Chapter 21. Cure : Body and Mind

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Not edited
Dalton's POV***

We waited silently, a minute slowly ticking by as our guest had yet to arrive. I glanced back at the girls. Kaz and Natalie were talking to Carter, though she seemed to be in and out of sleep. Meanwhile, Gavin and a few others had been patrolling around the cabin and keeping watch.

He barely needed help from me or anyone else, but I still forced him to check in.

A small groan emitted from behind me, a low and pitifully painful sound. Carter clutched the sheets, her eyes shut and teeth grinding. I growled low in my throat. She was in pain, and I was just sitting here.

[You know we can help her.] My wolf growled.  I shook my head. 

[Can't risk it.] I replied.

[We already have.]

Though I'd never admit it, he was right. We were already risking a lot by having her live with us, and now that Vince  was here and his revenge targeted at my mate, she was already at risk. 

"Kaz do a patrol in your human form, take Natalie with you and give her a gun."

She nodded and and tugged the other girl's sleeve. She turned her blonde head of hair at Kaz, then to me with a disgruntled look. With hesitation, she got up and the two went outside. Carter began to thrash in her sleep again, beads of sweat forming at the the top of her forehead. I stood up, and looked around me as if someone could be watching, then made my way to the small bed.

I looked at her as she moved her head side to side in violent jerks every minute or so. She kicked underneath the white sheets and never stayed in one place for long. Her eyes opened just barely as I sat beside her. 

She suddenly stared at me and in her eyes I saw how vulnerable she looked, completely stunning me. I'd never seen her call for help, nor heard her, yet the way she had been gazing at me with those fear stricken green eyes I couldn't mistake for a plea for help.

She squeezed them shut again, and another jerk rippled through her body, making her let out a whisper of a groan. My skin began to crawl at seeing her like this, and I realized I couldn't bare for her to stare at me like she had. I laid on my side, wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her close to me, like she was mine. No, she was mine. Is mine. She fought for a brief second as I pulled her into my body, but soon she melted into the embrace like I'd hoped. Her breathing slowed, and her eyes closed calmly.

She jerk occasionally but not nearly as much. Was this the powerful bond? Just my touch was enough to calm down her body though it was being ravaged by poison. She let out another tiny whimper. I rested my jaw above her head and inhaled her scent. Though it was fading and you could tell she was sick, there was still that faint scent of lime and wet forest. 

"Y-you don't . ." She muttered, but the words were distorted and her throat rasped. I knew what she was going to say.

"Sh, it's going to be okay," I cooed in her ear. She lightly shook her head before resting her eyes once more.

Carter's POV***

I was there, and then I wasn't. One second the world had color, and one second it was all black. The horrific part was I wasn't sure what was even happening or what had been happening. It was as if determining reality from dream seemed nearly impossible.

I clenched my eyes shut, the only thing I could really feel right now. 

I lolled my head to the right, preparing for another wave of pain. It came as I had predicted, doing the same as it had been. My bones felt as though they were being broken and mashed into new positions. My blood was fire, snapping and crackling with anger as it swam through my body, more-so feeling like a torrent. My strength was draining much faster than before and at this point, I was begging for it to be over. 

Nausea crashed over me, but I refused to move knowing that my body would suffer the consequences. Just the slightest movement would allowed for my body to feel more pain, and I wasn't about to let that happen.

After the wave of agony struck, I took a slight breath and relished in the minimal amount of freedom I had before it'd be taken away again.

Small light breaths began to linger on my temple, bringing me back to real life. I nearly jumped, surprised at the contact. I squinted and forced myself to look up. An arm draped around me, and warmth surrounded my being. In an instant, my muscles relaxed, and the torrents in my veins went to small waves.

I knew of only one person who could have this effect on me. 

"Y-you don't..." I trailed off, licking my dry lips. 

"Sh, it's going to be okay." It was very light, and hard to hear.  But he was wrong. Things were never okay. They never seemed to get better as life moved on. After everything was over, and if it ever came to and end who's to say that Dalton wouldn't go back to treating me like dirt?

