Chapter 9. The Secrets

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Sorry my last chapter sucks and was wayyy too short. 

I was so tired and I've got writers block but hopefully I'll get over it soon.

Rant at the end of the chapter btw, read if you want, or skip 

not edited.

I opened the door, quickly letting myself in. I didn't hestitate to shut the door behind me quickly. Taking a deep breath, I looked around.

The office was a good size, with a short brown leather couch to my side, including a glass ottomon a foot away, all on top of a rug that covered this part of the carpet room. A couple feet away in the middle of the office was a huge desk with a chair and computer along with scattered papers plastered on said desk. The walls had bookshelves clinging to them with at least 50 on each shelf. Curious, I walked over to his large desk, taking in his overwhelming scent that seemed to cling to every item in here.

I sat down on the chair, looking at his big white Apple computer. Shrugging, I turned it on. I couldn't help but feel as though I had been really invading his personal space. I knew I was but it felt stronger than that. I barely knew much about him other than the fact that he was my mate, and an Alpha of an incredibly strong pack.

It suddenly turned onto a bright screen, but alas it required a password to log in. I frowned, trying numerous things into his keyboard, and none of them being correct. After my 10th attempt, I huffed and leaned back into his chair.

My eyes traveled around the room, searching for something, or rather anything that would seem off and suspicious. There was nothing from what I could see. I sighed, getting up and feeling both relieved and dissapointed. A part of me wanted to know everything I could, and understand how Dalton thought. I wanted to know the secrets. However, another part of me was nervous for what I could've found. There was a reason why he wasn't telling me. That much I had to believe.

I decided it was best to just give up on this little embark but not without me getting something out of it. I walked towards a book case, wandering if he had any good books. My eyes traveled beyond all the boring books that seemed to hold interest for those over 80.

My eyes locked on a specific book. "Dark Lips". The spine of the book, black and matte, had one maroon blood drop printed on it, with the fancy printed Dark Lips intro and the author, Jack Willson. Curious as to why someone like Dalton would have such a book, I picked up it up, and examined the 800 page book.

It was about a female cerial killer who killed male rapists and thugs. She loved  to kill, and feel their blood rush against her skin as she tore them apart with brutality. However on the eve of another killing, she fell in love with someone who had been involved in a mental hospital. The book mindfucked the hell out of a lot people and that's why it's so unknown. Together, the two main characters delve into a strange darkness and madness that no one could understand, and yet their love seemed to overcome everything thrust their way. (A/N I might make this book in the future. Lemme know if yes or no? ;D)

It was my absolute favorite book. I opened it to a random page, surprised when a small picture fluttered to the floor. 

I bent down, keeping the same place in the book with my fingers. I grasped the small photograph, seeing a picture of a woman. I raised an eyebrow. She had ruby red lips, orange hair and a pale complextion. Her smile seemed bright and dazzling. Who and where was she? Perhaps a sibling or loved one?

I opened the book up again, glancing at an underlined section of the book I just came to notice.

"And we spiral, don't we? We spiral into this crazy dark, madness that we knew was unavoidable since we began this," Bella asked, tears streaming down her face. Casper's large hand removed the decadent water droplet off of the blood soaked woman he had grown to love unconditionally. Their eyes locked. Her ice green eyes, and his pale grey eyes. 

"We do. Together," He replied with a locked jaw. A sick smile reproached Bella's face. The sick, crazy, sadistic smile that would normally cause any human to run in fear; the smile he somehow was taught to love more than his own life. 

I frowned, remembering this scene about how the cops were so close to trailing them. My eyes raced from the passage and to the picture of the woman. There had to be a connection. Could she be a mental patient like Casper? I racked my brain for all possibilites and connections between her and the book.

I froze at the sound of foosteps coming up the stairs. Thinking fast, I shoved the picture back into the dark book, stood up and placed back into the book shelf where I had found it.

I raced to the door, quickly opening it and letting myself out followed by a quick and gentle closing of a door.


"Hey, you ok?" Someone snapped me out of my thoughts. My head snapped up from my pasta and turned to see Gavin looking at me with concern etched in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm all good," I replied, forking my saucy red noodles of Italian goodness. 

"Really?" He asked flatly, clearly not believing me. I nodded lightly as I shoved a meatball into my mouth.

"You've been a space cadet ever since yesterday afternoon," He said with a shrug and smile. I frowned, but forced out a small smile.

"I've just been thinking about my family, that's all," I told him. He nodded silently.

"Hey, speaking of which, have you been in contact with any of them lately?" He asked, seeming curious with wide eyes. I stared at him, narrowing my eyes. 

"Funny, I actually can't find my phone anywhere. You seen it? Cracked iphone, blue case?" I asked him, crossing my arms. He gently looked away muttering a nope.

"I want to call my best friend, Nat."

"I don't think that's a wise choice," Gavin replied swiftly, raising his eyebrows. 

"Well I do. And I want to call her. Now." I told him.

"Listen Carter, just hold off on the calling thing ok?" He said quickly before shoving food into his mouth. He was also hiding something. Great, just what I wanted. I felt annoyance bubble through me. I wasn't getting any answers, just more questions.

"I want to call her now, Gavin." I told him slowly, my anger shining through my eyes. 

"Carter please-"

"I don't care what you're about to tell me! Everyone here is keeping secrets, my mate is always gone, you're always gone, Kaz is my trainer yes, but she barely speaks and is nowhere to be found, you guys won't let me go out for runs since the little baby attack, so I'm lonely as hell! The least you could do is allow me one call!" I growled in frustration, slamming my fork onto the plate. He shook his head, with a slight smirk. 

