking behind me in fear. I don't stop intentionally but something stops me from running. Falling to the ground, I look up and realize theres a large black matte door in front of me with an upside down red triangle. Getting up, I stare at the door that leaks an eerie aura. Frowning, I reach out for the handle, wanting to see the other side. It creaks open . . .

I bolted up shrieking in fear and panic as my heart race spiked inside my sweating chest. I looked around, trying to gather up my breath. A dream. A freaky dream at that! The triangle symbol. 

I didn't understand why it had been incorporated into my dreams. It was strange. Sure it was on a door handle to one of the locked rooms, but it ended up taking refugee in my nightmare. I took a deep breath.

Getting up, I trek into the bathroom, ridding my mind of my pointless thoughts. I walked to the marble flooring, my feet feeling cold. I looked in the mirror, gasping in fright. I didn't recognize the person in front of me at all! It wasn't even a person. 

A young girl in the mirror had dried blood covering her body, along with dirt, and a ripped out eye socket. She wore a beautiful wedding gown, but blood stains and rips overthrew its beauty - distorting the dress. Suddenly the adrenaline kicked in. I screamed, covering my eyes, and crouching down to the floor in pure fear.

"What, what is it?" A familiar and concerned voice called out. I opened one eye, afraid to look at the mirror. Gavin's worried pale blue eyes stared at me in concern and confusion.

"The mirror-" I said, whispering, peeking up at it slowly. All that was there was my normal reflection. What??

"What happened?" Gavin asked, leaning down to my level. I froze. Was I going crazy? Hallucinating? No, no I couldn't be. I was just tired and stressed. I got up slowly, straightening out.

"I slipped," I told him, taking a deep breath. His eyes scanned me, like I was a menu. I could tell my lie was a little off putting but hey, perhaps I'm not the best liar around.

"Well, are you okay?" He asked, clinging on on the mirror. What was that? It felt asw t eyeso my forearm as if to make sure I wouldn't just fall to the ground in a slump. I nodded, keeping my untrustworthy eyes on the mirror. I was playing tricks on myself for I was just too paranoid over my uncanny dream.

I rubbed my face, down to my neck, wincing.

"What the..?" I trailed off, feeling a buge bruise on the side of my neck.


A sudden rage filled up my being, and it felt like I was seeing red.

"Dalton Valerio! I will fucking kill you!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could with my hand clutching my tender neck.

"Shhhhh! You can't just say that kind of shit around here no matter how pissed you are!" Gavin growled. I balled my hands in a fist.

"He marked me, he didn't even ask! He just . . . just - did it!" I shouted in anger. I couldn't believe him! How dare he?!

"Wait what did you say?" Gavin asked, his eyes gleaming.

"He didn't ask me, oh and not to mention he ended my call with Nat! After that I passed out . .  Oh my God did me and him have sex?!" I began to panic, imagining scenarios in my head.


"Oh my God this is bad, so so bad! I'm too young for that, I can't just go around flinging my clothes off with my mate which I barely even know and I don't even know how old he is - did I tell you that, oh it doesn't matter because apparantly it didn't matter to me, oh my God do you think me and him hooked up - wait if we did why don't I remember-"

"Carter wait-"

"Does that mean he drugged me? Oh my God," I groaned, my heart race picking up as fast it possibly could. I felt myself double over, feeling the urge to barf but nothing happened.

"No Carter! Jesus calm down alright? If you two did have sex, then you'd feel this incredible urge to be next to him. Granted he marked you and you could be feeling that too-"

"Wait what?" I asked, my eyes tearing up.

"Wait, I didn't mean, don't cry!" He waved his hands in defense.

"Am I going to die?" I asked.

"What, no Carter, please just calm down!"

"I am calm!" I suddenly snapped at him, feeling another wave of anger.

[Wait, you're having mood swings. I don't think Dalton took us after we were knocked out.] My wolf chimed in. I took a deep breath, taking in her words.

"You, uh, ok now?" Gavin asked gently, terrified I'd lose it again.

"Dude, I have no idea why I'm having these mood swings. I totally lost my shit there," I said, snapping myself back into reality. What was going on with me? This whole morning has been a mess. First I'm being marked, then I'm having strange nightmares, then I see things that aren't there and now I'm having insane mood swings!

"It's ok." He said shortly.

"Hey, I'm going to go train with Kaz. I gotta get my mind off all this, I'm just stressed out right now."


Gavin's POV***

"What did you do?" I growled, slamming my brother's office door open. Dalton's eyes found mine as he closed a book and placed it on a shelf.

"Care to go in depth?" he replied in a snarky tone.

"To Carter. You marked her, didn't you?"

"I don't think it's any of your business, brother," Dalton replied, waving me off as if I was dirt.

"It is when it involves my future luna-"

"Don't be so black and white Gavin. I know you have a soft spot for what is mine." He said with the raise of his brows.

"Clearly you don't. You marked her. You know what happens when you do that. You of all people," I growled lowly. Dalton didn't get it even after all that happened that one year. 

"Of course I know. Don't chastize me when I've already done so to myself. I know what I did. I don't need you to reprimand me." He said, turning and looking for a different book.

"You know what will happen now."


"And you're ok with that?" 

"I never said that. Even if I wasn't, I have no choice but to accept reality and face what I've done."

"Speaking from experience now?"

"Perhaps," He smirked, still searching for a book.

"It already started, you know that then?" I challenged. Dalton turned to stare at me before he narrowed his eyes.

"She's already starting the effects of your mark. She was bat shit crazy this morning. And who was there to help her? Oh, clearly not you." 

"I'm aware. I'm a busy man."

"That's it? That's all? You took her away from her family? Her friends? Her-"

"I know what I've done and I'm glad I did it. She might as well go bat shit crazy, I don't give a damn Gavin - which is what you seem to be missing in this whole equation!" He suddenly snarled. 

"If you didn't then why'd you mark her?"

"She's like property. My property and no one else can have it." 

I snarled in frustration.

"She will die."

"No she won't," He challenged, forgetting the book case, and turning to face me head on.

"It's happened before."

"I don't need a trip down memory lane Gavin," He growled, his darker and deeper voice beginning to shine through.

"You might as well say goodbye now to her Dalton. Because of what you've done, she'll suffer and never lead the life of a normal girl."

"She was never normal. Fate cursed her as mine. She was mine from before she even existed."

"And soon she'll be no ones." I replied bitterly.


Fight fight fight! I chant like I'm in middle school haha.

Ok so a lot happened in this chapter but alas I must keep it quite short for I'm stressed with school

Why is she hallucinating and having strange mood swings and nightmares? What are Gavin and Dalton talking about "Memory lane"?

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