I couldn't push him away, all I could do was accept what was.

Dalton's POV***

She didn't move after I had spoken and fell into what seemed like a more peaceful slumber than before. 

"He's here." Kaz's voice rang out against the walls, her grey eyes landing on me while I spooned Carter. I nodded and got up but not before Carter's eyes locked on mine as she reached out for my shirt. I held my breath.

"Don't do anything . . . stupid," She muttered, then closed her eyes and let her hand drop onto the bed. 

I left the bed without another word and traveled towards Kaz. 


She opened the door, and let me out with her following behind. Gavin stood in his dark grey wolf, baring his teeth at the man who stood there, hands in his pockets. His familiar glowering orange eyes bore into mine with ferocity. 

"Oh do tell the dog to pipe down, would you Dalton?" Vince cooed, seeming way too calm. 

"Gavin, relax," I ordered out loud. My brother snapped his head to mine, eyes narrowed. He eventually stopped growling, but didn't move from the spot he was in.

"That's better. He always was the loud one, even back in the day," Vince commented, seeming bored.

"But I know we haven't met up just to stroll down memory lane now," He added. I kept my eyes on him, scanning the area. If he brought anyone, I would know and so would Kaz. Yet here he was, alone and vulnerable.  As if sensing I knew, he grinned. 

"Do you have what is promised?" I asked.

"Of course I do. And you?" 

I nodded, Kaz seeming to get the memo. She disappeared behind the cottage for a few seconds before she came out dragging a very beaten Dr. Han. His head flailed as he struggled to keep himself upright by Kaz's handle. 

"I see you've touched my soon to be prisoner," Vince said with a light sigh. 

"It was necessary," I countered. 

"According to you, it's always necessary," He said, his aloofness beginning to wear off.  I growled at him in my throat. 

"Give me my traitor, and in exchange for the cure for your darling mate, I will have that vile of your blood." Kaz's eyes froze on me, and she too seemed just as shocked as Gavin. 

I nodded at her. She hid her opinions behind her solemn eyes, and threw the man on the ground towards Vince. He landed in a pitiful flop, barely even moving. I paid him no mind as he whined and groaned.

Vince bent down and examined the doctor who had infiltrated my sources and nearly killed Carter. I felt disgust travel throughout my body as I realized I had yet again put her in danger. 

After Vince whispered something in Han's ear, he returned his attention to me. 

"The cure," I demanded. As he had promised, he pulled a small vile out from his inner jacket pocket. The liquid was clear as he dangled it in front of me.

"Your blood," He said with expectancy.

I grabbed my own vile from my  pocket, and studied it. Vince's eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree in an instant. Desire and want came off him in waves as I pretended to study my blood in the vile. It was black, of course, representing the strength and bloodline I had inherited from my family.

Kaz came to my side, grabbed the tube, and began to slowly walk towards Vince. He stared at her with awe. Vince had always had a strange lure to Kaz since they were younger. He easily tormented and bullied her when no one was around, and eventually she worked hard enough to finally fight him off of her, showing us the true werewolf she could be. My respect for her only grew from that point.

The two swapped viles.

"I greatly appreciate your transaction, Dalton," Vince cooed as he clutched my vile in his hands. 

I growled a response of acknowledgement.

Vince let out one last grin, before he grew serious. His bright orange eyes narrowed, reminding me of a snake skulking about in the night. 

"I'm sure you know what this entails."

"Of course I do."

"Then perhaps next time when we meet, you won't seem so surprised. Enjoy what I've given you," His eyes traveled down to his shoes, and I knew he was thinking of his mate. "Before I take it away."

With that he grabbed Han by his cuff, and dragged him into the dark forest, leaving behind a series of whimpering and whispers. We all stayed still, making sure he left the territory, which he did.

"Alpha, we should get this into Carter's system," Kaz said. Gavin took off behind the house before returning in a swift manner with clothes on. I nodded, and the three of us ran into the cottage, but stopped short. I grabbed the vile from Kaz, and began to walk over to the motionless girl laying in my bed.