"Jeeze, you're really going to give Dalton a run for his money, aren't you Spitfire?" He asked with a dry chuckle. I took a deep breath, ignoring the nickname.

"Please," I tried one last time. He stared at me for a second longer before shaking his head. 

"Dalton will have my head for this."


Gavin ended up showing me where my phone was, but didn't tell me why it had been hidden from me, which only induced yet more secrets and questions I wanted answered. I couldn't bother to question him right now, for I quickly dialed Nat's number.

"Hello?" Someone picked up.

"Natalie! Oh my God, you picked up! Thank the Lord Jesus!" I cried out, feeling giddy and happy.

"Oh my God, Carter! Where the hell have you been, I've been calling you for days! I was so worried, how are you? Is everything ok, are you ok?" She suddenly blasted out. I laughed, missing my paranoid best friend.

"Nat I miss you so much. Everything is ok I guess," I trailed off, looking at Gavin leaning on the wall clsoe to me. 

"Hey, uh, you mind letting me go to my room. Girl talk," I told him as I held the phone away from my mouth. He rolled his eyes. "5 minutes is  all you get," He replied. I smiled happily before leaving him in his room and running up the two flights of stairs and into my room.

"Who was that?" Nat asked on the phone.

"Dalton's brother and Beta, Gavin. He's pretty chill," I told her.

"Ok, so tell me all that's been going on! I mean, afterall, you're mates with Alpha Dalton Valerio of Moonclaw pack! That's pretty crazy! What's it like?" She asked. 

"Well, it's uh," I struggled to find the words before I sighed, " I hate it here. I want to go home and be with you guys. Dalton's never around, and it's like we're not even mates. I'm so alone here..." I whispered, feeling a wave of sadness.

"Wait, you'd rather be here?" She asked, sounding shocked. "Um, yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked her.

"Well first off you found your mate, and no one told you?" Her  voice rose slightly in concern. Feeling a pit of anxiety hit my stomach, I felt myself begin to worry.

"What's going on-" but suddenly my phone was snatched out of my hands by the devil himself.

Dalton's angry eyes stayed locked on me as he pressed end on Nat.

"Hey!" I shouted, getting up from my bed and reaching for my phone. 

"Who allowed you to make a call, hm?" He asked in a deep voice, sending a tremor down my spine. I glared at his handomsely angry face. 

"It doesn't matter. It matters who didn't and why," I challenged, putting my hands on my hips. He growled before putting my phone in his back jean pocket. 

"You can't do that!" I cried.

"Just did," he grunted.

"What's the big deal? It's one call to my best friend of which whom you just so happily managed to rid me of!" I screamed.

"My mate, my house, my rules," he shrugged heartlessly. 

"No you don't get to say something as stupid as that! You're hiding something from me! Everyone is." I said, feeling tired.

"Don't worry about it," He growled.

"I'm not worried, I'm annoyed. I'm here now, you can't hide things from me, it's not fair," I reasoned. He paused, his eyes staring through me.

"From now on, no more calls. Ever."


"Because I said."


"Care to repeat that?"

"I said . . . no," I growled. Suddenly Dalton's frame was just a hair away from me. I froze in shock. How did he move so fast? His eyes, dark and angry, locked into mine with that familiar ferocity.

I gulped, feeling intimidation.

His eyes scanned me up and down. I closed my eyes shut, taking a deep breath of his earthy scent.

"Carter, you don't understand the situation in which you are currently in. I basically own you. Everything I say, goes. What I expect from you, you will do." He said in a husky tone. I shivered at his dominant side.

"No one owns me," I whispered back. The tension was clear in the room and all I could hear was our mingled breaths and fast heartbeats.

"Really?" He asked slowly, as if daring me to reply. "Really."

In an instant, his head turned to the crook of my neck, sharp teeth elongating through my skin. I closed my eyes, my breath hitching as I felt nothing but pain. I felt a strong electric force pound through my body before a strange numbing euphoria took over.

"D-Dalton, stop," I moaned, leaning my head back. He sucked harder, his canines still implanted in my skin. I felt a wave of both pleasure and exhaustion run through my being, causing me to lightly stumble. His head retracted from me as he held my limp body in his arms. I lightly raised my arm to my neck, feeling a warm substance trickle down my fingers. 

My eyes widened and my body froze in his large and protective arms.

"You marked me."

Hopefully this pays off for the shitty chapter before?

I hope so! ok, so rant time.

I'm just annoyed I suppose with a lot of things. I had a dance for school and it's kinda supposed to be a little slutty and compared to all the crazy kids at my school I'm like  a saint. Like I don't drink, smoke or have sex (which is totally fine if you do, I'm not judging lol) and like I dress totally decent with a long loose shirt and a pencil skirt with norm make up and red lipstick. They thought I was slutty and yeah.

I just got butt hurt and annoyed and the guy I was talking to was at that dance but he screwed me over so like fuck that guy and yeah and he was wandering around my group and I alot but I just danced my lil patootie off with all my friends and acted like he wasn't there. 

I desperately hoped I looked normal or else I would want to cry lol. this guy danced up on me and he's been snapchatting me for a week and then he left me and danced with other girls so oh whale whatevs. but did I dance bad? Idk tbh. Whatevs, lots on my mind lately.

Thanks for reading!

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