"Carter, we've got it," Gavin said, coming to my side. He sat down on the bed, and gently rubbed her arm. I ignored him. 

She didn't move. 

"Carter, we've got the cure we need you just to sit up - can you do that?" I gently asked, sitting beside her. 

She didn't answer. 

"Alpha Dalton . ." Kaz muttered from afar. "Shut up!" I shouted.

"Carter," I said with volume.  Nothing.

"Carter, dammit open your eyes!" I snapped, and leaned down to her chest, hoping for a heartbeat. Nothing but the sound of my own was all I had heard. 

"No," Gavin whispered, staring in shock at the limp body. 

"Carter, you're not going to die on me, not now!" I growled, pressing my palm over my other hand, and pressing on her chest multiple times. It was like pressing a rag doll over and over again.

"Damn it Carter!" I shouted. Witch each push of my palms, her body thumped deeper into the bed, then bobbed back up. Her face had grown increasingly pale since I'd last seen her, now that I had taken a second to look at her. Her eyes were lightly opened, but seemed to focus on nothing, like the world around her wasn't being seen. 

I began to perform CPR, doing my best to breathe life back into her, but she wouldn't move. My panic was seeping in fast.

"You wake up, you hear me?" I shouted, doing more rounds on her chest. 

Kaz's POV***

I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I don't think of any of knew, or if the brothers even cared.

I stood, my knuckles turning white due to hard on and off clenching. Gavin was just staring over his brother, feeling and looking helpless. Meanwhile, Dalton had refused to give up, which stunned me. He was exhausted, constantly pressing her chest, and blowing all his air into her, but to no avail, she showed absolutely no signs of waking up.

I had sent Natalie on runs to assure the boundary safety. She knew nothing of what was happening right now. 

I continued to look at the girl as Dalton blocked my view. She was chosen to his mate for a reason. She was picked. Surely the gods wouldn't be so cruel as to make her new body as weak as her old? But if so, why did they continue to taunt and dangle this in front of my Alpha's face?

It was inevitable, but this time, I had given myself false hope. I hugged myself, brushing past the knife on my shoulder strap. I gazed at it, and took it from its sheathe. I sucked in a sharp breath.  

"Dalton!" I called. He didn't move. I hastily made my way to his side and shoved him over. 

A ferocious growl echoed off the walls of the cottage.

"This will help her!" I shouted in his face, but he seemed too far gone. Gavin soon stepped in the moment Dalton lunged for me. 

"Let this work," I murmured, and took Carter's arm in mine. I took my knife, dug it into her chest, and dragged it down her arm, a stream of blood following. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Gavin shouted as he held his brother in a choke hold. 

"The vile! Give it to me!"

Dalton took a breath and flung Gavin off him like he weighed nothing. He pulled the vile out of his pocket and gave it to me. Clearly someone had forgotten about their tantrum. 

I started with her chest, and went down to her wrist as I lightly poured in the clear liquid. 

"So it would get into her system faster," Dalton said to no one in particular. I nodded.

"And now?" He asked. 

"Now we wait."

As usual, time began to pass. Slowly. Minutes seemed like hours. And within those hours, a sizzle became a crackle. The two ran to my side as we watched steam flow off in ghostly wisps from her incisions. 

"It's working," I stated, with wide eyes. The two stared at me with the same expression before their attention averted to Carter. 

A shade of light lively pink returned to her cheeks, and her skin faded back into it's normal colour. She lightly parted her lips, and the wispy smoke flitted out of her mouth and into the air as though it had never been in there to begin with. 

I watched as her midsection rose and fell, oxygen restoring her lungs and life returning to her body.

Her green eyes gently opened, and focused upon the wall.

"Carter? How are you feeling?" Dalton asked, his voice incredibly small. She blinked and remained mute for a second or two, causing my stomach to drop. Was it possible we had kept our hopes too high?

"Never better," she mumbled, a light smile twitching at the corners of her lips.

I smiled, a small laugh coming from me. I turned to see Gavin grinning and Dalton staring at her with relief and  something I couldn't name. He seemed like he was doing math in his head, for maybe he was wondering how this plan had worked, considering the ones in the past never had. 

Suddenly, the door was kicked open to reveal Natalie with wide eyes. 

"Oh my God, Carter!" she shrieked, running over to us. 

"You look better, did you get the cure?" Natalie asked with hopeful eyes. I smiled.

"She did. But she needs rest now."

Natalie suddenly broke into a crying mess.


Carter's POV***

 I fell into a peaceful slumber, with zero tremors, shakes or nightmares nipping at my soul. I hadn't felt like this in weeks.

I woke up with the sun shining on my cheeks. I sat up - all on my own - and let out a stretch that resulted in mini dinosaur noises. Holding up my fingers, I looked at them, clenched them and unclenched them. I felt in control again. And there was one last part of me that needed to desperately feel in control.

I threw the covers off me, and stood off the bed. I was standing again! I did a slight twirl and laughed in excitement. I ran to the door - ran! I opened it up on my own, and walked outside, the breeze hitting me hard. Lolling my head back, I closed my eyes and welcomed the sensation that my body had missed so much.

[Let's go]

It was her, my wolf. I'd missed her input so much, and I immediately took off my clothes and forced my bones to shift. As each bone and hair formed, it felt like I was getting a massage and working out the knots. I savored the feeling then noticed I was on four legs instead of two. My giddiness level had raised by a lot if not too much. Had I been human, I'd be jumping around and skipping in the field of snow.

I bounded off in a sprint, the snow kicking up behind me. I outstretched my legs as much as possible with each stride and then bounded off like it was the first time ever being a wolf. I embraced the scenery as I hopped over fallen trees and branches. Everything seemed new to me. The way the birds  sang to one another; the sunlight reflecting off the snow that hugged the bushes; the way each leaf swayed in the direction the wind blew.

After my run, I trotted back to house, still on a high. I found my clothes neatly placed where I'd left them beside the porch, and shifted after assuring myself no one was around. I put on my shirt, and walked into the cottage.

I was taken by surprise as the first thing I walk into his Nat and Gavin's arms.

"Carter you look so good!" Nat shrieked while Gavin smiled and laughed, backing off first. 

"Where'd you go?" Kaz asked, sipping on some tea. 

"For a much needed run," I answered, the smile on my face never faltering. 

"Well Jesus that'd suck some major ass if you'd dropped dead due to exhaustion," Gavin teased with a smirk. I lightly punched his shoulder and laughed.

To my right, I saw Dalton leaning against the wall, and examining me. I would normally shy away and ignore him, but nothing could bring down my happiness. I kept my toothy smile on my face and answered all their questions. Yes, I felt good, better than good. No, I didn't have a headache and no I did not have a scar running from my chest to my hand - which seemed like an odd question but no one really went into depth about it.

I sat down on a wood chair at the table near Kaz.

"I feel so good, like I could run even more if I wanted."

"Absolutely not, you're taking it easy and resting for a few more days if not weeks," Dalton said with a frown. I ignored him and stayed jubilant, for no one could ruin my mood. I was myself again. Mostly anyways, I was sure I had a lot of training to catch up on.

"Could you guys give me and Carter a moment to talk?" Dalton asked. My eyes cut to his in confusion.

"Sure," Nat said, and the others nodded. They all left but not without Nat giving me one last hug.

Dalton and I stood at opposite sides of the room. 

"What's the matter?" I asked him. He rubbed his eyes with one hand and then leaned his head back.

"We need to talk about some things," He said, walking towards me with pace.

"About what?" I questioned. 

"First off, you may have some questions about last night, and I think I'm more than qualified to answer them."

I bit my inner lip. "So, I'm totally cured right? I'd be so disappointed if I passed out in the middle of eating or something only to realize I'm sick again," I said with a disheartened sigh. Man, that'd really blow if that happened. I shivered when I remembered the feeling of my body being torn in two again.

"You're completely healthy."

I let out a sigh of relief, and so did Dalton. Wow, caring? Dalton? Who would've thought?

"How'd you get it? The cure?" I asked, raising a brow and crossing my arms. He put his hands in his pockets and for a second I wondered if he was going to lie to me. 

"It turned out Dr. Han was a rat," He growled when he spoke of this. I too felt horrified. I'd trusted that man and put my faith in him only to have him try and kill me.  "He was apart of Vince's gang."

"Was?" I asked. 


I waited for him to continue. 

"Vince isn't fond of traitors so I made him a deal. The cure for Han."

"And that's it? There's not way someone like Vince would allow for that simple of a trade," I said with confusion. 

Dalton rubbed his fingers through his messy hair, and I really took a good look at him, noticing his great features. I blushed and looked down at my feet. 

"Last night, I saw you dying. You would just . . ." He closed his eyes. "You were begging for it to be over, though not verbally I could just tell by looking at your eyes. Your skin was so pale, you might as well have been a ghost. I thought that was it, again."

"Again?" I asked. 

"I assume you've seen the upside down red triangle symbol around my house?"

"Yes, on a doorknob," I said with a shocked expression.

"It's almost like a birthmark. But it also means so much more. Only my family has the same mark, and the same burden."

"What are you talking about Dalton?" I was beginning to hear warning bells go off in my head. 

He closed his eyes.

"I have been around for a very long time Carter. I have seen things, no one should have to see. And what's worse, I have seen them over and over again."

"I'm still not following."

"1601, we lived in a small home, where our kind ran free with the new country. The Witch Trials hit, and took you by the neck."

"What?" I asked. Was he sick or something?

"1783, we met at gathering for some new movement, I can't remember which one. I met you, loved you, and the next month, you were murdered by a councilmember."

"1835, Brooklyn, we're walking down the street, encounter a werewolf, and you're killed before I can even get to you."

"1912. I boarded the Titanic, you were there of course. I was first class, as were you. But of course, it sank as history tells us. I made it to the boats. You didn't."

I sucked in a sharp breath. He wasn't making sense, but, he also was. I couldn't describe it. How were any of these things possible and why was he telling me this? Was he lying? Why was he making a joke out of this? Then apart of me felt like a missing piece of the puzzle was just placed in it's slot. Why did I feel so confused? Surely this is madness!

"Why are you making up these kinds of stories?" I gaped at him. 

"I wish they were stories, but unfortunately, this is my burden; curse if you will of the Valerio bloodline. I know how it sounds."

"It sounds crazy Dalton," I said with a growl.

"I'm telling the truth!" He seethed, his hands grasping my arms firmly. I gazed at his icy blue eyes that faded to black within an instant, and no humor reflected in them. 

"I-if this is true," I muttered, "Then, why didn't you say anything to me? You're saying I was alive in all these different years . . . and then I-"

"Died, thus following being reborn," He finished for me. Thank God he was holding me up because my legs were like overcooked spaghetti and my good mood had vanished. My reality felt like it was pulled out from under me. "My burden was that through the years, I had to keep meeting you, over, and over again, and fall in love with you," He paused, holding me closer, "over, and over again." My heart began to race like a quarter horse as our breaths mingled in the small space between our lips. "And I watched you die. Over, and over again." He concluded.

"So you tried to push me away, but as usual, we met," I say though I'm breathless and slightly light headed. 

"We did. And I thought that maybe this time if I could just keep my distance, you would live a longer life. Vince knew this, and so did his former mate, Addison."

"Addison?" I pulled back from him, remembering the woman I had found trapped in a picture that hid in a book of his.

"I didn't know the two were mates and neither did they. So when I met her a few years ago, she reminded me a lot of you, and I figured since I hadn't yet seen you nor did I want to after seeing you die each time, that I could at least make things work with Addison."

My blood lightly sizzled at the mention of her name. 

"I'm assuming that didn't go over well with your cousin."

"No, it didn't," He said, a look of disgust crossing his face. "After I had introduced her to him as my girlfriend, they found out they were mates and didn't tell me for a few weeks. I so angry when I had found out. I thought that perhaps Addison would be my new happy ending since I never managed to get one with the past you. I thought she could make my life easier and better by alleviating the pain of never being able to obtain what I had."

My heart went out for Dalton in seconds. The story, true or not, made me feel sad; sad for him. Again if his story was true, then he had been watching me die, each time after meeting me and feeling hopeful and loved again, I just vanished. 

"How is it that you remember these things, and I don't?" I countered. 

"Like I said, my burden. My pack and family line was one of the first to ever walk as both wolf and human. There was a legend about witches creating our kind, and were severely punished by their coven. They took their anger out on the created, and cursed each original pack. That's still a legend, but it's all I have to understand why my bloodline is the way it is . ." He trailed off, and seemed vulnerable.

"Where is Addison now?" I whispered, not sure if I was going to like the answer I was given. 

"Upon finding out the two were promised to each other by a higher power, I was livid. I thought my happy ending was gone, so I decided that if I couldn't have it, then neither could he."

I gasped unknowingly and clasped my hand over my  mouth. "You killed her."

He didn't answer and that was all the validation I needed.  

"Vince was consumed by his anger for me, and I never once blamed him. He left the pack after he realized what I had done. He spent his years training and building up his hate. He never once shifted into his wolf after and ended up almost hating our own kind because of all that it came with when it came to mates. So, he ended up recruiting assassins that were determined to kill werewolves, though he is one himself. It's my fault that this had happened to you. If I hadn't killed Addison, then he wouldn't be seeking out revenge."

I nearly fell to the ground in surprise but managed to stay upright. I was trying my best to absorb everything I had just been told. 

"Do you regret it?" I asked. 

"I regret a lot of things, and one of them would be murdering Addison. There were small details to the story, but in the end I killed her. I took away someone's soulmate Carter."

As I stared at him, I realized he'd been living with this guilt and constant fear in private, refusing to falter in front of his pack. He was so strong, and I found myself admiring him. 

"I believe you." And I wasn't sure why, but I did. I believed everything he was telling me. To me being killed and reborn each century, to him killing his ex lover. His eyes snapped to mine, clearly surprised at my statement.

"Why are you telling me now? Why not later or earlier?"

"It's not a very believable story, so I held off thinking it'd be for the best. But I saw you dying . . again. I thought, here it is, she's dying in front of me again. I couldn't not tell you after that. I know I've been distant Carter, I know it hasn't been easy for you at all. I haven't been helping much with that either." 

My heart lifted, mainly because he was aware of what he had been doing to me by isolating me from all I knew. He was acknowledging what I had been feeling at his house the whole time I was there.  It felt good to know that he paid attention to that.

"I'm sorry," I said.


"I'm sorry. You've been alone in all of this," I whispered, looking down. Now I couldn't help but feel selfish, and for that I felt disgusted by myself.

His grip was firm on my arms again.

"Don't you dare apologize Carter. I'm strong, I can handle myself, but . ."

"I'm strong too! I know you've been alone, and feeling-"

"You don't know-"

"Yes I do, I see it in your eyes and it's okay if you want to deny it in front of me."

He let out a growl, but I didn't move. 

"What do we do now?" I asked. 

"Hell if I know," He said, making me chuckle. 

He glanced at me while I laughed.

"Fuck it."

"Fuck wha-"

But his lips slammed against mine.


This may not be the best chapter but finally omfg ya'll know MWAHAHAH 

what do ya'll think of the plot now? Like or dislike?

Dalton's story is kinda sad now isn't? ): Dalton is my love no one can have him sorry Carter >:)

I'm so happy this chapter is finally written, I was having SUCH bad writer's block till now, I hope you enjoy the long chapter

PLEASE comment and vote! I feel more tempted to write another chapter with more comments and votes! Thank you all for staying patient I love you, hope I write again sooon!!!

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